Hello and welcome to InuYasha Fan World! This world basically is all for the new InuYasha: The final chapter series. I'll try to post episodes and small details about each one. This world will be updated with details if any happen or anything else InuYasha related.
- Created By Kikyouchanx
InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen Episode 1 - Naraku's Heart
So watched this over at Zomganime.com. The new episodes of InuYasha actually look half way decent.. The artwork is ALOT better. <3
So, this episode seems to take place when Hakudoshi is around.. I haven't read the manga in a while, so feel free to update me.
Anyhow, here's a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfN5MJMcB4A
Just a quick update about what I have been doing. Feel free to leave thoughts, comments and such.