Hey hey, I'm Kastom.

I don't like talking about myself, so, uh...yeah. lol. I'm a major gamer, I read a lot of books (physics, math, philosophy, fantasy), watch and read some anime, and spend the rest of my time being annoyed at gravity for restricting me to being able to do only one front flip at a time.

I've posted a few of the articles/essays I've written, so if you're ever interested in reading anything that I have thought about or researched, check out my articles world, Kastom's Thoughts.

And the essentials:

Kastom's Bio:

Birth date: September 10, 1989
Sex: Male
Real Name: Tomas (Tom)
Living: Ontario, Canada
Occupation: University of Waterloo Undergraduate Physics Major

And I leave you with a quote from Adam which sums me up well:
"Kastom is very smart and wise, but sometimes he acts like a n00blet..."

My first...*giggle*


So I just finished my first-ever fan comic! It turned quite a bit better than...ah, just read the description on the comic itself.
*not lazy, EFFECIENT*

It was really fun to make that! I think I'm going to make a bunch more once I'm done exams. I already have a few more comics thought of, and I'm already starting to think of some story-esk thingys for my two characters (who I've already begun to develop).

Now all I need to do is get better at drawing, and hopefully eventually get good enough with Photoshop to colour these things.

Anyways, back to studying. I got Physics tomorrow, and I'm quite worried about it. Since I'm a Physics major, they make our Physics class crazy difficult.


- Kastom

EDIT: My friend just read my comic, and he didn't get it. Is he just an idiot, or did I not write it properly? Please tell me if you get the joke or not. Gah, that would so suck if I messed it up....

I'm a F@NB0Y


So had my programming exam today. Wow. Talk about easy. I'm pretty well positive that I got 100%. Like, actually completely perfect. It was sooooooo easOH CRAP! JUST REMEMBERED THAT MY LAUNDRY IS STILL IN THE WASHER AND HAS BEEN WAITING THERE FOR SEVERAL HOURS CRAP BE RIGHT BACK IN A SEC!!
There we go. Now I just need to remember to get it out of the dryer. Oh boy, this'll be tough....

Anyways, after the easy exam, I got back here, and decided to check out Awkward Zombie on Miss A's advice. It was pretty sweet. I read all of the comics, and I gotta say, some of those are freakin' hilarious!

And then, my adventure led me to F@NB0Y$. HOLY CRAP IT'S AN AMAZING COMIC. I read the entire thing! Took me about...two hours I think? lol. It's is sooooooo good.
Few things about it:
- I find I am a LOT like Lemmy
- But I'm not as whimmpy as he is, and I've got a bit of Paul mixed in me
- But I am every bit as Nintendo as he is
- I am also very childish in the same way he is (you know, the cute adorable way, mwhahahaha...lol)
- Sylvia is awesome

Which brings me to my next point. WHY CAN'T I MEET SOMEONE LIKE SYLVIA IN THE COMIC?! GAH.
Like, gahness. Why can't I meet someone that is as hot as her and is into video games and anime as much as she is?!
Makes me feel very creepy talking about a fictional character like that, but still...
Sorry for that. I needed to vent...
I'll just go now.


- Kastom

*smack self*
P.P.S. Sorry for that...

You can call me a sensitive pansy or whatever, I don't care. Lemmy is so much like me in this one it's almost scary. Except for the whole, you know, having an unbelievably amazing girlfriend...
What I wouldn't give...



Also, the more I look at it, the more I realize how much I look like Lemmy. Just change his hair to blond, and that's basically how look (the hair is very close! just make the bangs a little longer...er...a LOT longer I suppose), minus the earring (which coincidentally I've been thinking of getting for a year or two now).




So did two exams yesterday. Chem in the morning, then Chem Lab at night. Overall I think I did really quite well on them. Next on is on Monday. Well, that`s now three down, five to go...

So I installed Unreal Tournament 2004 yesterday after my Chem Lab exam. And WOW, that is a FUN game! It's so fast paced and intense and just plain awesome! The only thing is that none of my friends on my floor will install it to play LAN. *sigh*, I guess bots will have to do...
I basically played it all day today. I should have studied, but my next exam (programming) will be easy, so, whatever. I'll do a bit before I go to bed tonight.

So funny thing happened yesterday after my Chem exam in the morning. I was walking up the stairs (the same that I "climbed" in the video from my last post), when two girls walking down were in front of me. Suddenly one of them stopped when they saw me, and said, "I know this may sound like a REALLY weird question, but are you from Carleton Place?"
I was confused but answered, "Yeah..."
"I knew it! I'm from Renfrew (a town pretty close to my hometown)! I played against you in Reach for the Top!"
(Reach for the Top, for those of you that don't know, is a High School quiz game, where two teams of four get asked questions, and you must buzz in and answer them to get points. It's an AWESOME game. *sigh* I miss it...anyways...)
I still didn't recognize her, but I knew exactly what she was talking about.
"Really?! That's awesome!" I replied enthusiastically.
"Yeah! It's been bothering me for a long time now since I first saw you!"
So we ended up talking a bit, before she and her friend went down to the Caf.

Basically, this was really bad for my ego. lol. I'm not arrogant, 'cause I hate arrogant people, but I will admit that I often think well of myself. Well this just made my head inflate to an extremely large size, lol.

I mean, how memorable must I be if she, who I'd only ever seen a few times for only a few hours, the last being over a year ago, remembered me?! Mwhahahahha!!
See what I mean? Bad Kastom, bad!

But really, this isn't even the first time this kind of thing this has happened to me. When I went to my first Con (two years ago) in Montreal, Quebec, I had the same costume I wore (and still wear) at my second Con in Ottawa, Ontario, which was almost half a year later. And someone at the one in Ottawa recognized me from the one in Montreal! Like, out of ALL the people at BOTH, this girl was able to notice me! God, I must be so incredibly hot or something!
Hahahahaha....lol...Sorry, sorry!

But really, the fact that both of these things happened really makes me think that there must be something about me. *sigh* I just must be so unbelievably amazing or something...
just kidding, just kidding! I'm being sarcastic there, lol.

My guess for this? My hair. Because really, my hair REALLY is REALLY different. I've yet to see anyone with hair like mine. For instance, whenever people haven't known my name, but wanted to talk to me, they usually say something along the lines of, "Hey, you with the hair!" I mean, what else could it be that could make these two girls remember me for so long, even though they barely saw me much?
Well, other than extremely attractive body...
lol...sarcasm again, sorry! I just can't help myself, I'm slipping so much!

Anyways, I guess I'll get back to that thing people call studying...


- Kastom

Stairs are for the weak...


So, if you are given that the pKa is 3.18, and you have 0.040L of 0.0136M HF being titrated by 0.286M HCl, what is the pH when the equivalence point is reached? Hint: use the Henderson-Hasselbach equation.

Blah, I'm so tired of studying Chem...

So I was looking up a bunch of games for the Wii, and there are some pretty sweet ones coming out! First of all, Ookami is coming out next week! I totally can't wait to try it based on what I've heard! There's also Mario Kart Wii coming out at the end of the month, and it seems like it's going to be totally and utterly amazing, especially with all the online stuff! Too bad I won't be able to use it once I go back home (dial-up at home). An interesting-sounding RPG called Baroque, based of a manga of the same name came out yesterday or something. I'm thinking of trying that if I can find a place to rent it from. Alone in the Dark 5 is coming out next month. Never played any of them, but I've heard they're good, and from what I've seen, 5 will be pretty sweet. Like RE4 from the looks of it. There's also this really interesting-looking RPG/adventure(?) game called Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon coming out. It's made by Namco-Bandai, so high hopes for it! Looks really different, but pretty cool. Really reminded me of Spirited Away. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers is still up in the air. High hopes for that one as well. I really hope they don't mess it up like they did the one for the Gamecube. Sword of Legendia is still a MIA game, lol. No idea about it, but I really hope there IS going to be something. And Tales game would be nice. And speaking of Tales, my most anticipated game of all right now...TALES OF SYMPHONIA: KINGHT OF RATATOSK/DAWN OF THE NEW WORLD. I'm sooooo looking forward to this. But more than that, I'm REALLY hoping they don't completely mess it up. Though it almost sounds like they may have already judging on what they've said about the characters. All the old cast will be playable at some point, but the only two permanent characters will be Emil and Marta, and there will be a focus on using the monster capture thingys. Which is REALLY scaring me that they're going to totally F it up. They'd better not...and they'd BETTER put Sheena in a LOT...like, A LOT LOT....Sheena = awesomeness...

Anyways, that was a bunch of stuff I learned (except for the ToS stuff which I've been following for a while) while trying to study yesterday. lol. I didn't get distracted TOO much, did I?

Also, here's a video I got my friend to take of me "climbing" the stairwell in my rez MY way. lol. I do this pretty often 'cause it's fun.

*sigh* My hair doesn't look as awesome as it really is. This video makes it look so much less anime than it actually is...lol...


- Kastom

*hobble* *hobble*


Yeah, so now I have a limp.
I guess I shouldn't have been repeatedly doing all those flips on Saturday. Gah. Yesterday it wasn't so bad, 'cause I didn't really have to walk anywhere. But today is my last day of classes, and that means I have to walk around campus all today. Gah. My calf kills when I walk.

Yeah, so Jade empire is a pretty sweet game! I've already played about 5 hours. Not much, but considering I'm studyin' lots, I'm pretty happy with my progress. I can see this game getting really good. It's kinda like a mix between prince of persia and neverwinter nights. Odd combo, but they pulled it off!

Anyways, I gotta study some more. *sigh* One exam down, only 7 to go...


- Kastom

EDIT: Now HERE'S something you don't see in every game...

Heaven, eh? lol.