Kagami’s POV-

The helicopter was scheduled to leave that afternoon. I was waiting on the landing pad with my already backed bag. As per Lazard’s rules, I had to wear the Turk uniform so not to cause suspicion. So I was back in it with my typical modifications – two chain belts, a loose red tie, sneakers and red hoodie – and my long hair tied back.

My depressing thoughts grew when I saw Gen coming to see me off.

“Now, now, Kagami.” As if he read my thoughts, he gently stroked my cheek. “You can’t cry. It will only be for a few days.”

Even though I really wanted to on the outside, I had to keep my cool. “I'm not crying!” Sort of.

That earned a chuckle. “I understand.” Out of curiosity, he tried to look into the tinted cockpit window. “Who’s flying you?”

I smiled, remembering our recent escapade. “It's only Reno.”

“Ah, is he fully recovered?” He mirrored my grin and we telepathically shared our little inside joke. Sure, it was a little macabre, but it was our little memory.

For kicks, I tapped on the window where he was and pulled out the hunting knife to see his reaction.

Phase one, the scream.

Phase two, Rude coming out of the chopper calmly with a wimpering and crying Reno attached to his waist.

He sighed. “Reno says that there is a quote-en-quote ‘scary lady with a big sharp knife’ out here.”

Both Genesis and I burst out laughing. It was WAY too easy to make fun of him!

“D-Don’t worry about it, Rude.” I assured him, wiping away my tears. “Reno’s just flipping out over nothing again.”

When the pair of them went back into the helichopter to do something or other, Genesis snaked his arm around my waist. “You are one hell of a woman, Kagami.” He said with a quick kiss. “And I am a lucky man to call you mine. Now, I do not want to show up to work tomorrow, or any day for that matter and hear you are missing or dead. So take care of yourself.” He chastised, kissing me on the forehead. “And if you can find it in your heart, take care of your comrades, too. I can tell at least one of them needs it.”

“You got it!” I assured him, gingerly kissing him back on the cheek. “I’ll be back soon!” I hopped into the chopper and waved right before the doors closed. “See ya!”

“Bye, Kagami.”


Genesis’ POV-

The next day, Angeal, Sephiroth and I were using the Training Room’s technology to the fullest and enjoying a relaxing afternoon in Costa de Sol (or at least an illusion of it). Angeal was swimming, Sephiroth was working on his (non-existant) tan and I was re-reading LOVELESS for what must have been the 1000th time.

Damn, I thought, turning another page. It’s so boring around here without Kagami.

Angeal called me from the water and I looked up. “Why don't you wake up our resident vampire for a round of beach volleyball?”

Said resident vampire flipping his sunglasses down. “I am no vampire, Angeal.”

Angeal raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. “Sephiroth, you sleep during the day, you never eat ANTHING that has even a HINT of garlic in it, you are the palest person I know, and you get this hungry look on your face around blood. I'd call that being a vampire.”

“He does pose a very good point, Sephiroth.” I smirked, finishing up another stanza. “You are seen doing all those things.”

I quickly dodged Sephiroth’s attempt to hit me on the head. “I don’t recall asking for your opinion on this.”

“You didn't have to. Fact is fact.”

“And what exactly is this ‘fact’ you’re talking of?”

“That you're a vampire.” Angeal and I chimed.

“Anyway,” he got out of the water and dried off. “It'll do you some good to play a round, Genesis. You're more depressed than usual.”

“I am NOT depressed.” I countered, slamming my book shut. “I am simply bored out of my mind.”

“Because your little sex toy isn't here?”

If Angeal wasn’t already planning his slow and painful death, I would’ve. “She is not a "sex toy", Sephiroth. She is my girlfriend and the most precious woman in my life. Do not equate her to a lowly prostitute.”

He paused, noticing what must have seemed like my unusually quiet anger. “Alright, I see.”

Our silent agreement reached, I decided to change the topic. “So, about that volleyball game... I'm willing to play.” But not before a quick jab. “What about you, resident vampire?”

“We already went over this...”

“I’m only joking~”

“What is the team set-up going to be? Two-on-One or every man for himself?” Angeal popped in before we could begin our death-glare staring contest.

“I prefer Two-on-One. I enjoy being superior to you both.”

“Hey, don't forget, who beat you LAST TIME alone?” He retorted, chuckling at a now pouting Sephiroth.

“That was a fluke. Mere dumb luck.”

“So, my beating you fair and square was ‘dumb luck’? You must really hate to lose.”

“It. Was. A. FLUKE. And I do not hate to lose. I rather enjoy the humility.”

“You rather enjoy the humility. You are the most arrogant person I know!”

“Arrogance has nothing to do with hating to lose.”

“Yes it does! It has EVERYTHING to do with hating to loose! And stop avoiding the question!”

The pair of them continued to bicker like 5-year-olds leaving me to enjoy the sunset on my own. However, it was only for a brief moment as the simulation suddenly disappeared, caused by a random third-class. “Director Lazard wishes to see First-classes Angeal and Genesis in the Brieifing Room.”

“Can’t it wait?” Sephiroth said with another pout.

“It is news about Kagami.”

Angeal and I looked at each other. They wouldn’t be giving us news unless something bad had happened.

“We will be on our way.”

After changing back into our uniforms, we were anxiously waiting in the briefing room for Lazard to enter and sit down.

“What happened to Kagami?” Angeal asked impatiently once the director made his entrance.

“I'll let the Turk in charge of her tell you that.” With a press of a button, a video feed was up with a familiar Turk on the screen.

“Hello.” Tseng greeted with a curt nod to the director. “I have urgent news concerning Kagami. It seems that overnight, she went missing.”

My eyes widened and I jumped out of my seat. “What?!”

“A few hours ago,” He continued. “The tracking system placed in the hood of her jacket was disabled. We are not sure whether it is a malfunction or that something has happened to her. All we know is that she is gone and we don't know where she is.”

Before I could yell at him for being a lazy ass, Lazard jumped in with some mildly comforting news that they already had two search parties looking for her and that there was another reason. We were to head to where she was for the sole purpose that if Kagami heard strange voices calling her name, she wouldn’t respond. They needed people she knew. And the only people she knew were myself and Angeal. We were to lead the search parties and look for her.
All that was left was one burning question.

“When do we leave?”