I feel you, girl. I was homeschooled who then went to public school who then due to complications..family ones actually..would not be able to graduate for a couple years. So I have to take the GED in february, it's actually called the HiSET now where I am. It sucks, but what the hey. Good luck!
grand baham
Grand Otaku*** | Posted 12/01/14 | Reply
im happy things are going well for you
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/01/14 | Reply
I'm on a bit of a writers block lol ;)
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/30/14 | Reply
I feel you, girl. I was homeschooled who then went to public school who then due to complications..family ones actually..would not be able to graduate for a couple years. So I have to take the GED in february, it's actually called the HiSET now where I am. It sucks, but what the hey. Good luck!