Blue Screen Of Death

Usually that's a phrase that fills a person with dread right? The infamous blue screen of death. Well I've had my new computer for a year and three months now and I finally got that screen. It was in the process of loading and wham.

Now my first thought was not one of panic since usually you can just hunt for a solution and fix it. I have a laptop so that would be easy to do. So what happens? It shuts itself down and restarts automatically.

I figured why not let it try to boot again since that's what the instructions on the screen said to do. So it loads up and I get this little pop-up that wants to know if I should search for a solution online.

I click on it. Now, here's where I can't help but snerk (and yes I know it can do it again but still). Windows Vista, the system that so many people seem to hate, does so many things automatically and this is one of them.

It found the online solution, installed the patch since it was something to do with my video drivers not booting properly and that was it. Done and finished, and all I did was click once to say go ahead.

Oh and all of this, including the restart, took all of ten minutes. That was by far the least annoying blue screen of death I've ever encountered. Though I haven't encountered one since I switched from ME to XP and then Vista just over three years ago.

I know people like to complain about Windows, but sometimes I think they forget to calculate just how many hours it worked without a problem. It's like that one problem gets magnified and blown up as if that's what you encounter all the time. When in reality it's what... less than one percent?

I'm not including problems people bring on themselves by not properly protecting their computer. That's ignorance on the user's part and not Window's problem.

Anyway, I'm going to go and watch more Monster since I'm about fourteen episodes from the end. It's leaning uncomfortably towards a concept that I'm skeptical about since it's hard to pull it off without screwing things over. I've really enjoyed it so far, so I really hope they can manage to pull it off. It would suck for it to crash and burn at the end.

Oh and I need to get the albums by E.S. Posthumous. Every time one of their songs come up on Pandora… WANT WANT WANT.
