Because I can be happy too...
- Created By saint pirate
Rave at...
Okay here's the deal. A friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, and myself have been on a major techno binge, more specifically BassHunter. So this morning we[she] came up with the idea that would be so epic that epic would really be an understatment.
The Idea:
Play BassHunter's song DotA at graduation on May 27 when the lights go out and have a bunch of glow braclets and the like.
If you have never heard DotA here it is...
So epic!!!
Papa Saw Farming...
So yeah, basically what it says. I stayed up playing zOMG on Gaia with a few mates of mine. SykoCaster, Exiled Poet, DeathWyrmNexus, Tarot Rune, The Pantomine Puppet, and Odd_One, when Pantomine left. Good times, good time. besides Syko and Exiled being...well...yeah.
Haha! Nah, seriously I love you guys.
So yeah, anyways...back on topic. Papa Saw farming for two hours combo'd with a dose of Sweeney Todd epicness AND doing it with some great people. Nothing better...well almost nothing anyway, but close enough. xP
Now, when the day comes that something beats what is the most epic of all epic I shall NOT Futterwacken...vigorously.
Phonetics ( fone etics) is the study of how words sound.
It's one of the most awesome things that distracts me from doing my English paper( like the O).
Let's say, for example, you say "vampire"
In phonetics you would write it as vayhmphyre.
Let's see if anyone can understand a few words
(if you get the last one you get 10 awesome points!)
Rant #1- Speaking literate
Lyk3 Oh emm Geeee!!! Hw cn any1 undrstnd a dmn thng u r syin whn u tlk lyk3 dis.
Seriously, I think I just died of shock because I just typed that. People, you are a human being. You go to school for what 13? years of your life. You could at least pretend to care what inpression you make on people out in this crazy thing called the world. Am I asking you to use perfect grammar? Hell no! I'm asking/telling you to stop talking like you are a bloody baby..wait, no, babies are smarter than that!
-Capt. Mizzy Sparrow
Because I <3 this man in so many ways...
Because I'm just that much of a "depphead"