Hello and welcome to Keba's Anime and Manga Place (KAAMP for short)! Here at KAAMP, I write about anime and manga that I have seen/read as well as my views on them. I'll also post about my original stories from time to time.
Just beware that some of my posts contain spoilers. I'll put them in spoiler tags just in case.
KAAMP's history: KAAMP was created in July 2002 by yours truly. It was a sloppy-looking website on Yahoo's now defunct Geocities. I posted my anime fan art on that site. Also, for a time, I posted my thoughts on the few anime series that I had seen. Now that I look back on it, my thoughts were rather ill-informed (is that even a word?) because I had only seen bits and pieces of anime dubs. Now that I've seen more series, I think that my commentary on various anime will be a little better than before.
So, come on in and stay awhile! KAAMP is now in session.
Other places to find me:
Anime-Planet: KebaFox
Toyhouse: KebaFox
Art Fight: KebaFox
Tumblr (kind of inactive): kebasirota
ACen '17 was a BLAST and infinitely better than last year. I actually booked a hotel room this time so that I didn't have to drive up and back a whole buncha times. I brought my friend "Edward" along, which made things better because I didn't have...
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Hey, people. I know I haven't made a post in some time. That's because I haven't had a whole lot to say. Well, now I do.
I'm still having that problem of wanting to draw but not knowing what to draw. Then again, I still need to work on those last two "Ask Us" comic pages (how many years has it been?). I want to knock those out of the way, but at the same time, I don't want to work on them. Still, I feel that I need to work on them so that I can start other stuff with a clean slate (like the caption battle thing).
Also, this has been my mindset as of late (please excuse the Tumblr-esque format):
Me: Hmm, I should really draw my OCs.
Me: Maybe I should design those new OCs. That way I could get feedback on what looks best.
Me: *Draws another picture of Greed.*
I guess all that has to do with Anime Central coming up. I bought a new pair of shades and some more breathe-able pants. I also was able to get a hotel room, so I'm super hyped about that. And there'll actually be an official FMA photoshoot. The only thing they wont have is karaoke (as far as I know). Oh well. I'll just randomly burst into song at times. Why the heck not?
Just thought of something else I gotta do: those album reviews. I keep mentally writing them while I'm out and about, but once I get to my computer, I can't form a single sentence.
I guess I'll leave you guys with a question to think about. Anyone wanna see me livestream this Saturday? Those usually boost my motivation.
There's a very good reason I wasn't on theO for two days. That reason was ACen. I'll do some highlights (and lowlights) of the con later. Now I have to get to bed. I'm tired.
Edit: Incoming recap!
First, before I get into the good stuff, I must introduce the key players. I went with a group, after all. In order of appearance they are "Edward" (cosplaying Edward Elric), "Goggles" (cosplaying one of the Digimon goggle boys from a season that I had not seen), and "Samurai" (cosplaying as, well, a samurai).
Friday (with Edward):
- Woke up at 5 am after an hour of sleep in 20-minute shifts.
- Drove about two hours to pick up Edward.
- Got to the con with time to spare before the opening.
- Witnessed the Exhibition Hall open. The crowd went wild.
- Shopping!!!!
- Went to a panel room only to find that it was for the 14 and under crowd. (We didn't actually see panels that day.)
- Participated in an unofficial photoshoot for FMA. Seven people showed up, including Edward and me. Laaaaaaaaame.
- After 10 minutes, our lame photoshoot broke up, and Edward ran off to crash the MLP photoshoot across the street. She forgot her swag and I was left to guard it. After 20 minutes, she came back, apologized profusely, and I forgave her.
- Got very tired.
- Edward's parents picked her up, and I hobbled back to my car.
- Forgot where I parked.
- Finally found my car, drove home, ate a tub of cottage cheese and crashed.
Saturday (with Edward, Goggles, and Samurai):
- Drove Edward and Goggles to the con.
- Immediately went to a panel which could have been SO much better than it was.
- Moar shopping!!!!
- Went to a panel which featured the game "Taboo" done anime-style. I was mentally practicing to be an anime describer. Edward got picked to be a guesser. I never got picked at all because (a) Edward Elric is waaaaaay more recognizable/popular than Greed and (b) they could tell we were in the same party because we were in the front row. Edward proceeded to either guess wrong (once) or not guess at all (every other time).
- Edward won a poster which she generously gave to Goggles. Goggles promptly lost it.
- Met up with Samurai.
- Went to the lost-and-found area to alert them about Goggles's missing poster.
- Explored artist's alley.
- Edward alerted me to an artist who had a print of Greed. I didn't really want to buy it, but felt obligated to, so I did (and added on a print of Yoko from Gurren Lagann for good measure).
- Sat at one of the tables near the vendors to plan the rest of the day. Placed my newly-bought prints on the table and forgot to take them with me. Realized that I had forgotten them about two hours later. Unlike Goggles, I was also out $5. At least I helped a fellow artist.
- Went to karaoke. Chaos ensued. Unsure of the rules for signing up (everyone was breaking them, thus confusing me), I waited until the line shortened a bit. Got in line with Edward and Samurai. Signed up. Waited. Edward left, due to the noise. Waited some more. Never called. Saw some good performances, though.
- Took a group selfie.
- Parted ways with Samurai, and I took the others home.
- Took Edward and Goggles out to dinner (it was 9 pm by then, and we were HUNGRY).
- Explained, over dinner, one of the reasons why the Harry Potter franchise is a mediocrity. My words fell on deaf ears, but at least I kept a level head this time.
- Drove Edward and Goggles back to my place where their respective fathers picked them up.
Sunday (with Edward and Goggles):
- The morning was kind of a disaster before actually leaving for the con. I won't get into it.
- Saw a panel on how to sew plushies. I learned some things, but Edward and Goggles were bored as heck.
- Saw a panel on the basics of speaking Japanese. We all enjoyed that.
- Went to the ACen feedback panel. I voiced some concerns and we left.
- Went to a panel for artists. One of the panelists couldn't make it, and the other's computer broke, so there was no presentation. Instead, it turned into a doodle fest. Edward and I both doodled. After the panel was over, I wanted to talk to the panelist a bit, but Goggles ran off to get lunch, so we followed her.
- Went to lunch at Starbucks. They were out of the sandwich I wanted, so I shrugged it off and just ordered an iced tea. They were apparently out of the sandwich that Goggles wanted, too. Goggles threw a fit that scared Edward and me practically to death. Fortunately, she found another sandwich to order and calmed down.
- Even moar shopping!!!!
- The con ended, and I drove us all back to my place so that Edward and Goggles could be picked up by their respective fathers.
Sorry if this sounds negative. It was probably a better experience than I portrayed. It's just that something happened in my family that I learned about just a few hours after the con ended. It's kind of colored my mood ever since.
Edit part deux: How could I have forgotten the most important thing? On Saturday, WE FINALLY FOUND ALPHONSE AFTER THREE YEARS OF SEARCHING!!!! Edward took a picture with him. Then I told him, "Al, I want your body."
First order of business: I successfully activated the glitch in Pokemon Yellow (on my first try!) and caught Mew. I haven't actually used my new Mew in battle yet. But she is adorable. And I love her. I know Mew is a Pokemon of unknown gender, but MINE IS A GIRL.
Second order of business: I registered for ACen. Yay! I'll have to patch up my Fluffy Vest, and maybe invest in something to... um... flatten me. I really should have hit the gym more than I have in order to prepare for my cosplay. At least I'll be on a liquid diet after my surgery, so I'm sure to shed a few pounds.
Third order of business: I went down to the pre-op clinic last Monday to prepare for my upcoming surgery on April 8. But that's not the actual thing I want to talk about. This is about my drive there. Actually, my mom was driving and I was looking out the window. Then something caught my eye. It was a car covered in stickers of things like Hello Kitty, the Triforce, and Poke Balls. The license plate displayed the word "OTAKU". I thought that was the funniest thing in the world.
I had a blast at Anime Central. Here's a brief recap of what I did.
- Stayed up late the night before working on my vest
- Got very little sleep
- Went grocery shopping IN FULL COSPLAY (So an alchemist and a homunculus walk into a Trader Joe's...)
- Listened to the FMAB soundtrack waaaaay too much
- Toured the exhibition hall
- Participated in the weirdest FMA photoshoot ever
- Ate overpriced food
- Randomly burst into song
- Took photos of impressive Pokemon cosplays
- Went to a panel on improv and made a friend of mine thoroughly uncomfortable
- Had to remove my boots midday Saturday because THEY FREAKIN' HURT (the floor was so cold, but I wasn't in as much pain)
- Got lost getting to the parking garage
- Got my picture taken a few times
- Walked around with a sign advertising $1.00 hugs
- Made $1.00 as a result of the sign
- Hung out at the Crunchyroll livestream with a guy dressed as Michael Jackson
- Participated in a contest and almost won
- Went to a panel all about anime cats
- Ran into my costume-less brother and his girlfriend a couple times
- Spent too much money on both FMAB box sets (but I got 'em!)
As you can see, I did a lot, but there were a few things that I didn't get a chance to do such as take more photos, go to more panels (many of the ones I wanted to go to took place at the same time as the photoshoots I attended), and meet the Otakuites that I knew were coming to ACen. Still it was a fulfilling long weekend, and I am very tired.