Hello and welcome to Keba's Anime and Manga Place (KAAMP for short)! Here at KAAMP, I write about anime and manga that I have seen/read as well as my views on them. I'll also post about my original stories from time to time.

Just beware that some of my posts contain spoilers. I'll put them in spoiler tags just in case.

KAAMP's history: KAAMP was created in July 2002 by yours truly. It was a sloppy-looking website on Yahoo's now defunct Geocities. I posted my anime fan art on that site. Also, for a time, I posted my thoughts on the few anime series that I had seen. Now that I look back on it, my thoughts were rather ill-informed (is that even a word?) because I had only seen bits and pieces of anime dubs. Now that I've seen more series, I think that my commentary on various anime will be a little better than before.

So, come on in and stay awhile! KAAMP is now in session.

Other places to find me:
Anime-Planet: KebaFox
Toyhouse: KebaFox
Art Fight: KebaFox
Tumblr (kind of inactive): kebasirota

*Blows Away Dust*

I guess I haven't really updated much lately. Let me change that.

I've been on a manga/light novel kick recently. I took advantage of Barnes and Noble's "buy two get one" sale on manga, and I finally got down to reading the one I got for free. It's the first volume of Blue Exorcist. It wasn't as hooking as I'd hoped. Then again, it was only three chapters long, so I haven't got enough of a feel for it.

Today I was selling some old magazines at Half Price Books. When they were looking the magazines over, I found five volumes of the FMA light novels (which are all of the ones translated into English). Needless to say, I'm roughly $26 poorer. The magazines, if you're wondering, only fetched me a buck-- and there were 241 of them! Hey, at least I'm not $27 poorer.

Hmm... not sure what else to say. I was going to finish watching that Yu Yu Hakusho DVD set that I borrowed from the library, but the third disc is badly messed up. Oh well. But I'll find a way to finish the series. A legal way.

If you managed to get through all my ramblings, I have a little tip: if you subscribe to Crunchyroll's email newsletter, they give out free premium trials. That's how I got to watch Cardcaptor Sakura in its entirety. Subtitled. I burned through that like nobody's business. If you didn't know, I'm kind of in love with Crunchyroll now.

So has anyone seen/read any of these aforementioned series? Better still, do you have a Crunchyroll account? Don't you just love my lame attempts at starting conversation?

Is This for Real?

I was browsing around eBay and I found this box set. The price seems almost too good to be true. Is it for real or is it a bootleg?
