Gender:Female(Even though I act like a guy)
Location:Arizona.Its going to be hot as hell this year.
Hobbies:Drawing,being athletic,hanging out with buddies.
Ello! This might take a little bit to get used to,but I think I will Ok,well I pretty much no nothing about layouts or codes or anything sophisticated.BIG WORD!!!xD lol
I am a person who will listen to anyones problem.I put my friends before my self and I am very quite and shy.But not on here ^^" I am open for any conversations you guys have and if you have a problem or just need some advice,come and pm me.
The rules of my site are...
1.Don't be bitch or I will be a bitch right back at cha.
2.Please no chain letters.
3.Do not steel stuff from other people.
4.Have a good time 
ZOMG TODAY WAS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!! Our school's manga club was going on a field trip and it was ama-za-ing!On the bus to the garden,I got my own seat right next to the guy I like and he sat with me the whole time and then he played my Naruto DS game and kept leaning up against me =D lol First we went to a japanese garden called Ro Ho En and the scenery was beautiful and soothing. Especially with the guy you like hanging around you ^///^ At the end,only 8 people were aloud in the gift shop and so me and my friend Chase(vixen fire) and Janrin(guy I like) and it was so much fun!
Next we went to Tokyo Express.It was so good x3 But since Janrin didn't have any money with him I lent him $10 so he could eat lunch.After a couple minuts of argueing he finally accepted ^^ So me,Chase,Janrin, and Marshmello(Tommy) all sat together.And Janrin took a big peace of wasabi off of marshmellos plate and it was so funny xDDD
Finally we went to ASIAN MARKET!!!!!!!!! That place is the best store ever!!! They sell a whole bunch of japanese,chinese,korean etc.... food. And I got chocolate pocky for my friend,dessert pocky,2 bottles of Ramune,and dango =D And I also lent Janrin a couple more bucks and we kept wanting to give me the money and I kept refusing to take it ^^ And he asked my friend Chase "Why is she so stubborn!" And then he started saying stuff in Philopinno(sp?)
Man that was the best day ever!!!
And here is a pic of what he looks like =3

Today was a pretty bad day at school. Well my two best friends are going out (vixen fire,Chase and Renji Abari 13,Josh) and they are always holding eachother and holding hands and it makes me think that I could never get anyone. It seems like they leave me out and I dug my nails into my skin because I was so angery that I even made myself bleed. And for about half the day I was depressed and no one even noticed. And if they asked me whats wrong I usually say "nothing is wrong" and they just say "ok" and leave me alone. I usually never complain like this but I just feel so alone. If I were to die would anyone notice or cry for me?
I'm soooooo sorry for not posting earlier!!!! T.T But the comicon was fricken awesome!!!!! I took tons of pictures of people cosplaying but when we got home my mom accidently deleted ALL our vacation photos! I was so pissed >.>
On a happier note I am now back in school. Hey, at least its better than sitting at home annd being bored all day. But it is kinda fun. And there is SO much drama. Have you guys started school yet? And if so then what are you favorite classes? :D lol
Oh and I just looked at Adam's news stuff and I realized that I got promoted 2 pluses :D lol I am almost a senior!!! xD
Well I guess I will see you guys around ^-^
Well it says it all in the title. I am leaving on Saturday and I am coming back on the 31st. I am going to Cali. because my family are going to the internatinal comic-con!!!!!
And Tite Kubo is going to be there( the author of bleach) and hopefully I am going to ask him why he named the show 'bleach'? lol If they have a computer at the hotel I will definatly go on ^-^
Talk to you gus soon( hopefully)
Ja ne!
Ok.Yesterday(Friday) We had our 8th grade dance.It was really fun.But yet kinda depressing when it came to the slow dances.I found out that my friend Breanna like Cody(the guy I like too) and I know he likes her back.He talks to her,touches her hair,and sits on her lap everyday and I have to watch it.But he kept walking around like a wandering idiot and I was going to go up to him and ask him to dance with Breanna.I knew he wanted to.But then this bitch Chelsea,ask him to dance and he did.That just hurt so much.But he didn't look to happy with Chelsea.
And I got pics of him dancing with Chelsea,him and Kyle,the back of his head(twice) and when he was sitting on Breanna's lap while everyone was sitting on Chase(vixen fire) I hope to get them up soon but soon. But the good thing about it was that I had 4 sodas.I tried to get loopy.xD Last time I had 7 of them with my friend and we where so But I danced with my friends,took pics,and me and vixen fire did this cool and our teachers video tapped it.Sorry for babling so much.See you guys later!