hey whats up. um i realy dont know whats going to happen in this world. no matter what please bear with me. my name is esther. not going to tell u my age cuz that would mean i would have to come here on my birthday(july 12) and modify. i'm the oldest of five...a twin. i will tell you that i love anime, manga, reading, writing, and reading a butt load of slash and yaoi. by the way you no how some people have really big butts? thats a butt load to me.

i am usually descriped as funny, caring, crazy as heck, sweet, beautiful, and always reading.i swear. there was one a forward that got sent to a buch of stuff like that about me...really sweet...and creepy. by the way i'm not saying that to gloat or anything. i love it when people commment.
i write faniction sometimes and hand it out to friends to give me their honest opinions be it "it sucks" or "amazing" i usually dont post it but maby some day i will.

i will try to update as much as possible. and i mean on this world cuz i cant figure out how to but my art on this website useing a scanner or whatever. hopefully technology and i will one day come to an agreement like i did with this computer. it doesnt let me down i dont let it go to waste. really when my siblings come on the play games and use a lot of facebook and myspace. nothing agianst you i just dont like it you've probably noticed i like rambling so i'm going to warn you do it it alot..... soi think thats it. anytime i have something to say i will post or something.bye.


Today is a great day for me.I finally finished reading all of the xkcd comics(so far) and it only took me....a month....If your wondering what i'm talkiing about im talking about some of they best online web comic EVER!!!! why else would i spend a month stuck to a computer screen looking at stick figures?

At first i was a little wary about reading this. but then i thought of how my friend had basiclly locked me in my room until i read 10 of them(shes crazy, i know)but anyway,when i finally finished the required reading for somereason i got the urge to read more.my addiction has started.

while reading i relised something...this fit in with my type of humor exactly.
no i am telling you this...you should check this place out people(or empty space, i really dont know if anyone reads this)dont think that ust because the comic doesnt look appealing doesn't mean it isn't. trust me.

Here is the link
