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Welcome to the World of Jenny~ be prepared for either NOTHING or RANDOM. yeah. good luck~

Like reading? Enjoy Fanfictions? Read mine <3
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*facepalms* not another out of nowhere tag!

-_- at least it isn't epic like the last one...

1. Ready to do this?
Hell yeah. Bring it!

1. Food: Corn Dogs
2. Music: Country
3. Time of day: Night time. -w- yay. sleep
4. Color: *facepalm* blue, red, and magenta
5. Movie: New Moon and Avatar
6. Book: does manga count? Cuz my fav is Bleach.
7. place: TheO and my Room
8. Person: ^o^ Ikuto-kun! X3
9. Ice cream flavor: Panda Paws

1. Are you happy?: Yuss
2. Are you Sad?: Did I not just say I was happy?
3. Are you Hungry?: actually, yes. I am
4. Are you sleepy?: very. *yawns*
5. Are you yearning for something?: maybe. Maybe not. *smirks*

1. Eye Color: Green
2. Hair Color: Brown
3. Age: 15
4. Height: 5’9 or 5’10
5. skin tone: kinda pale
6. Hair Length: short. Almost to the shoulders.

1. Eating: Nothing T^T
2. Drinking: Chocolate Milk
3. Listening to: Crickets chirping outside
4. About to: GO TO BED. X.X
5. Thinking About: Finals, yesterday, stuff, etc. XD
6. Doing: This tag?
7. Reading: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse

I feel that... School should be over now.
My biggest secret is... Going to STAY a secret.
I fear that... The one I like will leave me.
I can't believe.... That I lost my glasses. =_=
No one knows...... Who I really am…



meh... just a random post... im bored lol

*yaaaawns* v.v This Monday is too nice to be in school right now. I'd rather be at home taking a nap then be here.

TO KELSEY: =///= Your status on skype better be changed by the next time I get on!!!

Has anyone seen that 150 question tag going around? HOLY CRAP! THAT THING IS FREAKIN' EPIC!! @.@ I swear, if anyone makes a tag that's longer than that i'm gonna flip over a damn desk!

And.... one last thing for this random post...

Oh Ikuuuutooooo-kuuun. >3
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XD Ahahaha!!! I think I might've found another weapon against Ikuto-kun! Nya-ha~

Cya! *falls asleep in class* -3- zzzzzzzzz....


I swear these tags pop up out of NO WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!! -_- well... here's my 150 answers. 1. Are you ready... for the most epic tag ever? The most epic tag ever...

Read the full post »

Got Bored - Stole This From Hime

-_- aw hell no...

"I am a freaky pimp who loves to be different who killed an orange because I'm gay."

First, make your title " i am a " and then do the questions and tag 15 people when ur done

What color/kind of socks are you wearing?
[] Red = loud
[] Green = stupid
[x] None = freaky
[] Fuzzy = gorgeous
[] Yellow = innocent
[] Purple = a little too happy
[] Black = emo
[] Stripes = funny
[] Gray = skanky
[] Pink = preppy
[] Light blue = sweaty
[] Other = hot
[] White = sexy

What kind of pants are you wearing?
[]Shorts = cutie
[]Skirt/skort = skank
[]Corduroy = faggot homosexual
[]Tight jeans = scene kid
[]Ripped jeans = emo
[]Cammo = cage fighter
[]Jeans = prep
[x]Pajamas = pimp
[]Cargo = clown
[]Sweats = athlete
[]Boxers = brat
[]Booty shorts = female
[]Capris = Gangster
[]Nothing = hoe
[]Dickies = weirdo
[]Bikini bottoms = tiki girl
[]Other = sex addict

What is your natural hair color?
[]Auburn = that every one wants to make out with
[]Blonde = with a broken heart
[]Black = with a sexy smile
[]Dark brown = with a hot boyfriend/girlfriend
[]Red = that likes to have fun
[x]Brown = who loves to be different
[]Dirty blonde= with sexy eyes
[]Bald = with herpes
[]Other = with a nice ass

Pick the month you were born on:
[] 1= who ate
[]2 = who needed
[]3 = who killed
[]4 = who shot
[x]5 = who killed
[]6 = who smoked with
[]7 = who banged
[]8 = who ran shirtless with
[]9 = who got stabbed horribly by
[]10 = who cuddled with
[]11 = who slept with
[]12 = who ran naked with

Pick the day you were born on:
[]01 = the kool-aid man
[]02 = a dog
[]03 = a shoe
[]04 = a toothbrush
[]05 = Santa Claus
[]06 = your dealer
[]07 = Barny the dinosaur
[]08 = a prostitute
[]09 = a porn star
[]10 = a bag of weed
[]11 = a lover
[]12 = a glass of milk
[]13 = a horse
[]14 = a lesbian
[]15 = a stripper
[]16 = a pickle
[]17 = a jew
[]18 = a homo
[x]19 = an orange
[]20 = a dildo
[]21 = a homeless guy
[]22 = a whore
[]23 = my crush
[]24 = an easter egg
[]25 = a jar of honey
[]26 = a condom
[]27 = a bowl of cereal
[]28 = a french fry
[]29 = The Tojan man
[] 30 = Paris Hilton
[]31 = your grandma

Pick the color of the shirt you are wearing
[] White = because I love marijuana
[]Black = because im sexy as hell
[]Pink = Because the lil people told me to
[]Blue = because I have AMAZING boobs
[]Red = because I'm a pimp and your jealous
[]Polka Dots = because I hate my life
[x]Purple = because I'm gay
[]Gray = because I got dared
[]Other = because that's how I roll
[]Green = because I'm good in bed
[]Orange = because I smoke crack
[]Turquoise = because I have a noodle in my nose
[]Brown = because I had to
[]Shirtless = because I've got abs


New OHC Membership Card

Here's my new Membership card! XD I finally got to it! lmao!!

*coughs* >.> I think I have too many hosts... x3 aw well, I love them all!! heehee

*waves* buh-bai for now.