Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/08 | Reply
That is wise of you to take classes for the ACT. If I was smart, I would have done that; but no, too lazy. Bah. *ahem* I hope you weren’t sick or anything. You’re a very smart person so I’m sure you’ll be caught up in no time at all. I may not know you very well, but that definitely shows.
I know how you feel. Half of my friends are more dedicated to their Worlds, which is fine—‘tis their decision—whatever makes them happy. While I am more comfortable with MyOtaku, the new theOtaku is starting to grow on me. I could never abandon MyO, but I am getting more used to the new site. Your world looks great.
I don’t own a Wii yet. Gomen. ^^; Brawl does look like an awesome game. I look forward to doing battle with you someday! I doubt I’d be much of an opponent, though.
I wish you the best of luck with your Wild ARMs hunt. I had trouble finding some of the older titles, even with WA 4—and that game was made in ’06.
I look forward to your fanart. I'll be sure to check it out when you submit them.
Enigmatic Turk
Red Monkey (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/29/08 | Reply
That is wise of you to take classes for the ACT. If I was smart, I would have done that; but no, too lazy. Bah.
*ahem* I hope you weren’t sick or anything. You’re a very smart person so I’m sure you’ll be caught up in no time at all. I may not know you very well, but that definitely shows.
I know how you feel. Half of my friends are more dedicated to their Worlds, which is fine—‘tis their decision—whatever makes them happy. While I am more comfortable with MyOtaku, the new theOtaku is starting to grow on me. I could never abandon MyO, but I am getting more used to the new site. Your world looks great.
I don’t own a Wii yet. Gomen. ^^; Brawl does look like an awesome game. I look forward to doing battle with you someday! I doubt I’d be much of an opponent, though.
I wish you the best of luck with your Wild ARMs hunt. I had trouble finding some of the older titles, even with WA 4—and that game was made in ’06.
I look forward to your fanart. I'll be sure to check it out when you submit them.
Have fun with Brawl
,and your AP homework!Take Care
Isn't violence against hair a crime, Your Honor?
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/29/08 | Reply
Yeah, I just plain gave up on myO. Then again, I wasn't using it anyways due to my absence.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.