Three Orders of Business

First order of business: I successfully activated the glitch in Pokemon Yellow (on my first try!) and caught Mew. I haven't actually used my new Mew in battle yet. But she is adorable. And I love her. I know Mew is a Pokemon of unknown gender, but MINE IS A GIRL.

Second order of business: I registered for ACen. Yay! I'll have to patch up my Fluffy Vest, and maybe invest in something to... um... flatten me. I really should have hit the gym more than I have in order to prepare for my cosplay. At least I'll be on a liquid diet after my surgery, so I'm sure to shed a few pounds.

Third order of business: I went down to the pre-op clinic last Monday to prepare for my upcoming surgery on April 8. But that's not the actual thing I want to talk about. This is about my drive there. Actually, my mom was driving and I was looking out the window. Then something caught my eye. It was a car covered in stickers of things like Hello Kitty, the Triforce, and Poke Balls. The license plate displayed the word "OTAKU". I thought that was the funniest thing in the world.
