Ah I'm tired. It's only the third week of school and I feel like its been FOREVER. I don't really have time to do anything fun anymore. :[ All I do is go to school and draw. >.< I really like my printmaking class. The professor is so chill. We can practically do whatever we want in class and we don't have to show up until 10 am [class officially starts at 8:40]. My cousin wants to teach me how to edit flash websites. :D yay. And I'm finally getting my 1TB drive. My other external ran out of space. hehe.
I really want a new desktop. My current one is a piece of shiet. I want an iMAC [drools]. A 24" inch is my goal. It's gonna take me a LONG time to be able to save up for that. I also need to save up for Black Friday. D: omg. I am so flat ass broke. It's depressing. X[ FML.
So how's everyone else's life?
LMAO. Love it.
wow. So I haven't really been posting at all. I'm sorry. :[ Towards the end of summer, I was working at the flower shop almost full time and by the time I got home, I would be too tired to do any type of posting. I've been exhausted lately. School started last week. I'm at school M-F till pm D: I like all my classes but its tiring. blehh. I'm taking life drawing again. Its a little funny saying I enjoy drawing naked people for hours but I really do. It's kind of therapeutic. >.O hehe. Also taking Illustration, Intro to digital tools, and printmaking. Illustration isn't too bad. Just a bunch of drawing. :D intro to digital tools is a little boring at the moment, but we'll be learning how to design websites and focusing on visual communication, which I suck at. lol. Printmaking is about the same too since the professor is explaining the basics of the tools and I had already learned it in my senior year when I took screenprinting. so yeah. I was like falling asleep when he was talking. ahha. I'd come home tired and my family expects me to cook dinner too. @_@ what a pain. So I'm like exhausted by the end of the day, everyday. ughh. And on the weekends, I'm working at the flower shop on the weekends. ahhh so busy.
I'll try to post more often >.< I can't guarantee anything though. [sigh]
I got to go. Customers. lol.
hmm well. Last night I went over to the flower shop to help out decorating and stuff. We lost track of time and got our cars locked in a second level parking lot. lol. It's not really that funny but now that I think about it, it was so stupid of me. I had a final the next morning and I didn't have a car to drive. D: So I hitched a ride back home and get a ride back to the parking lot this morning. : ridiculous. I swear, I have such bad luck with my car. The world hates me. WHY?????
So yeah I ended up half an hour late to my last class of the summer. =.= Stupid L.A. traffic. It took us almost an hour to make a trip that would usually take me about 15 minutes. Like I said, the world hates me. So I was all speeding down the freeway at like 80 and turns out we didn't even do anything in class but look for old work to take home. [kills someone] I risked getting a ticket all for nothing. WHY??????
So as soon as I got into class, I left 5 minutes later after a little puppy was playing with my shoe. haha. A classmate brought his littl puppy to class. He was SOOO cute <3 I want a puppy so badly.
So then I went to buy some metal skewers and the lady messed up on the cashier. kehhehe. I bought 15 skewers but I only PAID for 10. LOLERSKATES. That totally made my morning. I didn't feel like telling her cuz I am badass like that. KAHAHHHAAHHAHA. It's not like losing 7 bucks is going to effect their business. [shrug]
yahh. So now I'm waiting for 1:15PM to come. I still have a few hours. :D
I think I'll take a short nap. ^-^
My car door still pisses me off.
The rest of the week is going to be jam packed for me. :D
Tomorrow I need to drive all the way to pasadena to look for metal skewers. haha. They are impossible to find, I swear. D:
Thursday I'm bringing my car in to fix it's ghetto-ness. >:[ About 3 weeks ago, my driver side door stopped responding to the electronic locking system. So now whenever I unlock my car, every door is unlocked except for my driver door. I have to fcking stick my key into the keyhole to unlock my door. D: And then when I get into the car, my door will not lock from the inside either. I have to flip the lock manually. =.= It's such a hassle. And then when I get out of my car my doors wont lock because if one door will not lock, all the doors won't lock. So I have to go back in my car and flip the damn lock so that I can lock all my doors. D: It's driving me crazy. Hopefully they can fix it fast.
Friday I'm going to the beach with a bunch of friends/family. It's been a year since I've been the beach. ^.^ I love the beach so much. So many good times. :D
We're gonna have a big bonfire. yay!
And then Saturday I'm helping at the flower shop's grand opening. :D
yah. That's about it.
Oh yeah. I finally had nothing to do so I drew something KAHAHAHAHAH.
anyways. check it out please ^_^
![External Image](http://i31.tinypic.com/av4db7.jpg)
Hey guys :]
Sorry it took me so long to post again.
I've been distracted lately. A lot of random chores and errands to do.
And of course getting slaved around by my mom. I think it pains her to see me having fun or relaxing so she goes out of her way to make me miserable. My cousin read my palm and told me that my parents didn't take care of me as a child. It's written on my palm. Ironically, it's true. I am the unfavored child out of my siblings. How sad.
Anyways. yeah. This week is my last week of summer school. :D I hate to say it, but I'm gonna miss drawing naked ladies and guys...for the rest of the summer. haha. I'm gonna be taking the advanced course for fall, so more naked people! ^.^
Going to the beach Friday and then Saturday I'm gonna be helping my aunt's flower shop for their grand opening. They said they'd hire me part time. :D Sure as hell beats gong to my mom's factory and sorting out thread. D: no thank you.
I have a feeling my mom is still going to want me miserable and make me go over to her factory for the rest of the summer. =.= I think I'd rather clean the house.
I wish I could've made it to comic con. It looked like so much fun. [sigh] oh well. Maybe in the future.
I am finally caught up to House M.D. :D Can't wait till september. ^_^ I'm almost caught up on Grey's Anatomy also. :]
So. Like, what's up with you guys???? :D