Kagami's POV-

We were on the way back to the helicopter, walking side-by-side when the thought hit me. "Hey wait a sec." I adjusted the high collar on my jacket and looked up at him. "You were able to kiss me. You apologized to Tseng?"

"Correct." He kissed the top of my head and snaked his arm around me. "It was much easier than you thought it would be for me."

"Tch. The only reason you did that was so that way you could kiss me again."

"That is in no way remotely true! I was sincerely regretful of my previous actions of this morning."


"The truth is the only sound to escape my lips."

I rolled my blue eyes and playfully smacked him on the arm. "You're speaking like you're out of LOVELESS again! You always do that when you're avoiding the truth!"

"I can not believe you figured me out so fast."

"Come on!" An annoying redhead shouted from inside the chopper. "Hurry up, yo!"

I was just about to get in, when all of a sudden, Genesis pulled me back and pressed his soft lips to mine in a gentle kiss.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Reno sneer and call to Rude who came out, jaw dropping.

"I believe we are drawing an audience." Genesis whispered, breaking the kiss for air.

"Seriously? Not cool." I hugged him. "And just when I thought we could be left alone."

"Oh well." He mused, taking my hand and leading me to my seat. "Shall we go, my goddess?"


Genesis' POV-

We we arrived back at the Shinra Building, Kagami and I went straight to Angeal's room, hand-in-hand with the intent of explaining something very important to him.

"So, how exactly are we supposed to tell Angeal this? Didn't he say he was going to kill you if you laid a hand on me?" She said apprehensively, clutching my hand for dear life.

"Angeal implied certain... punishments. But we may only make things worse by not telling him what is going on between us."

"You mean we have no choice?"

"There is always a choice. However, most of the time, you should only go with one option." I took a deep breath and knocked on the steel door. "Angeal? I wish to speak with you."

The door slid open with a surprised Angeal behind it. "Genesis? You're back early-" He stopped when he saw IT and became enraged. "GEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEE

I tried to calm him down, but to no avail. All he did was explode about not laying a finger on Kagami and how I should have listened (even though I almost never do) and just went on and on and on. I could tell that neither Kagami nor I were paying much attention to his ranting.

As much as I loved his background noise, eventually it had to come to a pause. "I know what you said." Holding my hand for him to stop, I said. "Hence, why I am coming to you." I placed my arm around Kagami's shoulders. "I wish for your blessing. As Kagami's 'foster' father, I deemed it only right."

Being very polite and asking something of Angeal shocked him, visibly. He quite literally took a step back as if someone slapped him in the face. "This is unlike you, Genesis." Sighing, he crossed his arms in his show of defeat. "But alright. You two are free to -" Suddenly, he stopped and pointed at Kagami's neck. "What is that?"

"W-What are you talking about?" Kagami began blushing and trying to cover her neck with her high-necked jacket.

With a stern look, Angeal moved the collar over just slightly to reveal a dark bruise. Ah, yes. I remember putting that there. I thought as Angeal death glared me and dragged me and Kagami into the room to begin one of his famous lectures.

"Before you begin, Angeal, we did not do anything-"

"THEN EXPLAIN THE HICKEY!!!!!" He shouted, practically spitting acid in my face.

With a shrug I explained: "We were only doing what couples do."


"We haven't gotten that far."


"Kissing. That's all." As an after thought, I added, "Well, that and we slept together."

Before I could contemplate the consequences of my actions, my best friend was strangeling me with his bare hands and yelling at me once again. "GEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEESSSSIIIIIIISSSSSS!!!!!"

"We haven't had sex!!! I meant literally slept together!!!!" I somehow managed to shout back, while Kagami tried to un-clamp Angeal's hands from my delicate neck.

"Angeal!!!! He's telling the truth!! Nothing sexual! At all!"

"THERE HAD BETTER NOT BE ANY." Reluctantly, he let go and stormed off in a seething fury.

"... That was... exhausting." Kagami leaned back against my chest.

"At least it is over, that's for sure."

"Though we really didn't do anything sexual..." With suspicion in her eyes, she glared up at me. "At least, not while I was awake..."

"Don't look at me like that! I wouldn't force anything like that on you! Ever!"

Deepening her glare, she got across her message of "You better not or I'll kill you in your sleep."

"I promise I won't." I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled my face in her soft white hair. "I don't want to lose you."

In her overly-cute way she hugged me back. "Aw, Gen~. I don't want to lose you, too."

On the other side of the hallway, I could hear a puppy barking Kagami's name and running toward us.



Kagami's POV-

"Think it's okay to let him know?"

"Better be safe than sorry." Genesis let go of me so that way Zack wouldn't catch on.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ZACK?" I shouted, causing him to screech to a stop and take a few steps back.

"Help..." He whimpered pitifully.

"With. WHAT."

And cue rambling story. The ghist of it was that "I met this girl the other day, but I don't know what she'd like as a gift! You're a girl, right?" Zack pulled out a sparkling ring once he finished his tale.

Words could not express the beauty of that ring. "IT'S SO PRETTY~~~~!!" I snatched the box and tilted the ring in the light, seeing the sparkles glint off the red gem and scatter the rays all around the hallway. "You really went overboard with this, Zack! It's lovely!" Reluctantly, I handed it back to him, determined to keep it for myself. "If I were the girl you were giving this to, I would feel very lucky to have a guy like you in my life." I glanced at Genesis once the puppy left, sort of hinting at the fact that something like that would look really good on my finger.

"How about we save that sort of ring for when we get engaged, hm?" He said, kissing me on the forehead.

"I didn't know you had planned that far."

"Of course I would have." He wrapped his arms around me. "I love you, and I really do plan to make you mine forever "

The blush already on my cheeks intensified. I could feel him leaning down to kiss me, but to my disdain, my cellphone exploded with my catchy and adorable ringtone signaling one person. Lazard. “Hello?” I answered, “What is it, Lazzie?”

After our conversation ended, I nearly chucked my phone out the 30th floor window. That ass! He decided to ship me off to some remote town temporarily, saying that I needed "some time away from the office". Genesis thought it was a vacation, but there is a distinct difference between “vacation” and “business trip”. One you get to choose where you go, and the other is what I’m going on. And to make matters worse, I wasn’t allowed to bring a companion! Sure, he gave me a Turk to watch over me, but what good is that going to do when I’m separated from Genesis?

Gen was annoyed though when I said I was having a Turk over me. “Male or Female?”

Sad part was, I didn’t know. “Dunno. I wish you were coming. Then it wouldn't be as bad.” I hugged him, then just as quickly let go from embarrassment.

“I understand.” Thank goodness he did. “I will wait eagerly for your return.” With his usual sweetly dramatic flair, he knelt down and kissed the top of my hand promising “Forever, if I must.”


Genesis’ POV-

Sephiroth appeared in the nick of time to irk me.

“Still hitting on Kagami?” he sneered, flipping his ridiculously long hair. “Your efforts are wasted though, Genesis.”

“Wasted?” I flirtatiously winked at my beloved goddess. “With a goddess like her, no effort at her love is wasted.”

What my rival said next almost earned him a casket. He started talking about a rumor that Kagami was in a serious relationship with someone. Not that it wasn’t true, but it didn’t sound like it was myself. Even Kagami was angered with him. Eventually, we managed to get out of him that a Turk gave some second-class the information that Kagami was in a relationship with someone from Banora.

Great. All we needed was someone finding out and both of our reputations shattered. So, in order to keep our secret safe, we pursued the culprit.

“REEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” Kagami burst into Lazard’s office where our target and a few of his coworkers were, snatched him by the ponytail and sprinted out with me close behind.

Stairs flew past us until we reached the rooftop, and Kagami slammed him against the wall, knocking the air out of him. “Ow! Man, that hurt, yo!” he rubbed the back of his head. “I'm lucky my hair wasn't ripped out-”

“You won’t be lucky for much longer, asshat!” She cursed, grabbing his collar and pushing him up the wall.

“So, Reno.” I calmly said, playing the ‘good cop’. “Is it true that you were the one that started the rumor?”

The suspect laughed nervously. “What rumor? I have no idea what you're talking about, yo.”

“Oh, really?” Seemingly out of thin air, a certain white-haired woman pulled out a shining hunting knife and pressed it up against his neck with a sadistic smile. “Then I suppose you won't mind if you're a bit lacking in some areas, hm?”

“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!!” He screamed, knowing full well that Kagami was very capable of continuing the action. “I saw how lovey-dovey you two were, and I wanted payback for insulting me, so I told a SOLIDER member how Kagami was in a relationship with someone from Banora and knowing how you two wanted it a secret, so I created the rumor! I'm sorry! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!!”

“Oh, we weren't going to kill you.” She smiled, pulling the knife away slightly and dropping him to the ground. “Only maim you a bit~!”

“Before we let you go,” I took Kagami’s place and narrowed my eyes. “There is just one thing we need you to do, okay?”

At this point, Reno was almost crying. I would’ve felt sorry for him, if I actually cared. “W-What?”

“You will NOT mention this to ANYONE and you will do whatever you can to stop this rumor. Understood?”

“U-Understood, sir.” He swallowed and asked timidly: “Can I go now?”

“Of course~!” Kagami answered as if she wasn’t holding a knife close to her face that still had a murderous grin on it. “Just remember, if you don't, this little knifey will be your closest friend!”

Not even bothering with goodbye, the red-head fled as soon as he was in the clear.

“Do you think we were a little harsh on him?” I asked my partner in crime.

“Nah.” She slipped the knife back into her jacket pocket. “He'll be fine! Of course, that's AFTER a crapton of counseling.”