Kami's Online Daily Journal

Dear Nina,
Finally a place where I can jot down my daily life!
A little place on TheOtaku just for me.
Where my fans could read all about my life.
All about my real life outside the internet.
But what should I call it?
A diary, a forum, a blog?
No, how about a journal...

Started Journal on:
March 20th '08, Thursday
Days Missed: 0

Daily Journal Ended. (Journal Entries)


June 27th '08, Friday - 9:11 PM

Dear Nina, YEAH! Fishing is back on Gaia Online. Woot woot! Whooo. The only thing that's really upseting is that I'm not good at it. I've been playing it the past hour and I only caught 3 fish. That's all. 3. *sigh* I really...

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