this is one complex character. You paint him as such a mistfit! ^^ His mind keeps on one topic to the other!
haha...Princess Yelena better watch out...hehe ><
No problem. It's really good for your first story.
When I look back on my old stories, I want to stab myself for my writing. XD Then again, that might be because I wrote them when I was like... 12? I don't know. D8
It's good for the most part, though. Don't worry so much about it.
yeah this is my first story I have actually really wrote...ack! Now I know never to write when I dont feel like writing! It was really hard for me to select words so that´s probably what you are noticing, sorry about that -__-
thanks for personaly letting mme know it was up lolXD
omg wow again im amazed^^ this is briliantness
it put togather really nice i can see this beeing an manga and a book by its self
i see maney things that would be a good quote or so^^
keep up the greatwork^^
This is very well written!
Is this the first story you've ever written? Because I'm curious as to whether you write this way in all your stories.
It's good so far... Sometimes I think you make some things too obvious, though. Like the part when you included, "...and ended up stabbing myself in the eye." I got that idea from the sentences before, and you adding that line didn't make it sound too good... To me, anyway. =T
As for Yelena, she's quite peculiar... Kapranova talks about her like she's a real goddess, but her responses to him are... sharp, if you know what I mean.
And Kapranova himself sounds a bit contradictive...
Otherwise, I have to say this is quite good. ^^ Amazing job.
well i don't know if they edit them but I know that it taks about themm needing to be well edited...sooo......I guess they figure out somehows *shrug*
that's good, though I hope you don't get too confused....cause yeah, you could read one thing skip one chapter and be all WHAT THE HELL!!.....soo yeah.....beware with my writings....because I do that sometimes....^-^ AHH, thankses! Good luck with getting that computer! but yeahs!
AHHHH that's soo sweet. I know i'm not popular here and i'm fine with that, sure I wouldn't mind some more views and feedback on my work but....what can you do....well you can network but I just don't do that. Not a people person. ^-^ Yes, it's always good to have a friend that actually stays and TALKS to you. I would never ignore you anyways cause you is like my internet best friend, and I always make time to thank people for comment and fav and subscriptions and watches and whatever else! I think it's nice to get that from people, so I try to do it too^-^
Ack! they actually edit them!? Eep! double eep! ha ha ha, now I really feel like I dont have a chance that it is going to get published, ha ha ha. But like i said before we'll see what happens. ha ha ha. I think I have edited prettty uh, cough, some areas, ha ha ha.
But yeah I do read your story sometimes, and I jump around a lot from different chapters! As soon as I get my own computer with internet though I will totally read them all in order and comment, ha ha ha!
You are a great writer, I think the only possible reason to why it isnt published is because well, not enough views. ha ha ha, lets face the facts itsumademo you arent the most popular gal on this site, ha ha ha ha. But I think that's why I like you. I dont have to worry about you ignoring me! XD!!!
yeah...some of the publishing has to do with views, but also how well it's edited....they are sticklers for good editing. I tried to submit some of my stuff when I started putting The Catalyst and Tewoeklon up but they didn't get through and I bet it's from edits.
AHHH!!! Thanks so much! I'm glad I was able to inspire your inner writer! I hope that it gets published as well because I just LOVE your style! I rarely ever see such eloquently written stories...other than in my own head^-^ But whenever I write that way it confuses people:P Hehehe, but I love it!
That means so much that you have been reading my new story! I really liked it and how it's been progressing, makes me so happy that my favorite online person is reading it ^-^ Yeah...chapter ten was meant ot kinda confuse you unless you are awesome or somethign and know exactly what I am thinking...0,o which would be SO creepy and yet...slighty awesome! But chapter ten is important to the story. That's fine, I really didn't expect to get comments on every can get tedious after a don't get disappointed if your comment count on your story decreases!! People are still reading but commenting after each one is hard :P
I'm glad that I made you happy with my likes of your style! Because I really do adore it!! Metaphors and the like are always soo wonderful at describing things, especially emotions! You are very good, keep going sweetie!!
Last edited by itsumademo at 7:53:15 PM EDT on September 14, 2009.
Actually I think it was you who first lit the flame of inspiration in my heart. Every time I read a new chapter of blade it always reminded me of when I used to write and how much I missed it, ha ha ha. It's not until now that I actually started writing but you know, you had a lot to with it.
And dont get me wrong I have been reading some of Catalyst and it's really great! Like really great! You are good at explaining action and different emotions, ha ha ha. I read chapter ten I think it was today and I loved it! Even though I kind of dont know the rest of ...what's uh...going on, ha ha ha. One of the reasons why I didnt comment. ack! I'm horrible!
But yeah thanks for liking me style is means so much to me!
Yeah I am trying to submit this for fanfiction...I think it has to be approved by a certain amount of views or something, ha ha ha. But I really do hope it becomes published I like writing this story!
Actually writing the first chapter was pretty difficult for me, I couldnt grap the romantics and rythm but I got through it, ha ha ha. Only two pages but hey it's a start!
I'm so glad you see it the way you do! I try to bring my characters alive through my writing, ha ha ha ha. Sometimes even the characters come out different than planned, like the princess, ack! ha ha ha. I hope you were able to imagine the characters well.
yes that is exactly what I meant! ha ha ha. It kind of gives a hint of the future of why he ends up sewing the mouths of the pandas shut! ha ha ha, thankyou for the comment!
Wow that was deep. it's like, when you write, you become a different person. A whole differen being comes out. You know what you should do? You should submit this to the fanfiction corner so more people can read it. That would be awesome. I mean, you already have it down, why not? I say go for it, this is looking really good so far.
It's kind of scary how the princess brought up him being a murderer. it's almost like, she gave him the idea or something
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
AHHH, I just love this!! I really enjoy your writing style, it very briefly reminds me of that why you enjoyed it so?? Nahh....probably not.
It may just be me, but this almost has a victorian feel to it...makes the story very intriguing to me! I also am curious to see how it progresses..yes, yes indeed.
But OH, this woman...her reply seemed rather rude to me...yes, very much so. The poor guy is head-over-heels, absolutely, madly in love with her...just so sad...oh but revenge he shall need...revenge he shall have *evil, creepy grin of doom-ed-ness*
I like how you interweave his thoughts into this story. I think the part about wishing his mouth would be sewn shut was clever - reminds me of his pandas... ^^
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/09 | Reply
Wow...this is fantastic...he's such an amazing sadistic....and MORBID! XD I love it!
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/24/09 | Reply
this is one complex character. You paint him as such a mistfit! ^^ His mind keeps on one topic to the other!
haha...Princess Yelena better watch out...hehe ><
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
No problem. It's really good for your first story.

When I look back on my old stories, I want to stab myself for my writing. XD Then again, that might be because I wrote them when I was like... 12? I don't know. D8
It's good for the most part, though. Don't worry so much about it.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
yeah this is my first story I have actually really wrote...ack! Now I know never to write when I dont feel like writing! It was really hard for me to select words so that´s probably what you are noticing, sorry about that -__-
sasuke uchia
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
thanks for personaly letting mme know it was up lolXD
omg wow again im amazed^^ this is briliantness
it put togather really nice i can see this beeing an manga and a book by its self
i see maney things that would be a good quote or so^^
keep up the greatwork^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
This is very well written!
Is this the first story you've ever written? Because I'm curious as to whether you write this way in all your stories.
It's good so far... Sometimes I think you make some things too obvious, though. Like the part when you included, "...and ended up stabbing myself in the eye." I got that idea from the sentences before, and you adding that line didn't make it sound too good... To me, anyway. =T
As for Yelena, she's quite peculiar... Kapranova talks about her like she's a real goddess, but her responses to him are... sharp, if you know what I mean.
And Kapranova himself sounds a bit contradictive...
Otherwise, I have to say this is quite good. ^^ Amazing job.
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
i feel bad for him, when the princess tells him she doesn't like him back lol
Can I be someone else for all the times I hate myself?
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
Oh wow, your story is going great!! I love it!! the wording, the descirtion everything is great!!! evverything of yours is too amazing, you know?
Can I be someone else for all the times I hate myself?
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
well i don't know if they edit them but I know that it taks about themm needing to be well edited...sooo......I guess they figure out somehows *shrug*
that's good, though I hope you don't get too confused....cause yeah, you could read one thing skip one chapter and be all WHAT THE HELL!!.....soo yeah.....beware with my writings....because I do that sometimes....^-^ AHH, thankses! Good luck with getting that computer! but yeahs!
AHHHH that's soo sweet. I know i'm not popular here and i'm fine with that, sure I wouldn't mind some more views and feedback on my work but....what can you do....well you can network but I just don't do that. Not a people person. ^-^ Yes, it's always good to have a friend that actually stays and TALKS to you. I would never ignore you anyways cause you is like my internet best friend, and I always make time to thank people for comment and fav and subscriptions and watches and whatever else! I think it's nice to get that from people, so I try to do it too^-^
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
Ack! they actually edit them!? Eep! double eep! ha ha ha, now I really feel like I dont have a chance that it is going to get published, ha ha ha. But like i said before we'll see what happens. ha ha ha. I think I have edited prettty uh, cough, some areas, ha ha ha.
But yeah I do read your story sometimes, and I jump around a lot from different chapters! As soon as I get my own computer with internet though I will totally read them all in order and comment, ha ha ha!
You are a great writer, I think the only possible reason to why it isnt published is because well, not enough views. ha ha ha, lets face the facts itsumademo you arent the most popular gal on this site, ha ha ha ha. But I think that's why I like you. I dont have to worry about you ignoring me! XD!!!
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
yeah...some of the publishing has to do with views, but also how well it's edited....they are sticklers for good editing. I tried to submit some of my stuff when I started putting The Catalyst and Tewoeklon up but they didn't get through and I bet it's from edits.
it would still be awesome though!! GOOD LUCK!!
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
AHHH!!! Thanks so much! I'm glad I was able to inspire your inner writer! I hope that it gets published as well because I just LOVE your style! I rarely ever see such eloquently written stories...other than in my own head^-^ But whenever I write that way it confuses people:P Hehehe, but I love it!
That means so much that you have been reading my new story! I really liked it and how it's been progressing, makes me so happy that my favorite online person is reading it ^-^ Yeah...chapter ten was meant ot kinda confuse you unless you are awesome or somethign and know exactly what I am thinking...0,o which would be SO creepy and yet...slighty awesome! But chapter ten is important to the story. That's fine, I really didn't expect to get comments on every can get tedious after a don't get disappointed if your comment count on your story decreases!! People are still reading but commenting after each one is hard :P
I'm glad that I made you happy with my likes of your style! Because I really do adore it!! Metaphors and the like are always soo wonderful at describing things, especially emotions! You are very good, keep going sweetie!!
Last edited by itsumademo at 7:53:15 PM EDT on September 14, 2009.
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
Actually I think it was you who first lit the flame of inspiration in my heart. Every time I read a new chapter of blade it always reminded me of when I used to write and how much I missed it, ha ha ha. It's not until now that I actually started writing but you know, you had a lot to with it.
And dont get me wrong I have been reading some of Catalyst and it's really great! Like really great! You are good at explaining action and different emotions, ha ha ha. I read chapter ten I think it was today and I loved it! Even though I kind of dont know the rest of ...what's uh...going on, ha ha ha. One of the reasons why I didnt comment. ack! I'm horrible!
But yeah thanks for liking me style is means so much to me!
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
@Teapot Domescam:
Yeah I am trying to submit this for fanfiction...I think it has to be approved by a certain amount of views or something, ha ha ha. But I really do hope it becomes published I like writing this story!
Actually writing the first chapter was pretty difficult for me, I couldnt grap the romantics and rythm but I got through it, ha ha ha. Only two pages but hey it's a start!
I'm so glad you see it the way you do! I try to bring my characters alive through my writing, ha ha ha ha. Sometimes even the characters come out different than planned, like the princess, ack! ha ha ha. I hope you were able to imagine the characters well.
thanks for the comment!
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
yes that is exactly what I meant! ha ha ha. It kind of gives a hint of the future of why he ends up sewing the mouths of the pandas shut! ha ha ha, thankyou for the comment!
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
Wow that was deep. it's like, when you write, you become a different person. A whole differen being comes out. You know what you should do? You should submit this to the fanfiction corner so more people can read it. That would be awesome. I mean, you already have it down, why not? I say go for it, this is looking really good so far.
It's kind of scary how the princess brought up him being a murderer. it's almost like, she gave him the idea or something
The Itsufer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
AHHH, I just love this!! I really enjoy your writing style, it very briefly reminds me of that why you enjoyed it so?? Nahh....probably not.
It may just be me, but this almost has a victorian feel to it...makes the story very intriguing to me! I also am curious to see how it progresses..yes, yes indeed.
But OH, this woman...her reply seemed rather rude to me...yes, very much so. The poor guy is head-over-heels, absolutely, madly in love with her...just so sad...oh but revenge he shall need...revenge he shall have *evil, creepy grin of doom-ed-ness*
can't wait for mores! ^-^
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
I like how you interweave his thoughts into this story. I think the part about wishing his mouth would be sewn shut was clever - reminds me of his pandas... ^^