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I wanna be artsy fartsy too DX

Tue Sep 22, 2009, 9:24 PM

* Mood: Irritated
* Listening to: "Dark Humor"-Poison Ivy League

So I told my mom that I was switching from AP Psychology to AP (Studio) Art tomorrow morning and she went crazy. Still switching it. The only art class I've ever had was back in elementary school; 4th and 5th grade were the best--we participated in the Street Painting Festival and everything. She went on about how it's not gonna get me anywhere and's my 6th area for the IB Programme and not a core class, I think I'm fine, right?

AAAAAANYWAY I want Saturday to come. Double dateage with Mo and Cal(hopefully). Then we're going to see the variety show to watch Cal and the other 2 kids be awesome musical people =3 They were on some internet radio show last night and it ROCKED. It's the coolest thing ever to hear your best friend talking like he's someone we're not supposed to know him through some device. Mo and I were fangirling the whole time. Ridiculous <3

Mo and I are gonna work on the comic Monday, I think. Gotta finish by Cal's birthday =B

Anyway, I'm gonna go do...things. Maybe I'll draw. I should do that more, huh? Sorry about the lack of decent stuff =(
