I was talking to my hippie friend today, who wants me on here to call her
moo-fishy, in P.E about what we wanted to do as a profession when we "grow up".
She said author or artist, or muscian, because she play giutar and bass,
(huge string family insrument).
Okay, forgive me, i said, and our conversation goes as follows from her point on;
Me; Thats cool...
Moo-Fishy; Heck yeah it is!
Me; Okay, what i want to do is...author too, and muscian (i play violin),or photographer but as a back up...fire dancer.
Moo-Fishy; What!?
Me; Yeah! That sounds like fun!
Moo-Fishy; *Hand~face* Lovely...
Me; What!?
Is that so bad? firedancing does look like fun.