Chapter 2 -

Kagami's POV -

Angeal...hurry up!!!! I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed and glancing at the clock every five seconds until Angeal decided to casually enter the room.

“Angeal! There you are!” I stamped my foot impatiently. “I've been waiting for 15 minutes! What took you so long!?”

“Really that long?” Angeal apologized. “Genesis was a bit slow to my point.”

“Genesis? Slow? Huh, he seemed intelligent to me.”

“He is,” Angeal took another characteristic sigh. “But he's also the most stubborn person I know.” Oh. That's why. “Are you ready for today's training exercise?” I nodded and he pulled out a clipboard, presumably with the agenda for today. “Sparring rounds with 15 infantrymen, 10 third-Classes, 5 second-classes, and finally if you survive all of that, one random first-class.”

A first-class? That was new. “I get the others, but why a first-class?” I asked, clipping my swords scabbard to my waist.

“I think you're up to the challenge. Aren't you?”

“Well, I guess...”

“Then let's begin. Head on into the simulator and I'll get the program started.”

Grinning overconfidently, I ran into the simulator and got ready to whoop some ass.


Angeal's POV-

As I watched over Kagami's training regiment for the day, I recieved an unexpected visitor.

“What is this, Angeal? A new trainee?” Sephiroth silently made his way to the control panel where I was sitting.

“Sort of. Director Lazard has put me in charge of her training.” I changed a dial on the board to increase the infantrymen's skill level. Level five was beginning to get too easy for Kagami. “For some reason, she has to be trained to be a SOLIDER.”

“A female SOLIDER? That would be a first for Shinra.” Sephiroth pulled up a chair and joined me.


“I see.” Resting his elbows on the single somewhat empty panel, he continued. “However, she is quite skilled.”

Our conversation was temporarily interrupted my my handset ringing. The caller ID read that it was Kagami. I knew if I ignored it, I would probably die.

“Ready for round two?” I asked.

“I wouldn't be calling you otherwise.” She said, no hint of exaustion in her voice.

“Round two. Verses third-Classes. Ready,” I tapped the button to begin her next challenge. “GO!”

I hung up and Kagami began her next challenge.


Genesis' POV-

I walked into the training room for some of my regular training when who do I see is at the control board? Angeal and Sephiroth. I thought they would be done already.

“You are still in the middle of training her? How long will this take, Angeal?” I inquired, placing my raiper against the wall and searced around for a spare chair.

“Until she is ready to be in SOLIDER.”

I meant time-wise. I sarcastily replied. In my mind, of course. “She is very skilled.” I noted. Watching her fight was like watching someone dance. Her spins so elagant, her blocks so fluid, and her lunges seemed leathly beautiful. I could watch her fight all day if I so wished. “What level are you training her at?”

“She's not going by standard levels. She has her own training routine. She fights different classes of SOLIDER. Actually, today she's up against every class. Including some infantrymen she just finished fighting.”

“What class is she on right now?” I asked, right when Angeal's phone went off.

“New record for round two. Ready for round three?” Angeal paused, and then hovered his finger of the button to continue the training. “Round Three. Verses Second-classes. Ready, GO!” He tapped the red button and Kagami began her fight again.

“Fighting seconds? Impressive.”

“Even more impressive is that she isn't fighting just one.” Angeal set his phone above the control board. “She's fighting five.”

I was taken aback. “Five? A girl against five second-classes? Some would think that impossible.”

“That may be true.” Suddenly, Angeal's face had what seemed to be a glimmer of inspiration. “By the way,” He spun around in his chair to face both Sephiroth and I. “Which of you two would like to take our rising star on? The last portion of her program is fighting a first class. I can't, so which one would like to try their best to beat her, hm?”

I looked over at Sephiroth, who looked over to me at the same time. As if on a silent cue, we both turned back to Angeal. “Pass.” We said.

“I would rather not fight women.” No, more like I don't want to fight the woman I'm in love with.

“Masamune is getting repaired.” At least my excuse is better than his...

“Excuses, Excuses. Fine, I'll pick.” Angeal pointed at one of us randomly. “You'll go-”


Kagami's POV-

Through the window that looked into the control room, I saw Angeal arguing with Genesis and Sephiroth. Probably about who I'm going against in the next round.

Might as well call and find out. I supposed. I pressed Angeal's number on speed dial. “Angeal, who'm I going against for round four, hm?”

“You'll see. He's walking in now.”

I almost dropped the phone when I saw who I was going against.

No. No. NO. WHY?!?!?! Why HIM?!?!?!

Who should walk in but Genesis Rhapsodos. Those infectious bubbles and sparkles came back around him. It was like a dream to me. He was beautiful. Yes, beautiful. Like a fairy-tale prince, he flicked his chestnut bangs out of his eyes with his free hand. His other strong, yet gentle hand was clasped around his red and silver raiper.

Gathering my sanity again, I spun around so he couldn't see my blush and began yelling/whispering at Angeal.

“God dammit, Angeal! Why did you make GENESIS of all people fight me???? I'm gonna friggin' DIE!!!”

I could almost see Angeal shrugging as he said “He was the only other first-class who could take you on.” Even though I quickly reminded him about a certain silver-haired first, Angeal still found a way to make sure it was only Genesis. “Believe it or not, Sephiroth's katana is getting repaired. It broke in half on his last mission.”


"It's the truth. Just fight him, please. No blood, no deaths. Just kill stance. Understood?” I began to protest, as per usual, but Angel cut me off with a simple “Good luck.” and hung up on me.

“Angeal! DAMN YOU!” I slammed the phone shut and looked at Genesis. “Please, let's just get this over with.” What I didn't tell Genesis was that I just didn't want to fight him.

“Do not worry, goddess.” Genesis began almost gliding over to the other side of the arena but stopped to toy with one of my longer bangs. “I will be swift.”

I wanted to die.


Genesis' POV-

I continued walking by Kagami and turned around to face her. The poor thing, she looked like she wanted to disappear. She must have been terrified.

"Are you ready?” I said, a bit worried. She nodded and got into the basic ready stance. “Shall we begin?” I lunged at her, underestimating her ability to fight. A purely idiotic move of myself. She simply parried it and jumped away. She advanced herself, but right before I began blocking her frontal attack, she twirled and sliced sideways. I barely had time to block that one.

We continued fighting like that until we were locked in a blade-to-blade standstill.

A blade-to-blade and an eye-to-eye.


"You have lasted longer than expected.” I chatted her up a bit while neither of us could advance.

She smirked and I almost lost it. “Same for you.” She pushed forward a bit, but I pushed her back, my pride kicking in.

"Kagami, you are very strong. Stronger than I ever could have imagined.”

She seemed to take that the wrong way. “Just because I'm a woman?”

Now it was my turn to smirk. “Not quite.”

And then I did I thought I would never do.

I advanced again, but this time much sharper and knocked Kagami off-balance. She somehow managed to flick my sword away, but not without loosing hers in the process. Instintivly, I grabbed her thin, delicate wrists and used my momentum to push her to the ground.

"But I suppose being a woman does put you in a disadvantageous position right now.”

Kagami's face turned bright red. She held my gaze a while, allowing me to dive right back into those eyes of her again. But soon after, she averted her gaze.

“C-Can we just say that you win?”

I smiled devilishly. “I haven't won just yet.” I bent over and whispered in her ear. “I won't win until you're mine and only mine.”

“Genesis...” She whispered. Oh, how I longed to just kiss her at that moment! I was so close to, but alas, her phone rang and I had to get up off of her, knowing in some way that it was a sign that what I want will have to wait.

“My apologies.” I took her hand and helped her up once again.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Angeal. I know, I know. … Wait, what? How? ...” She looked at me as I gathered both our weapons. “Oh, really? … Okay, talk to you in a sec. Later.” She hung up and slipped her phone in her back pocket. “Apparently I won.”

“I mean no offense, but clearly I was victorious.” I handed her sword, restraining the urge to take it for myself as a keepsake of her.

“I know, but you don't see me complaing.” She glided past me and went into the control room. “Angeal, how the hell did I win?”

“Oh, Kagami.” Sephiroth answered. “Angeal just left. He had to go and help a second out.”

I walked in behind her and noticed her expression. “Where is Angeal?”

“With Zack.” She said with an irritated tone.

I shrugged. “It is as if he has adopted a son.”

“I'd say.” Kagami turned to me. “Uh, hey, Genesis? I was just wondering, um, would you like to, I dunno, uh, spar again with me sometime?” Finally, the oppurtunity I was hoping for has appeared to me!

Stay calm, Genesis. Stay calm. “Of course. You were a terrific challenge, and I would greatly enjoy another round or two. However,” I smirked and lifter her chin up so she would make eye contact with me. “I'm sure that you would rather do something else with me.”

Another blush explosion. “W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-WHAT?!?!?!”

“Genesis...” Sephiroth sighed and slapped his palm to his face in annoyance.

“It was merely a suggestion.” I waved the comments away. “I did not expect the both of you to react the way you did.” I directed my next line towards Kagami. “Shall we meet here again tomorrow, goddess? Say, perhaps, the same time?”

Kagami's blush receded a bit, but her embarrassment was still evident. “S-Sure...”

“Then I shall eagerly await the new-coming dawn.” I bowed again just to please her. “Farewell, Kagami.”


Kagami's POV-

"Does he do that to every girl?" I asked Sephiroth once Genesis had left.

"Odd enough, he usually avoids ANY person of the female gender. He hates being around his fangirls and hates encountering women in general. I'm not sure if it's due to shyness, or that his sexuality is in question, but I don't probe too much."

"So he doesn't usually act like this?"

"Not usually. NEVER."

For a split second, I paniked. "You mean to say that I've done something to the delicate balance in his mind to make him be flirty and romantic?!"

"A little more metaphoric than I imagined, but yes. something about you has changed him."

"I didn't think I was that important."

"Kagami," Sephiroth said after a long pause. "Have you ever read LOVELESS?"

"LOVELESS? No, can't say I have."

"Genesis adores that story. He almost worships it, in fact."

"And what does that have to do with Genesis and I?"

"He calls you 'goddess', correct?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because in LOVELESS, one of the main characters is a mysterious goddess who gives the three heroes an unknown gift. For Genesis to equate you to the goddess of LOVELSS is an enormous compliment.”

“So it wasn’t a pathetic attempt at trying to get my attention?” That’s what I thought it was at first, and?

“You really just called his highest compliment ‘pathetic’?”


Sephiroth laughed. “You are perhaps the most complicated woman I have ever met.”

“What?! Why are you bringing that up?!”

“No reason.” Sephiroth ignored my glare by pulling out his phone and checking the time. “I have to go. Masamune is out of the repair shop by now. I have to go pick it up before they ditch it. See you later.”

I slid sat down against the wall and put my head in the crook of my elbow to rest a bit once Sephy had left. Genesis really looks at me like a goddess? I thought. But I’m not...I threw around ideas in my head about why he would do that. I mean, I’m not attractive, I’m short, I have a bad temper…the list just goes on and on.

Giving up, I sighed. I had a long day already; the listing of all my faults can wait until tomorrow. Besides, I was getting tired of just thinking up ways to insult myself. I needed a break. Maybe some sleep would do me some good...