June 10th '08, Tuesday - 8:31 PM

Dear Nina,
I got a letter today from my Math Teacher. I can't believe what the letter said. I'M GOING TO BE IN AN ADVANCED CLASS NEXT YEAR! I'm so surprised!! I always was the smartest kid in class *tries not to brag*. And I always got over 100% on tests (extra credit). I guess there's no reason to be surprised, cause I knew something like this would happend. Now there's only one question left: Should I got to the Advanced Class? First of all, none of my friends will there. Second, it might be a little too advanced for me. I don't know what to do. My parent's are proud of me, but there still thinking if they should approve.
Today I went to Tektek.org and made my Dream Avatar! It took me 1.5 hours! I had to start all over many times because I had to use my mom's computer because my computer won't go on the website. My computer still has the Cyber Sitter thing and it won't let me go on some websites! Anyways, my mom's computer kept closing the Website out. But that's okay, I finally got my Dream Avatar done! It's so beautiful. I was thinking of making a Ice avatar, but then I chose to make a Flower themeish avatar. I might make anouther one with a Ninja theme. Ugh, that means I have to go back on my mom's computer. :P By the way, I put my Dream Avatar on My Gaia Online Profile, if you wanna see it.
At school today, we had to give our 'How to Do' Speeches. I was 2nd to go, and I was so scared. I practiced it in Science and Social Studies, but I was still shivering. I get staged fright all the time, even if it's something fun. When it was my turn to go up, I couldn't help but giggle because I'm the type of girl who laughs whenever I'm shy (feel free to slap some sense into me sometimes). Well, I did good during the presentation, and I think I did better than others, but I think I talked to fast. When I got the paper that had my score on, it showed I got a 3.5/4. That's good! Atleast I didn't get a 1 like some people. It was kind of fun. I want to do it again!

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