ME TOO!! This is driving me insane! I cant do my school work at home either cause i need my internet!! They were supposed to come like 2 weeks ago, but we all know how reliable people like that are! My mom called them and they were like well take care of it as soon as we can. T_T I hate them. Plus im missing my 25 days of Christmas that i watch every year!! *its internet and cable together*
Eiri Yuki s Lover
YukiFangirlSupreme (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/10/09 | Reply
ME TOO!! This is driving me insane! I cant do my school work at home either cause i need my internet!! They were supposed to come like 2 weeks ago, but we all know how reliable people like that are! My mom called them and they were like well take care of it as soon as we can. T_T I hate them. Plus im missing my 25 days of Christmas that i watch every year!! *its internet and cable together*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 12/09/09 | Reply
aw! i hope you get ur internet back soon Eiri!!