Why am I drinking Mountain Dew this late at night? I have no idea. I blame it on the fact that all the hyperactive, evil, demonic, 5/6 graders who stole all the precious Mountain Dew at lunch so I had to have a nasty Sprite. I haven't had the Dew in a while [mainly because we ran out for a couple of days--I about died] so yeah, I had to drink at least one [cough-okmaybetwo-cough]. But, it's a Friday--I don't have to go to bed until the wee hours of the morning [my actual 'curfew' is 11. Ha. So much ha. I usually end up going 'til midnight...one...two...] so I can drink Mountain Dew at 9 o'clock if I want to.

Besides, I'm eating salty popcorn, I have to have a carbonated beverage or else the popcorn just wouldn't taste right!! [This is what we call skewed logic. But, I digress...] Anyways, I'm really excited that I can eat popcorn. I had braces [gags] for 3 years...4 months...and like 3 days or something like that. I missed popcorn. I've had 'em off for over a year now--but, I always smile when I chew gum, or eat caramel or popcorn or something else like that because I can eat it without thinking it's going to pop a bracket off or kill my braces. All I have to show for 'em is a nice, straight smile. My orthodontist would probably like me a lot more if I actually wore my retainer; but, oh well. Not my problem; my teeth aren't moving back, they're fine. It kind of sucked because my sister, who got them on at the same time as me, got them off more than a year before me. I cried. It was really frustrating. She got popcorn. And I had to wait another year. [sob]

Geez. I'm in a really wierd mood. Why else would I be reliving the horrible years of my middle-school life. Glasses, braces, acne...ugh. I'm glad that I'm over that awkward phase now. Contacts, got 'em off, and thank God for Proactiv. I think middle school is why so many girls have self-esteem issues. I mean, seriously. I look back at my middle school year books and pictures and stuff and I wonder: 'Geez, did I own a mirror?!' That and that one awful hair-dye job that turned bright orange. [cringes] I'm glad I finally got my wonderful dark brown hair back. My friend's first reactions to my orange hair was [and I kid you not]: "You look like Bozo the Clown!" DX

I'm rereading this now--and my goal to not be weird in this post was completely failed. FAIL!!! Fail I say!!
