Kagami's POV-

Once the sun had set and Tseng recieved word that Genesis had gotten a room at the second inn, we both went to our respective rooms and started to get comfortable in preparation for the next day. Or at least I was supposed to. I was pondering the meaning of Genesis' idea.

Genesis' plan. What the crap could it be? I switched out of the modified SOLIDER uniform I was wearing earlier and opted for my tank-top and yoga pants that made up my pajamas. It has something to do with the lodging arrangements, but how could he know that the room would be taken? Unless...OH MY GOD! GENESIS SET THIS UP! My mind began spinning out of control, imagining all of the different situations that could possible happen. Wait, wait, wait. Calm down, calm down. Genesis couldn't have set this up. He wouldn't willingly tell someone to get rid of his room. He enjoys the bonuses of SOLIDER way too much. So, why?

"Hrm, hrm....Oh well." I said turning off the lights and flopping down on the bed. "I'm sure he has his reasons." I turned over to my side, and a light tapping came from the window. I jumped up, turned back on the light and opened it. No one was there. It must have been my imagination. A cold breeze sent shivers up my spine, so I closed the window tightly and began walking back to my nice and cozy bed.

"Good evening, Kagami." A mysterious voice whispered behind me and placed their warm, unseen hand on my shoulder.

"GENE-" I shouted, turning around and jumping a few inches into the air at the same time. There he was, clad like a god in his grey sweatpants and no shirt: Genesis. He lightly placed his finger on my mouth to stop me from yelling.

"Ssssh." He whispered. "I told you that I had another way to get together. I also recall mentioning that if I told you, it would ruin the surprise."

"A LITTLE warning would be nice!"

"But then where would the surprise be?" Concern cast a shadow over his face. "You're shivering."

Irk. "Well, the window was open for a while and these pajamas aren't exactly made for below freezing temperatures..."

"Here." He wrapped his warm arms around my cold body. "Feeling warmer?" A wicked smile crossed lips. Not good. "Oh Kagami~!" He practically sang as he "tripped" and fell onto the bed. With me under him. "Now, don't yell, okay? You don't want to wake up our pleasant Turk next door, now do you?"

"No, but-!"

"Just relax." He rolled over to his side. "I won't do anything unless you let me, okay?

Won't do anything? Wait, that translates to...

My blush slowly found its way up to my face. "O-Okay..."

"I'm just going to stay here for a while. I will leave before morning, in case your neighbor wakes you up."

"WAIT!" I shouted. Lowering my voice, I said, "No, please. I-I don't want you to leave." I nuzzled closer to him. "Because if you leave before I wake up...I'll get lonely and I don't want that... I don't want to feel alone. I feel it enough already."

After a slight pause, Genesis kissed me on the cheek. "I will stay here for as long as you want, goddess."

