Kami's Online Daily Journal

Dear Nina,
Finally a place where I can jot down my daily life!
A little place on TheOtaku just for me.
Where my fans could read all about my life.
All about my real life outside the internet.
But what should I call it?
A diary, a forum, a blog?
No, how about a journal...

Started Journal on:
March 20th '08, Thursday
Days Missed: 0

Daily Journal Ended. (Journal Entries)


June 10th '08, Tuesday - 8:31 PM

Dear Nina, I got a letter today from my Math Teacher. I can't believe what the letter said. I'M GOING TO BE IN AN ADVANCED CLASS NEXT YEAR! I'm so surprised!! I always was the smartest kid in class *tries not to brag*. And I always got over ...

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