Kagami's POV-

This whole trip couln't suck more. I complained internally in the helicoptor. We were finally flying to Banora! Genesis and I sat next to each other (SQUEEE) with Tseng across from us (no squee). Tseng just can't seem to leave me and Genesis alone! I sighed inwardly. Now I'll never get to have my romantic alone time with Genesis! Nice going, Tseng! I thought, sighing inwardly again. If only I could get away from him. But how? He's like a terribly overportective father! He's even worse than Angeal! I cranked up my glare and threw it at Tseng. If he would quit hovering over us, THEN I could slip away! I gave up and stopped glaring. But he's a Turk, and they aren't exactly famous for letting their "charge" get away so easily. I looked over to Genesis. Maybe Genesis could slip away; he's good at that. He always seems to get away from Angeal just in time during training. Sighing outloud, I looked away. But I'm not. I may think I'm part ninja, but with Tseng, it's like hiding from an even better ninja; it's just not possibile. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????

As if knowing what I was thinking, Genesis leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Do not worry. I grew up in Banora and as such, know all of the hiding places and short-cuts. That Turk doesn't stand a chance of finding us."

"What are you two lovebirds plotting?" Tseng suspiciously said.

"Oh, it's nothing." We chimed in perfect sync.

"If you say so." Tseng checked his phone. "We should be arriving soon." Standing up, he ordered us to grab our luggage. "Reno may be the best pilot we have right now, but that doesn't mean every landing he does is smooth."

"I CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!" Reno shouted from the cockpit.

"NO ONE CARES, RENO!" I answered. I jumped up, trying to get my bag, but failed epicly. CRAP! I forgot I put it up so high! Dang it! Now how do I get it down without looking like an idiot???

Genesis reached up with ease and pulled my bag down. "A lady should never strain herself to reach her luggage."

"Thank you, Genesis!" I said with a smile. Of course, I couldn't resist saying this next part loud enough for Reno to hear. "RENO COULD LEARN A THING OR TWO FROM YOU!"


Genesis' POV-

Kagami excitedly jumped out of the helicoptor when we landed.

"I can't believe I'm finally here!" She cheered and threw her hands in the air. "BANORA!!!!"

"I'm glad you're exited about being in my hometown."

"I can't WAIT to see this reactor!" She glanced around curiously. "Hey, where is it? I don't see anything other than the town and an orchard."

"The reactor is in an abandoned mine." I explained.

"Cool! Let's go investigate!" Kagami began to run ahead of Tseng and I but before she could get too far, Tseng grabbed her collar like she was a puppy.

"Slow down a bit." He pulled her back to us. "I sure hope you aren't like this in a relationship."

"W-What are you talking about?! I'm not always like this! I'm just really curious! That's all!" For some reason, Kagami's face became bright pink and she hastily tried to cover up our affair...if you could indeed call it that.

"At any rate," Tseng said, eyeing me. "What we need to do first is to find our lodging. Then we will head to the reactor. Kagami groaned in despair. "Genesis, stay with her to make sure that she doesn't go running off and getting herself lost."

"I'm not a little kid!" She protested, getting ready to smack Tseng.

When he left, I relaxed a bit. "I thought I would have to play hookey with him." I placed my hand on Kagami's shoulder. "This must be pure chance."

Kagami still glared at Tseng's general direction. "How so?"

"Well," I gently lifted her chin. “He did just leave the two star-crossed lovers alone with each other unknowingly.” Why do I feel like I just quoted something? Oh well. “Even if this had not happened, I had arranged for us to be alone together at least once this entire trip.”

“What? How?”

“The mine to go to the reactor. It’s a maze of passages, of which anyone who grew up in Banora would be very familiar with, but to an outsider it is a labyrinth.” I smirked. “I was planning on telling you a side path where you would get “lost” and I would go to “find” you while leaving Tseng at the reactor to do what he wanted. It would be a win-win situation."

“You’re a genius, Genesis!” Kagami wrapped her arms around me in joy. I had to resist the urge to never let her go. Once again.

“Not really.” I humbly replied. “I just thought it to be the best way. There is another plan that I have in mind, also.”

“Really? What is it?”

“It is a surprise. So just wait a bit.”

“Genesis! Come on! Please?” Kagami kneeled on the ground and folded her hands together, begging me to release my knowledge.

This was far too much fun. “ Patience is a virtue, Kagami.”

“Pretty please???”

“Nnnnnnnope. You need to wait. It will spoil the surprise if I told you.”

She half-heartedly punched me. “You’re so mean sometimes!”

“I am doing you a favor by withholding information.”

She continued yelling at me when we noticed Tseng walking back with an unusual expression on his normally serious face.


Kagami’s POV-

“What is the matter, Tseng?” Genesis asked.

“It is our lodging arrangements.” Tseng said, puzzled. “We were supposed to get single rooms for each of us, but somehow we only have two rooms.”

“Then why not just bunk with Genesis? It makes sense.” I proposed, trying to remedy the situation.

“That is not my concern.” Tseng said with a hint of annoyance. “What concerns me is that a while before we arrived, someone called and changed it without notifying us or Shinra.”

“You can’t change it back?” I inquired.

“No, I cannot. The third room is now full and they do not have any extras.”

“Weird…” I smirked evilly. “Maybe some higher power wants the Turks and SOLIDER to become closer to each other~?”

“NO WAY.” Tseng and Genesis said at the exact same time.

“I am NOT sharing a room with THAT MAN on my own will!” Tseng pointed an accusing finger at Genesis.

“I prefer to room alone, anyway.” Genesis crossed his arms and looked away.

“Does it really come down to this? Alright, since you two can’t come to terms, I’ll just give up my room and camp out.”

“WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!” They shouted.

“Can you stop yelling? I’ve camped out lots of times before. A little dirt won’t hurt me.”

“Kagami, may I have conference with you for a while?” Genesis waltzed over and looped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me away from Tseng. “Instead of you camping out and “roughing it”, why don’t you just room with me? We ARE a couple already and don’t couples share rooms often?”

I blushed. Even more than usual. “S-S-S-SAY WHAT?!?!?!?!”

Cue sad-puppy-dog look. “So you don’t want to?”

I looked away. Must. Resist. “T-That’s not what I’m saying!”

I sensed a smirk behind the sadder look. “So you DO want to?”

“I-I do but-! I mean! Augh, what about Tseng? He’s gonna freak!”

“Mr. Emotionless can’t feel anything.” Genesis scoffed.

I pulled Genesis down to my eye level. “BUT. ANGEAL. CAN.”

“You may have a point there…” Genesis’ very, VERY rare smile came through. “What Angeal doesn’t know won’t hurt him~!”

“What are you implying?”

“Just trust me, okay?” He walked back to Tseng. “Tseng, we have an idea. I will give up my room for Kagami and find another place to stay. If I am not mistaken, there is another inn for travelers if this one is full up that ridge. I will check there and report back.”

“If that doesn’t work?”

“There is always a Plan B.”

“Alright. Be careful. We do not want anyone finding out SOLIDER members are here. That may be cause for riot in itself.” Tseng warned.

“Understood.” Genesis turned back and shot me a flirtatious look. “I will see you soon, Kagami.”

Just what was he planning?