Name: AnimeAngel993
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Hobbies: Writing poems,Playing flute and tenor saxophone, and Singing
Instruments that I play: Tenor Saxophone and Flute
Orientation: Bisexual
Stasis: Single
Birthday: 6/30/93
Favorite song: Dark Blue- Jack's Mannequin
Current wishes: to cosplay, to be a good example as a Junior, to be a better person, to go to Japan, To learn Japanese, to be happy :), to be a singer.
Sex: Female

I want to be able to smile,
Without trying.
Without crying.
Without regretting.
Without stopping.
Without a song.
Knowing that tomorrow will be better.
And move on,
If it’s not.
Without reasoning.
Without hurting.
Without being listened to.
Without protecting.
Without caring who will read it.

Well then, haven't done this in a while :)

Hello theO! I literally haven't posted here in....yesh I don't even know how long it's been. ha ha, sorry. I have been posting on myO every once and a while though :P Just to keep true to the roots, you know? lol

Well, life's been kinda sucky recently. It seems like everything is changing around me... or rather I'm changing and redefining myself. It's so much harder than I ever imagined... To really change you have to let go of everything you know about yourself and start new, but that creates a sense of being lost and helpless. (though finding yourself gives you power, so it's worth it)
Still though... :/ I don't even know what I'm doing anymore...
But that's okay, why do I need to know, right?
I have my whole life to figure it out ^_^


How are you fellow theO users???


Love Advice?

Anybody have questions or need advice about love and relationships?
Send me a message.
I plan to make a video answering them,
I won't say it was your question, but I'll answer it as best I can.

Before anyone gets all angry, I already know I probably should be the last one to give out advice on this topic. But helping others through their problems makes me realized the flaws in mine.

what do you have to lose right?

If you were wondering...

why I haven't online much anymore (or even noticed)
It's because band camp has started.
From 8am to 9pm...
God it's difficult,
especially because I'm marching with the Tenor Sax for the first time.
I marched with flute last year so I have to re-learn everything this year -_-

I guess that's it.

Oh wait,
one more thing.
Reba and I are sort of fighting...
Honestly I'm thinking that I should leave her...
but I don't know..

1) How have you been?
2) anything new?
3) Favorite color?
-My Answers
1) Good but tiering
2) I meant a New girl I might end up dating
3) Blue

-pic of the day
