Let's see, to start...
I live in a cold place
My birthday is September 13
I am 18 years old
Let's list my favorites:
Favorite Types of Music: EVERYTHING!! <3333 (well, the exception is bluegrass... Eck.) Favorite Foods: Spicey Chicken, Anything made of Bread, chocolate Favorie Animes: Axis Powers Hetalia, One Piece, Naruto, Pokemon, Tsubasa, Bleach, FMA, Death Note, Fruba, Kamichama Karin, Spirited Away, and many others.... Fav. Flower: Sunflower Dislikes: Spiders, long rainy days, hot summer days, yoai, yuri, and things I can't think of... Loves: warm cloudy days, butterflies, her friends, her family, wearing uniquie clothing, singning, chillin' out, rockn' out, playing old-school nintendo and wii, pokemon~ <3 Favorite Colors: Silver, White, Cerulean Blue
I take requests and art trades anytime from anyone!
Hey everyone. It’s Blue! I know it’s been many many years and you all have probably left this site for other things, but know that my time spent here is some of the best times I had, and easily the best internet experience at the time.
I mostly wanted to let you all know I’m still around and if you wanted to reconnect, I have a Twitter and Dappervolk account, I would love to see you guys again <3
My Facebook art page is Avianblu Illustration
My Twitter is @Avianblu
My Dappervolk is Kelmiri #1072
I still go by Blue, and would love to swap art and talk! Even rp! I’m desperately trying to find things to do during quarantine and all my fond memories of Gijinka rp came flooding back.
I’ve changed so much, I’m so different than I was in 2007 it’s kind of embarrassing looking through my old posts, lol I’ve grown a lot.
only one person entered my Creatures contest, so Emo Ducky Fairy will receive ANY request she wants (inked and photoshoped) and will recive my last gift for this month!
Anyway, I'm starting over with a BRAND NEW CONTEST!! This time it's for the Fuwa mascots and the Olympic games!!
C'mon guys! Check out the contest on my world "im Blu~Contest World~ and pm me to enter~! :)
whoooo It's ALEX BAND from The Calling!!
(Yesh thatz his name~) Isn't he gorgeous??! And I'm usually the dark-haired type, too~ FWEE I've listening to this band for a while ("Wherever You Will Go" is one of my all time FAV songs and it's by them~) and I just watched thier vid "Fianl Answer" today and now I'm seriously in love with the main vocalist, Alex Band~! (But he married TT^TT)
Enjoy the vid~ He is rly rly ADORABLE in this one~
Dood, the contest ended and there's only ONE entry in! I'll give you guys five more days, but after that I need to give away prizes~~
On a happier note, it's my b-day!! (Sep 13th, yep... That means my next friday the 13th b-day is in 2013 ...o.o...) Yay! I'll b away in he city today with my friends (An hour away, yeah I'm not a city girl lol), so I'll I won't b on all day~
Only three ppl have entered the contest...
ah wells.
Oh, and the first chapter of my book "iNK" is up on my third world.
Hey hey, guys!! Blue has a new friend who need more friends!! Her name is "Lover Dreamer 23"! Her art is rly cool, you should chekc it out and sign her gb~! :)
*can't keep it in* TSUBASA SEASON 2!!!! I can't wait till tuesday!!!! TSUBASA~!~!!!
Kurogane: "Shut up, woman!!"
Fai: "But it's Tsubasa, Kuro-puuu~~!!" *dances with me*
Shoayron/Sakura: *cocks heads*
Mokana: "WHOOO!~!"
Yup yup, Blu has a quiz oh ho ho~ Don't b cweepy, Sakura X3
1. "Do you ever feel alone in a crowded room?" (good song, just wanted to kno if u do)
2. What subject in school is your best?
3. Have you been keeping up with the Olmpics?! Micheal Phelps WHOO!
4. If you could have a pet out of these animals, which would you chose: Duck, Bunna, kitty~?
Cya laters~ Let me know if anything's going on with you guys, I always like to help :)