My name is Samantha and I usually go by Sami. I'm a total dork, crazy and random. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome ^_~
Some facts about me:
My birthday is December 21, 1991.
My parents are divorced, and I just refer to my dad as Donnie. And sometimes my mom as Sherry, depends on if we're fighting or not.
I have a younger sister and an older sister. My younger sister used to have an account on theO but she has abandoned us XD
I live in Ohio.
I'm a Christian.
I've had problems with depression so occasionally things can get a little dark here. But I'm doing much better now.
I go to an AMAZING church. I can't get there very often, but I go whenever I can.
I do not have a boyfriend as of yet. But I'm in the market ;p
I am very random. VERY. Crazy and I love it. So be prepared ^^
I like to write fanfics and random stories. I have a fanfic on my other world and it will be finished eventually, I swear!! Just... Don't hold your breath, ne?
I love music.
I've been home schooled since the tenth grade and recently graduated high school.
I have a kitty named Artemis. He's my baby and he's what helped me through my depression the most.
I babysit and I like to talk about the baby and post pictures because while I may not have the "math gene" I definitely got a double dose of the "mothering gene."
My email is [email protected] if you want to email me. Please do, because I never get email. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO CHAIN MAIL!!!

tagged again

i've been tagged like four more times, so here we go again:
1. i LOVE rice.
2. i think that pocky, anime, manga, and HYDE are the best things that ever came from japan ^^
3. b-chan is my favorite person in the world to text because we're always quoting stuff from our fanfics. example: "You've got a baby in your belly!" from one of hers and "Mello! Stop making my wife cry!" from one of mine XDD
4. i think making rice balls is more fun than eating them.
5. i turn on comedy central while i'm taking my exams so if i get stressed i can stop and laugh. (that's the good thing about homeschool ^^)
6. i call my sister brittany-chan to piss her off (she doesn't like being called chan. go figure)
7. i have 21 unfinished stories. i think. it's been a while since i've counted.
8. i have a lot of trouble talking to people in person or on the phone, but no trouble at all talking to people online or through texting. darn social phobia.
i'm not going to tag anyone else, unless you want to be. in that case, consider yourself tagged.
in other news, my neighbors kids are here D: I hate it when they come over. their son is my mom's age and she likes him. and he has a kid. i don't want my mom dating period, much less dating a guy with a kid. and yes i know how hypocritcal that sounds, considering my mom has me and my sister. but still. so now i'm stressed about exams and the stupid neighbors.

Today's Random Thought: If you're gonna be two faced, sweetie, at least make one of them pretty.

my brain!

how long has it been since i posted? it feels like forever.
yesterday was officially my last day of school, but i was NOT doing 5 finals in one day. so i'm going until tomorrow at least. my brain hurts XD
went to my therapist on monday and wow, she's good. i ended up telling her one of the Very Big Things That I Never Tell Anyone. and then me and b-chan got into a conversation about it last night, which was... awkward. i had said something about being in therapy and she said i was fine. i'm not fine. i'm very not fine. b-chan thinks it's just depression, but there's more to it. this is probably confusing because i'm not clarifying, but oh well. i trust you guys and all, but i'm not telling the Very Big Thing. ever. to anyone. except my therapist. i thought she was going to have to tell my mom (yeah, it's that big a deal) but she didn't so i'm glad.
i have started yet another fanfic. *dies* it's death note, of course. that's all i ever write now lol. that makes four death note fanfics! at the same time! no wonder my brain is fried. speaking of fanfics, i'm going to try to get the rest of the short little scenes up so i can start writing the actual fanfic again. hopefully soon. i tihnk i only have one short scene left. so i might put it up today if i remember. but i probably won't start posting the actual fanfic until next week. stupid finals taking up brain space >_< i do not need to know the two divisions of the aunotomic nervous system!
*sigh* exams are calling.

Today's Random Thought: Norrisaphobia -- the fear of being roundhouse kicked in the head.

stupid dreams

waking up at 6am is not fun. it's even less fun when you didn't go to sleep until two and then had a weird dream. you know when you're half asleep and you know your dreaming? that's kind of what i was doing and the dream was about the guy i like. get out of my head already!!! geez.
b-chan said i could tell one of her funny little scene things. she texted this one to me, mello and matt are in line at a movie theater.
mello: two tickets for batman
guy selling tickets: O.O my gosh you're a man
matt: don't let her fool you, she's on hormones
mello: *hits matt hard*
matt: and she's sensative about it
XDD i love b-chan and her crazy mind. making fun of matt and mello is just too much fun ^^
i have no tests and quizzes today, so happy! i'm good until my exams. which are tuesday. o.o *whiny noise*
I was checking my views yesterday, and i had six hundred and sixty-six. i refuse to put that in numerals O.o i was like "Oh holy freaking crap!!" and went on my site really fast to make it go up. i haven't been that freaked out in a while XD
i don't know what else to saaay.... uum... yeah, i think that's it. what a short post lol.
picture since the post was so short:

how adorable is he! i've been obssessing over matt lately cuz i'm working on a fanfic with him in it. and so is b-chan. double the obssession!

Today's Random Thought: I never got a hole-in-one, but I did hit a guy. That's way more satisfying.

I have been tagged

i actually wasn't gonna post this morning but ElvesAteMyRamen tagged me, so I have to put up 8 random facts about myself. I'm trying to think of really random things that no one knows lol.
1. The first anime I ever watched was Speed Racer. This was before I had even heard the word anime.
2. Apparently I'm good with kids, but they stress me out.
3. I refuse to change a baby's diaper. I will change my own kids' and that's it.
4. I'm afraid of the oven.
5. I'm a very picky eater and won't even try most stuff, but if it's a Japanese food I'll try it every time XDD
6. I have one year, five months, and 5 days until I turn 18 and can move out. Even though I won't until I'm done with school, but it'll be nice to know that I can. (Does this count as a random fact?)
7. I sucked at drawing my entire life until I became an anime fan and started trying to draw with that style. And now -- well, I'm not good, but I don't suck ^_^
8. Most of my friends are online. I love my computer because my friends live in it ^^
I couldn't think of mych for 8 XD Now I shall tag TrinityLight, Otakufangirl, Ryosuke Forever, John3:16, vampireknight15, Saxgirl, um... those are the only people i can think of XD obviously you don't have to do this but it's fun.

aside from that, nothing much today. just an exam that i'm putting off till tomorrow. oh, and i got my hair done. it's got a red piece clipped in. i took a picture and might put it up at some point.
the guy that i like is making it very hard for me to get over him =/ i checked my email today and there was one from him and he was being really funny and nice. *sigh* stupid boys, who needs them. >_<
crap! i forgot about school XDD random thought time

Today's Random Thought: Hug a tree. They have less issues than people.

Therapy, Babies, and One Weird Dream

I love my therapist :D This might actually work. She listened and gave me feedback, unlike the last lady i went to who just kind of sat there and stared at me the whole time. I'm going back monday.
as soon as me and my mom stepped in the door at home, my little cousin becca lunged for me. she moves pretty fast for not being two yet. her mommy was going to be on tv because the place where she works was on the news. we saw her ^^ she said she didn't even klnow they were taping, everyone was like "what's happening??" lol.
i had the weirdest dream last night. i was talking to a friend (who i didn't recognize XD) and this mean girl, who was being terrible to everyone, came up and interrupted us. then my friend beth came up and interrupted her, and i told her it was rude and to apologize, so she did. and then i just went off on the mean girl XDD i yelled that she was being rude too, because she had interrrupted us in the first place and she was being horrible to everyone all day. she started calling me names, and right as i was about to slap her across the face, my mom woke me up XD
i'm trying to convince b-chan to let me post her random little fanfic scenes. she has a lot that involve matt and mello, namely mello bringing a girl home and matt ruining any chance he might have had of getting with her. it is HILARIOUS. and we "lend" our OCs to each other so one of them has haruka in it :D i happen to think that one's the funniest, because it involves mello pretending to be gay to ruin matt's chances with a girl. if you guys would want to hear them, i'll see if i can convince her to let me post them. because i'm nice and promised i wouoldn't without her permission. she said she wants to but doesn't want comments because she's antisocial, even though i told her they would all be good comments because she's funny and you guys are nice ^^
speaking of random fanfic scenes, i've got another haruka and matt one (two actually) that i'll put up soon. maybe today, not sure.
getting my hair cut today, i'll finally have bangs again XD i'm trying to convince my mom to let me dye my bangs blue but she syas she won't pay for it. but she'll pay for highlights. i want to know what the difference is, besides the fact that one is a natural color and one isn't.
oh wow, i'm leaving soon actually. time for the random thought!

Today's Random Thought: Life is like a pack of gum; I've yet to figure out why.