- Created By haruhisohma11
Postin' for the first time in awhile
I FEEL EPIC!!!! I wented to hot topic yesterday and bought checkered suspenders... I LOOK EPICCCCCCCC!!!!
My mom made me go to church right after, so i was weaaring a ninja turtles tshirt, black skinny jeans, the suspenders, all my bracelets, my batman bracelet, neon green mascara and eyeshadow, black eyeliner, neon green earrings, a cartilage earring, converse, and my chocker.-_- Needless to say i was out of place in church.
Another thing a lot of people don't realize is just how much money i can spend in hot topic.
I could easily spend like a million bucks there. I really wanted to buy the Hetalia shirt they had there,but they only had one and it was a 2XL... I'm a small-medium...
But they also had a Blood on the Dance Floor shirt i wanted, and a Black Veil Brides shirt i wanted. I wanted to get a bunch of bracelets too, but i only had so much money and my friends said i should get the suspenders. Then we were creepers. We went around the stores that my boyfriend usually shops at( he's a little preppy, so it was weird for me) and i got a little lost... Yea, that's just me though- i can go into any hot topic or spencer's and know my way around immediately- but if you put me in hollister-i'm instantly lost...
Why I love you Hetalia
I love you Hetalia!!!! OMG these are the top 20 reasons why I love you Hetalia:
1. You make History fun
2. You make it possible to be happy in History class
3. You brought my History grade up
4. You make everyone interested in Geometry (if you know what I mean)
5. Your teacher can tell you to draw America, and you can draw his face without shame
6. Because you are educational, my Mom lets me get away with watching you when I should be doing my homework
7. You're freaking hilarious
8. You are as straight as a circle, because you are the world!!!
9. You make me actually want to look at a map
10. I end up looking up countries I don't usually care about at all
11. You are not blocked on the school wi-fi for some reason
12. If I watch some parts, I can get a nosebleed and have to go through the trouble of explaining it to my Mom
13. My Mom always walks in at just the right moment, when that really awkward part comes on, and I have to explain
14. You make me squeal and laugh on a daily basis
15. I can understand what's going on without looking it up on Google
16. I can get you on Netflix
17. You make devianart and tasteofawesome worth going to
18. You make me laugh so hard I'm crying
19. You give a face to the countries, so I can focus on just one person and not have to be all confused when they're talking about a country in life
20. Japan, Italy, Latvia, Germany, England, Sealand, France, Holy Rome, Grandpa Rome, America, Russia, Prussia, China, Romano, Austria,- I love them all!!! There is no reason to keep on naming my favorite characters!!!
And that would be why!!! There is no best reason, cuz they're all good. There are a lot of other reasons why I love you Hetalia, but I can't go past 20. I decided to write this only because I was watching Hetalia ALL DAY LONG yesterday... so... Ciao!!!