Oh yes, ChibiMarco subbed me and I didn't realize it was her. X3 I sub back everyone, so I didn't check to see who I was subbing.
Ooh, I think it would be good to move in with someone with a studio. That way, you can record whenever and learn from the experience. Save money from making your own studio!
Ugh cramps. As a girl, cramps can be the worst. Cramps makes me just want to stay in one spot aka the bathroom forever.
I'll look into what I was talking about... Unless you've already done so?
First off, A13 is back! She is now ChibiMarco. I'm infinately relieved that she is OK.
Yes, I have tried soba. I like udon more, though.
BGM = background music, right?
Lemme put Eureka 7 on my ever-growing list.
Yes, I would consider moving. I have a cousin in another state who has a little recording studio. I'd consider moving there since making an album takes such a long time, and my cousin most likely knows what he's doing moreso that I would.
Yeah, Crohn's is a pain. Literally. It wasn't so much the digestive issues as the cramping that got to me.
Oh, great. I forget which FMA scene I was talking about. I have such a weird memory.
I'll have to look into the downloading thing. I use Chrome, though.
Thanks for listening and commenting!
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
I love udon too! Have you tried soba? YUMS.
IDK anything 'bout heartbreak but it's good you have learned something from it! Your dream isn't silly at all; no dream is worth something to laugh at. Not really into rap too; but I listen to GooGoo Dolls too (not all the songs)!
I've listened to your tracks and I like the bgm(?) and kudos for being able to write songs! Ooh, I want to hear those covers. Don't know anything about music but it's pretty cool to hear you talk about it. Yeah, I don't think anyone wants to be those one-hit wonders. Just keep working hard and I'm sure something will happen. I learned a lot about Bon Jovi today x3.
YEAHHH FMA! If you don't like mecha, you should watch Eureka 7. Not really into mecha, but i really liked that show.
No one likes Nickelback. ;3;
If you tried Adventure Time but don’t like it, you should try Bravest Warriors on youtube. I like BW a lot more than AT.
i think it was very brave of you to admit your disorder, although you felt uncomfortable to say it.
A13..! i hope she’s well too. i’m not sure why she left, but she is definitely missed.
Speaking of Cali, would you consider moving there for your music career?
Ah, I’ve heard of Crohn’s. A classmate did a video on it and made me amazed how often people have to go to the toilet. It seems like it would be so troublesome to have.
I LOVED FMA 1st series. I thought it was an interesting what BONES did with the story. What Greed scene were you talking about? I think I know…
BTW, there is a way to download from tumblr. I remember downloading a plug-in(?) or something for firefox, I think, and i was able to download from tumblr.
I got my first remote fan! Cool. Mission accomplished.
The answer to your question is simple: nobody knows about my music. OK, so that's exaggerating, but it's true that I'm just beginning to establish a fan base. I don't really have much of a marketing strategy. And I JUST got a hard copy of my recordings last Friday. So that contributes as well.
I have no idea how you'd download the songs. I'm not sure if Tumblr has an option for that. I could email you the mp3 files, but I doubt you want to give out your email. Then again, they might be too big for email. I'll figure something out.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Howareyounotsuperfamousandalreadygettingattackedbypaparazzi?! LIKE SERIOUSLY!! I LOVED HEARING YOUR SONGS! AND THEY WERE FULL-BLOWN TRACKS! LIKE, HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!
Is there, like, a way to download those off your tumblr? I wanna brag to all my friends how I know this super cool awesome lady over the internet who made a two-track CD that they absolutely HAVE to listen to. And then I will show them the pure awesomeness that is your music.
AT isn't bad so much as annoying sometimes. I do... I just couldn't help noticing a... how do I word it? Like a... maybe I should stop now... I feel bad for mentioning it... *slaps self*
Ahh, Ed's dislike for milk... good times *reminisces*
alskdslngs that was the Jigglypuff Song? I haven't heard it in so long I couldn't tell! Sorry!
You should be more asstertive assertive!
*pats u* I believe it is.
I don't think I remember what happened to him... maybe I should skim that part of the anime.
*shudders* Totally agree with you.
Woo hoo! And I tried so hard lol
XD Now I have it stuck in my head! alrksgnds look what you did!
OH. I was just guessing there.
I didn't either, so it's fine. Or should I say thank you for having the patience to reply to my randomness?
Wow. That's a lot of comments. Well, might as well answer them.
I have gained weight since I made that video.
I was surprised how clear it was, too. It didn't even pick up my singing neighbor at the end.
You can rhyme anytime! *Shot.*
Yes, I shall watch FMAB. *Puts on determined face.* The DVDs will be mine! In the mean time, my brother bought me the soundtrack. I squeed when he gave it to me.
Does "no... just... no" mean that Adventure Time is bad?
I'm glad that I enlightened you about the Apatosaurus. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I spelled "Apatosaurus" right. You do know that Asperger's isn't about speech impediments, right? I do stutter a bit, but I edited out as many of them as I could. I do realize that I got a little tongue-tied when I recorded my video.
Yeah, isn't running water cool? Or hot, depending on which knob you turn.
I think of cilantro similarly to how Ed thinks of milk. Actually, yes, I am.
Hey, you asked that question with the risk of my answer being that very question.
You've never heard the Jigglypuff Song? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?
Yes, I was a cute little girl, if I do say so myself.
On the bright side, I didn't BREAK the rib. But it still hurt to breathe.
Teaching arts and crafts would be a lot more adorable if the kids actually LISTENED to me instead of trying to escape from the classroom. I'm not THAT bad. Am I?
I was a very sickly person. At least that's hopefully behind me.
Oh, the things one can do with soap...
I wouldn't say that I didn't like the original FMA anime, but it was kind of a disappointment. If you're wondering about what part turned my stomach upside-down, it was Scar's fate.
I meant the Father scene, but Al regaining his memories was an awesome scene, too.
Yes! You DID spell that right. *Gives an award.* Don't feel bad if you can't pronounce the names of the "Rebels" cast. I don't even think I can say "ouroboros" right. So there.
The thing at the end was more Jigglypuff.
I honestly can't remember the name of that one anime. The title you suggested doesn't ring any bells. Actually, I think they just called it "Lunch Break" because they aired it at noon (11 Central).
I know I didn't reply to ALL of your comments, but I think I covered most of them. Thanks for being the first person to comment on my meme.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
You are not a chubby mcgee... so don't feel so bad, okay?
Your voice is really clear and there isn't a lot of background noise, so that's awesome!
Cameraderie, yo!
YESS!!! FMA all the way! We can fangirl all day! :) *shot for rhyming*
Okies on Death Note over FMAB... yet you SHALL watch it!
Adventure Time? No... just... no.
I could've gone my whole life without knowing the story about the Brontosaurus... but it would've been a depressing life.
Adventure is kinda smelly...
Huh... I wouldn't expect you to be someone with Asperger's. Not to be mean or anything, but I did notice a slight speech impediment when I listened to "Fell in Love with a Rock Star" *shot for pointing it out* but I must say, you have no such impediment now and speak 100% clearly.
Yeah, running water! <3
Getting technical with that cilantro, huh, Keba?
Travel roll of toilet paper?! OOH ISRAEL!! You aren't Jewish, are you?
Of COURSE your least favorite question would be the question where I ask what's your least favorite question...
Grammar Police badge, go!
XD What song was that?!
Haha 'dor' what a cute little girl you were!
Bruised a rib? Ouch.
OHMAIGOSH you teach arts and crafts?! That is so adorable, I don't even know how to explain how adorable that is! And data entering... sho shmart!
Ack, you poor thing :( acid reflux and Crohn's and surgery and yucky pill combinations with hot water and... yuck.
Soap?! oh my glob wow...
XD Your brother was correct about the anime but thank God he wasn't wrong about the manga... or you wouldn't be the FMA fangirl you are today! but really, Potter hate?
LULZ you mean the Father scene or the blood seal/memory recall scene?
Hearing you pronounce the Aadauroti (did I spell that right?) names was hilarious and enlightening (I say pretty much all of their names incorrectly lol).
*throws confidence confetti at you*
NOOO FINAL QUESTION!!!! *sob* It was so fun... and what was that at the end?
Edit: That anime you mentioned that you couldn't remember the name of, it wasn't (Spellbound! The Magical Princess) Lilpri, was it?
Last edited by elricbrothersfan at 8:47:12 PM EDT on August 28, 2013.
I think you should fix the song to be the best that it can be so you don't regret it and be proud of it c:
Vocals would be cool but it really depends on you
Lol I think I'd much rather hear the dog barking ^^"
And don't worry too much about the quality, it might sound better to us then you think! Nothing beats hearing it in person, but we don't know the difference here online so it should be fine! :D I'm excited for this!
Shrill bark. Definitely shrill bark. I can handle dogs (I've got two), but your neighbor might scare me off while I'm listening to your voice meme.
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't sound like crud! If you're that unhappy with it, you could always post your answers first and then post the song separately. And vocals would be lovely!
Here is my own answers to my questions I asked you. Sorry for taking so long to answer them.
1. When did you start drawing?
I started drawing when I was young. I don't remember specifically when I started drawing. Earliest I can remember is kindergarten.
2. What is your favorite anime?
My favorite animes are Yu-Gi-Oh original series,Gx,5D's,Kaleido Star,Macross Frontier,Shugo Chara
3. Have you gone on a fun vacation/vacations?
The only fun vacation I went on was to Disney World with my dad and Luke. I was happy when I met Belle for the first time. I'm still a little kid at heart.
4. What do you think of me?
I think you are a very sweet person Keba,and you're a dear friend to me here on the.
5. What's your favorite musical instrument?
I love the violin and the sound of guitars/electric guitars. My dad played the guitar when I was young. One of the only times my dad was halfway human...
6. Your favorite movie and/or TV show?
I Mostly like Supernatural and Once Upon a time. Too many movies to name right now.
7. Corny I know but what's your favorite color?
I like blue but I love purple,I like the whole rainbow.
8. Favorite style of art/drawing?
Anime,landscape,traditional,sometimes digital..
9. What type of music do you like?
Country and J-Pop mostly
10. What do you look for in a friend?
I look for an honest friend who I can trust with my life and who has my back and I have theirs.
11. What kind of food do you like?
I love pasta and I enjoy the occasional salad and steak...I like different types of food honestly...
I answered my own questions which was hard for me.
Hopefully i'm doing this right. It's my first time participating in a meme ^^
Sorry if my answers too long >_<
1) Do you have a job?
-yeah, I currently work at my school's library as a librarian assistance :)
Most of the time at work I am on the O, I am drawing or doing my homework :)
2) Weirdest combination of food that you've eaten.
-spagetti noodles, pumkin pie filling, mash potatoes and ranch dressing. Yeah you know how food touches on a plate, yeah that's kinda what happened for me on my thanksgiving plate. I don't like to waste so I ate it. The ranch totally threw the flavors off.
3) One of the things that people do that you think are awkward.
-I think that it's awkward when people think it's okay to talk inthe bathroom. This happens many times when i walk into the girls backroom. It's always the girls who haven't seen each other for awhile and wanted to catch up. It's awkward enough that the bathroom is small so the whole time I'd be saying "excuse me", "excuse me" and I'd feel like a rude person for disrupting their conversation. Also it's awkward when i have to flush because i'd be drowning the words that they said and then they'd have to repeat it again...geez why do ppl do this. If i need to talk I'll just tell the other person to have the conversation outside...
4) Ever have any one fell for your prank twice?
- Yes, one of my friends is very gullible. One time she called my home phone and I pretended to be the voice mail and so she hanged up and I had to call her back. Then one time she called one of our other friends and I answered while pretending to be an angry foreign lady yelling at her and stuff for calling the wrong number. She apologized and hung up. So i had to call her back ^^
5) How did you know about FMA?
-one of my cousins watched it one night and told me "it was the bomb!" So my sis and I had to try it out ^^
Ok here goes.
1.When did you start drawing?
2.What is your favorite anime?
3.How did you find theOtaku?
4.What do you think of me?
5.What really annoys you?
6.Your favorite movie and/or TV show?
7.Corny I know but what's your favorite color?
8.How did you think of your username?
9.Favorite style of art/drawing?
10.What type of music do you like?
11.What do you look for in a friend?
12.What kind of food do you like?
That's all the questions I can think of for the moment. If I think of anymore,I'll add them. Hope these are ok I need to do a voice meme.
1. When did you discover anime?
2. Can I come over? :D
3. Would you ever give someone the Rejection Hotline number?
4. Can you list all of the things Timmy Turner turns Vicky into in the Fairly Oddparent's theme song?
5. What annoys you the most?
6. Have you ever had to reject someone?
7. Are you really tall?
8. Would you please sing us a song?
9. Have you ever woken up, like, 5 minutes before you needed to? (Ugh. Hate that.)
Finally got a chance to come up with some questions (and make sure they weren't duplicates).
1. One item you can't live without? (Probably my glasses... I could do without everything else, but I absolutely have to be able to see. How else do you expect me to nab that deer with my homemade bow and arrow?)
2. Favorite vacation spot? (Myrtle Beach - the one real vacation I've ever had)
3. Least favorite food? (Brussels sprouts... avoid them like the plague)
4. Best and worst birthday presents? (Best=my dog, worst=a pair of socks. Not kidding about the socks.)
5. If you could time travel, when would you go and why? (Most likely gonna mess up the wording... but 30. Not like 30 AD, but 30 as in part of the 33 years between BC and AD when Christ was alive. That would be the most amazing thing, to see Him alive.)
6. Favorite catchphrase? (Booyah!)
7. What color are your eyes? (Almost sure you've mentioned this somewhere... anyways, mine usually tend to change between brown and hazel.)
8. Least favorite question, either out of mine or out of all the questions you were asked? (#1... so cliche, but I just had to ask.)
How do you stay healthy?
Who would you like to switch lives with, fictional or not?
Your favorite song to play?
Hardest song to learn?
Why did you pick guitar?
How did you come up with your username?
What would you change your username to?
What anime/manga do you like?
Anything you wish to improve on, art-related?
Your first anime?
Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
Do you like snow?
What is the strangest food you ever eaten?
Help me figure out your guilty pleasure.
What non-anime shows do you watch?
What fun fact do you know that others may not?
What is it you want to buy but can't?
Favorite video/comedian?
What is something people don't know about you?
What creeps you out?
How do you conquer life?
A voice meme is when you ask me questions and I record my voice to answer the questions. Then I upload the file in which I recorded my voice and post a link. If you do a search on theO for "voice meme" or "voice", you'll get some results for World posts where people have done previous voice memes.
Did I explain that alright?
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Two things:
1. I don't know what you mean when you say voice meme.
2. I'd love to ask (and answer) a few questions, but you'll have to explain a little more (please) so I do it right.
OOOO I LOVE THIS SET UP!!! Lol Sometimes I'm actually dying to answer my own questions to people too, just for fun xD and I like that now you won't have to worry about awkward questions!
Ok here I go :D
1. YES Can you Please play us a song on your guitar!?! I love guitar, I wish I could learn how to play one too >3<
2. How long have you been into anime/manga? Me, 1 year xD
3. Do you have an awesome dream? I'd like to write a manga for fun someday, become a dog whisperer xD and be able to volunteer at this amazing camp that I just attended :D
4. Have you been in love? Last time someone asked me this, I said no... but maybe I have? I never say anything about it to the guy so usually I just ride out the emotion... but I guess that can still be a form of love? lol idk!
5. Favourite food? Pizza is mine!! I love muffins too yumyum :D
6. Where do you want to be this very moment? (it can be a place or with someone or a certain land, ect) I wanna go back to camp!!! 8D
7. What does being an Otaku mean to you? Read my answer before or after you answer if you want! For me, I think its a state of mind where I'm on a focused creativity level (especially with anime/manga) while I'm also alone in life and don't always have the greatest opportunities to showcase anything except here on theO, where Otakus are united xD I also feel like its a hobby that I have to stand up for, seeing other people try to shoot me down. So it means a lot to me as it keeps me believing and doing my best :DI'm not a philosopher
I hope these questions will give you lots of fun :D can't wait for your meme, Keba!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/15/14 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I meant an extension. & I used TumTaster for Chrome. It should definitely help download mp3 from tumblr.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/14 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
No, I haven't looked into what you were talking about. Actually, I'm not completely sure what you were referring to.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/14 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Haha, well, it was an 1 hour meme. X3
Oh yes, ChibiMarco subbed me and I didn't realize it was her. X3 I sub back everyone, so I didn't check to see who I was subbing.
Ooh, I think it would be good to move in with someone with a studio. That way, you can record whenever and learn from the experience. Save money from making your own studio!
Ugh cramps. As a girl, cramps can be the worst. Cramps makes me just want to stay in one spot aka the bathroom forever.
I'll look into what I was talking about... Unless you've already done so?
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/25/13 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
Whoa, so much to say.
First off, A13 is back! She is now ChibiMarco. I'm infinately relieved that she is OK.
Yes, I have tried soba. I like udon more, though.
BGM = background music, right?
Lemme put Eureka 7 on my ever-growing list.
Yes, I would consider moving. I have a cousin in another state who has a little recording studio. I'd consider moving there since making an album takes such a long time, and my cousin most likely knows what he's doing moreso that I would.
Yeah, Crohn's is a pain. Literally. It wasn't so much the digestive issues as the cramping that got to me.
Oh, great. I forget which FMA scene I was talking about. I have such a weird memory.
I'll have to look into the downloading thing. I use Chrome, though.
Thanks for listening and commenting!
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/24/13 | Reply
finally I'm listening to it..!
I love udon too! Have you tried soba? YUMS.
IDK anything 'bout heartbreak but it's good you have learned something from it! Your dream isn't silly at all; no dream is worth something to laugh at. Not really into rap too; but I listen to GooGoo Dolls too (not all the songs)!
I've listened to your tracks and I like the bgm(?) and kudos for being able to write songs! Ooh, I want to hear those covers. Don't know anything about music but it's pretty cool to hear you talk about it. Yeah, I don't think anyone wants to be those one-hit wonders. Just keep working hard and I'm sure something will happen. I learned a lot about Bon Jovi today x3.
YEAHHH FMA! If you don't like mecha, you should watch Eureka 7. Not really into mecha, but i really liked that show.
No one likes Nickelback. ;3;
If you tried Adventure Time but don’t like it, you should try Bravest Warriors on youtube. I like BW a lot more than AT.
i think it was very brave of you to admit your disorder, although you felt uncomfortable to say it.
A13..! i hope she’s well too. i’m not sure why she left, but she is definitely missed.
Speaking of Cali, would you consider moving there for your music career?
Ah, I’ve heard of Crohn’s. A classmate did a video on it and made me amazed how often people have to go to the toilet. It seems like it would be so troublesome to have.
I LOVED FMA 1st series. I thought it was an interesting what BONES did with the story. What Greed scene were you talking about? I think I know…
BTW, there is a way to download from tumblr. I remember downloading a plug-in(?) or something for firefox, I think, and i was able to download from tumblr.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/13 | Reply
I got my first remote fan! Cool.
Mission accomplished.The answer to your question is simple: nobody knows about my music. OK, so that's exaggerating, but it's true that I'm just beginning to establish a fan base. I don't really have much of a marketing strategy. And I JUST got a hard copy of my recordings last Friday. So that contributes as well.
I have no idea how you'd download the songs. I'm not sure if Tumblr has an option for that. I could email you the mp3 files, but I doubt you want to give out your email. Then again, they might be too big for email. I'll figure something out.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/23/13 | Reply
Howareyounotsuperfamousandalreadygettingattackedbypaparazzi?! LIKE SERIOUSLY!! I LOVED HEARING YOUR SONGS! AND THEY WERE FULL-BLOWN TRACKS! LIKE, HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!
Is there, like, a way to download those off your tumblr? I wanna brag to all my friends how I know this super cool awesome lady over the internet who made a two-track CD that they absolutely HAVE to listen to. And then I will show them the pure awesomeness that is your music.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/13 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
AT isn't bad so much as annoying sometimes.
I do... I just couldn't help noticing a... how do I word it? Like a... maybe I should stop now... I feel bad for mentioning it... *slaps self*
Ahh, Ed's dislike for milk... good times *reminisces*
alskdslngs that was the Jigglypuff Song? I haven't heard it in so long I couldn't tell! Sorry!
You should be more
asstertiveassertive!*pats u* I believe it is.
I don't think I remember what happened to him... maybe I should skim that part of the anime.
*shudders* Totally agree with you.
Woo hoo! And I tried so hard lol
XD Now I have it stuck in my head! alrksgnds look what you did!
OH. I was just guessing there.
I didn't either, so it's fine. Or should I say thank you for having the patience to reply to my randomness?
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/28/13 | Reply
Wow. That's a lot of comments. Well, might as well answer them.
I have gained weight since I made that video.
I was surprised how clear it was, too. It didn't even pick up my singing neighbor at the end.
You can rhyme anytime! *Shot.*
Yes, I shall watch FMAB. *Puts on determined face.* The DVDs will be mine! In the mean time, my brother bought me the soundtrack. I squeed when he gave it to me.
Does "no... just... no" mean that Adventure Time is bad?
I'm glad that I enlightened you about the Apatosaurus. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I spelled "Apatosaurus" right.
You do know that Asperger's isn't about speech impediments, right? I do stutter a bit, but I edited out as many of them as I could. I do realize that I got a little tongue-tied when I recorded my video.
Yeah, isn't running water cool? Or hot, depending on which knob you turn.
I think of cilantro similarly to how Ed thinks of milk.
Actually, yes, I am.
Hey, you asked that question with the risk of my answer being that very question.
You've never heard the Jigglypuff Song? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?
Yes, I was a cute little girl, if I do say so myself.
On the bright side, I didn't BREAK the rib. But it still hurt to breathe.
Teaching arts and crafts would be a lot more adorable if the kids actually LISTENED to me instead of trying to escape from the classroom. I'm not THAT bad. Am I?
I was a very sickly person. At least that's hopefully behind me.
Oh, the things one can do with soap...
I wouldn't say that I didn't like the original FMA anime, but it was kind of a disappointment. If you're wondering about what part turned my stomach upside-down, it was Scar's fate.
I meant the Father scene, but Al regaining his memories was an awesome scene, too.
Yes! You DID spell that right. *Gives an award.* Don't feel bad if you can't pronounce the names of the "Rebels" cast. I don't even think I can say "ouroboros" right. So there.
The thing at the end was more Jigglypuff.
I honestly can't remember the name of that one anime. The title you suggested doesn't ring any bells. Actually, I think they just called it "Lunch Break" because they aired it at noon (11 Central).
I know I didn't reply to ALL of your comments, but I think I covered most of them. Thanks for being the first person to comment on my meme.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/28/13 | Reply
I just finished listening to it... akslsdsklngsd
You are not a chubby mcgee... so don't feel so bad, okay?
but really, Potter hate?
Your voice is really clear and there isn't a lot of background noise, so that's awesome!
Cameraderie, yo!
YESS!!! FMA all the way! We can fangirl all day! :) *shot for rhyming*
Okies on Death Note over FMAB... yet you SHALL watch it!
Adventure Time? No... just... no.
I could've gone my whole life without knowing the story about the Brontosaurus... but it would've been a depressing life.
Adventure is kinda smelly...
Huh... I wouldn't expect you to be someone with Asperger's. Not to be mean or anything, but I did notice a slight speech impediment when I listened to "Fell in Love with a Rock Star" *shot for pointing it out* but I must say, you have no such impediment now and speak 100% clearly.
Yeah, running water! <3
Getting technical with that cilantro, huh, Keba?
Travel roll of toilet paper?! OOH ISRAEL!! You aren't Jewish, are you?
Of COURSE your least favorite question would be the question where I ask what's your least favorite question...
Grammar Police badge, go!
XD What song was that?!
Haha 'dor' what a cute little girl you were!
Bruised a rib? Ouch.
OHMAIGOSH you teach arts and crafts?! That is so adorable, I don't even know how to explain how adorable that is! And data entering... sho shmart!
Ack, you poor thing :( acid reflux and Crohn's and surgery and yucky pill combinations with hot water and... yuck.
Soap?! oh my glob wow...
XD Your brother was correct about the anime but thank God he wasn't wrong about the manga... or you wouldn't be the FMA fangirl you are today!
LULZ you mean the Father scene or the blood seal/memory recall scene?
Hearing you pronounce the Aadauroti (did I spell that right?) names was hilarious and enlightening (I say pretty much all of their names incorrectly lol).
*throws confidence confetti at you*
NOOO FINAL QUESTION!!!! *sob* It was so fun... and what was that at the end?
Edit: That anime you mentioned that you couldn't remember the name of, it wasn't (Spellbound! The Magical Princess) Lilpri, was it?
Last edited by elricbrothersfan at 8:47:12 PM EDT on August 28, 2013.
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/02/13 | Reply
I think you should fix the song to be the best that it can be so you don't regret it and be proud of it c:
Vocals would be cool but it really depends on you
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/02/13 | Reply
The dog would probably be best honestly lol and don't worry about the quality =p I think everyone here will enjoy it regardless ^^
Small Lady
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/01/13 | Reply
Lol I think I'd much rather hear the dog barking ^^"
And don't worry too much about the quality, it might sound better to us then you think! Nothing beats hearing it in person, but we don't know the difference here online so it should be fine! :D I'm excited for this!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/01/13 | Reply
Shrill bark. Definitely shrill bark. I can handle dogs (I've got two), but your neighbor might scare me off while I'm listening to your voice meme.
Oh, I'm sure it doesn't sound like crud! If you're that unhappy with it, you could always post your answers first and then post the song separately. And vocals would be lovely!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/26/13 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
That's totally fine. I'm glad you took the time to answer them so that I could get to know you better.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/25/13 | Reply
Here is my own answers to my questions I asked you. Sorry for taking so long to answer them.
1. When did you start drawing?
I started drawing when I was young. I don't remember specifically when I started drawing. Earliest I can remember is kindergarten.
2. What is your favorite anime?
My favorite animes are Yu-Gi-Oh original series,Gx,5D's,Kaleido Star,Macross Frontier,Shugo Chara
3. Have you gone on a fun vacation/vacations?
The only fun vacation I went on was to Disney World with my dad and Luke. I was happy when I met Belle for the first time. I'm still a little kid at heart.
4. What do you think of me?
I think you are a very sweet person Keba,and you're a dear friend to me here on the.
5. What's your favorite musical instrument?
I love the violin and the sound of guitars/electric guitars. My dad played the guitar when I was young. One of the only times my dad was halfway human...
6. Your favorite movie and/or TV show?
I Mostly like Supernatural and Once Upon a time. Too many movies to name right now.
7. Corny I know but what's your favorite color?
I like blue but I love purple,I like the whole rainbow.
8. Favorite style of art/drawing?
Anime,landscape,traditional,sometimes digital..
9. What type of music do you like?
Country and J-Pop mostly
10. What do you look for in a friend?
I look for an honest friend who I can trust with my life and who has my back and I have theirs.
11. What kind of food do you like?
I love pasta and I enjoy the occasional salad and steak...I like different types of food honestly...
I answered my own questions which was hard for me.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/13/13 | Reply
Hopefully i'm doing this right. It's my first time participating in a meme ^^
Sorry if my answers too long >_<
1) Do you have a job?
-yeah, I currently work at my school's library as a librarian assistance :)
Most of the time at work I am on the O, I am drawing or doing my homework :)
2) Weirdest combination of food that you've eaten.
-spagetti noodles, pumkin pie filling, mash potatoes and ranch dressing. Yeah you know how food touches on a plate, yeah that's kinda what happened for me on my thanksgiving plate. I don't like to waste so I ate it. The ranch totally threw the flavors off.
3) One of the things that people do that you think are awkward.
-I think that it's awkward when people think it's okay to talk inthe bathroom. This happens many times when i walk into the girls backroom. It's always the girls who haven't seen each other for awhile and wanted to catch up. It's awkward enough that the bathroom is small so the whole time I'd be saying "excuse me", "excuse me" and I'd feel like a rude person for disrupting their conversation. Also it's awkward when i have to flush because i'd be drowning the words that they said and then they'd have to repeat it again...geez why do ppl do this. If i need to talk I'll just tell the other person to have the conversation outside...
4) Ever have any one fell for your prank twice?
- Yes, one of my friends is very gullible. One time she called my home phone and I pretended to be the voice mail and so she hanged up and I had to call her back. Then one time she called one of our other friends and I answered while pretending to be an angry foreign lady yelling at her and stuff for calling the wrong number. She apologized and hung up. So i had to call her back ^^
5) How did you know about FMA?
-one of my cousins watched it one night and told me "it was the bomb!" So my sis and I had to try it out ^^
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
Ok here goes.
I need to do a voice meme.
1.When did you start drawing?
2.What is your favorite anime?
3.How did you find theOtaku?
4.What do you think of me?
5.What really annoys you?
6.Your favorite movie and/or TV show?
7.Corny I know but what's your favorite color?
8.How did you think of your username?
9.Favorite style of art/drawing?
10.What type of music do you like?
11.What do you look for in a friend?
12.What kind of food do you like?
That's all the questions I can think of for the moment. If I think of anymore,I'll add them. Hope these are ok
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/13 | Reply
1. When did you discover anime?
2. Can I come over? :D
3. Would you ever give someone the Rejection Hotline number?
4. Can you list all of the things Timmy Turner turns Vicky into in the Fairly Oddparent's theme song?
5. What annoys you the most?
6. Have you ever had to reject someone?
7. Are you really tall?
8. Would you please sing us a song?
9. Have you ever woken up, like, 5 minutes before you needed to? (Ugh. Hate that.)
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/20/13 | Reply
Finally got a chance to come up with some questions (and make sure they weren't duplicates).
1. One item you can't live without? (Probably my glasses... I could do without everything else, but I absolutely have to be able to see.
How else do you expect me to nab that deer with my homemade bow and arrow?)2. Favorite vacation spot? (Myrtle Beach - the one real vacation I've ever had)
3. Least favorite food? (Brussels sprouts... avoid them like the plague)
4. Best and worst birthday presents? (Best=my dog, worst=a pair of socks. Not kidding about the socks.)
5. If you could time travel, when would you go and why? (Most likely gonna mess up the wording... but 30. Not like 30 AD, but 30 as in part of the 33 years between BC and AD when Christ was alive. That would be the most amazing thing, to see Him alive.)
6. Favorite catchphrase? (Booyah!)
7. What color are your eyes? (Almost sure you've mentioned this somewhere... anyways, mine usually tend to change between brown and hazel.)
8. Least favorite question, either out of mine or out of all the questions you were asked? (#1... so cliche, but I just had to ask.)
Traditional Artist (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/11/13 | Reply
I've always wanted to try this voice memes hehe..Bet some poeple here wont understand my accent^^
Good things comes 2 those who wait, The things you lost will always replace something better..
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I can't guarantee people will read my entry, though
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
Thank you! You're amazing.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I'll make a promo entry for you when I get the time. I'm on mobile now so linking to you is kinda hard.
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
I was actually hoping that other people would join in. It's more fun with a bunch of different people.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
No problem! If you need more, let me know!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
You are too kind. You really didn't have to add all those questions since you had some from before. But I still appreciate it.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/12 | Reply
How do you stay healthy?
Who would you like to switch lives with, fictional or not?
Your favorite song to play?
Hardest song to learn?
Why did you pick guitar?
How did you come up with your username?
What would you change your username to?
What anime/manga do you like?
Anything you wish to improve on, art-related?
Your first anime?
Would you rather talk on the phone or text?
Do you like snow?
What is the strangest food you ever eaten?
Help me figure out your guilty pleasure.
What non-anime shows do you watch?
What fun fact do you know that others may not?
What is it you want to buy but can't?
Favorite video/comedian?
What is something people don't know about you?
What creeps you out?
How do you conquer life?
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/03/12 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
Thanks for the questions!
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/03/12 | Reply
Anyone you look up to?
What music do you listen to?
Have you written or composed songs?
What are your musical influences?
I'm not a musician so I can't really answer these x3
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/28/12 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I get it! Thanks for explaining (and yet I have no idea why I didn't see your reply before just now).
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/18/12 | Reply
A voice meme is when you ask me questions and I record my voice to answer the questions. Then I upload the file in which I recorded my voice and post a link. If you do a search on theO for "voice meme" or "voice", you'll get some results for World posts where people have done previous voice memes.
Did I explain that alright?
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/18/12 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
Two things:
1. I don't know what you mean when you say voice meme.
2. I'd love to ask (and answer) a few questions, but you'll have to explain a little more (please) so I do it right.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/04/12 | Reply
@Keba Si Rota:
I'm so glad I was able to ask you questions! You should refresh your post and see if anyone else wants to ask! ^_^ I hope you do the meme still!
Keba Si Rota
Don't Forget 3 Oct (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/12 | Reply
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your reply!!!! I honestly didn't think I'd get any. LOL. I guess the set-up worked.
Call it karma. Call it luck. Me, I just don't give a... BOUNCE!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/02/12 | Reply
OOOO I LOVE THIS SET UP!!! Lol Sometimes I'm actually dying to answer my own questions to people too, just for fun xD and I like that now you won't have to worry about awkward questions!
Ok here I go :D
1. YES Can you Please play us a song on your guitar!?! I love guitar, I wish I could learn how to play one too >3<
2. How long have you been into anime/manga? Me, 1 year xD
3. Do you have an awesome dream? I'd like to write a manga for fun someday, become a dog whisperer xD and be able to volunteer at this amazing camp that I just attended :D
4. Have you been in love? Last time someone asked me this, I said no... but maybe I have? I never say anything about it to the guy so usually I just ride out the emotion... but I guess that can still be a form of love? lol idk!
5. Favourite food? Pizza is mine!! I love muffins too yumyum :D
6. Where do you want to be this very moment? (it can be a place or with someone or a certain land, ect) I wanna go back to camp!!! 8D
7. What does being an Otaku mean to you? Read my answer before or after you answer if you want! For me, I think its a state of mind where I'm on a focused creativity level (especially with anime/manga) while I'm also alone in life and don't always have the greatest opportunities to showcase anything except here on theO, where Otakus are united xD I also feel like its a hobby that I have to stand up for, seeing other people try to shoot me down. So it means a lot to me as it keeps me believing and doing my best :D
I'm not a philosopherI hope these questions will give you lots of fun :D can't wait for your meme, Keba!