Kastom, you are not alone at feeling old. Just the other day while listening to very old videogames songs made me feel truly old.
Thing is, while you feel kids should play the games we played when we were kids to truly appreciate the new ones they have now, other people who are much older than you will tell you the same exact thing when you were a kid and the kids from today will have the same feeling when they watch their kids play the whatever games and consoles that will exist at the time.
Its like a cycle. So long you keep your old consoles and games you played years back and share those moments with the youngest, I'm sure you will be fine. And think it this way, you may feel old and you will get old someday but you have experienced something completely different and unique that kids nowadays haven't. We (and I mean you, me and everyone even older than us) belong to the generation of consoles who only had a few bits unto the consoles and had this very unique songs, we are old but COOLER! =P
Wow, I'm 17 and I've never felt older until now. I remember playing my N64 constantly and how it was always very useful. I loved playing games and I will always love them, even though I can't play as often. The NES and N64 are still my favorite systems and I've always been throughly entertained by them and their simple yet wonderful games. If I have children, I know for a fact that I will raise them on three things:noble morals, decent respectable music(I feel reeeal old now), and the games of an Italian plumber.
I love most of the old games (even tough Im only 12) My first gamming system was a nintando64 and I still rather play my Super Smash Bros on there than the Wii or Game Cube :)
Ah, the good days.... I was never a hard core gammer, alas my hand to controller reflexs are of the most pathetic, but I remember quite a few good times with gammer freinds who would kick my a$$. Not to mention having to blow dust out of cartriges...and pokemon cards...OH Pokemon cards. I had holligraphic. I was COOL.
I'm sixteen now and can remember the first episode from pokemon,( I have a weird memory for movies and such). U.U.
Once I talked to my six year old little brother( Now HE is a gammer, six and he can beat my twelve year old little brother and a few of my freinds in games..) and I was saying something about something from the ninties, and he says " That was your generation"
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
I'm at about the same age as you: 18 going on 19. It's really weird when you think back 10 years ago and it doesn't even feel that long ago. Or if the year 1997 comes up and you remember that that was over a decade ago.
It's part of growing up. Best to get used to it now. XP
There's one thing about video games, though. The good ones - the "classics" - shall always be remembered. Even if the majority of new gamers never ends up playing them, there will be groups out there that like the older stuff. At least, that's what I believe.
And gashsplurnit, everyone HAS to play Super Mario World at one point. Such a good game...
Ahh, nostalgia. Am I supposed to be getting nostalgic at seventeen?
While I never owned a Nintendo system before Game Boy Color and 64, I did play the classic Mario games on my old friend's NES. Ah, the days where I totally failed at gaming. Honestly, I was horrible at it, although that could be attributed to the fact that I was five years old when I played it last. Games seem so much harder when you're younger (although there are still some that are just plain hard, no matter how old you are ^-^). My household was more Sega-oriented, as we had a Genesis and a Game Gear (we only had one game for it: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!). We even bought Sega TV (sometimes, I feel like I was the only one). Then, of course, there was Pokemon. Boy, did I run head-long into that one. As soon as Yellow came out, I got the special edition version, with the yellow and blue Pokemon Game Boy Color with Pikachu, Togepi, and Jigglypuff on the screen. I didn't even know what Togepi was yet! That thing has a bunch of sentimental value to me, as it was the first system I'd gotten that wasn't a hand-me-down from my brother.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. Your writing was very nice, definitely liking the nostalgic, sentimental feel.
I came to this same realization thanks to my nephews, the oldest one being 15. I was talking to them about Zelda while i was playing twilight princess. I asked if they had ever played the original, they replied with "Yea, we used to have a 64 and we remember you bringing the Zelda that came out on it and playing it." I was at a loss for words when they said that. To the point where I paused the game, placed the controller down as gently as slowly and gently as a newborn kitten, went outside lit up a cigarette (yes i smoke, and i know what most people think of it, im trying to quit, *bleh*), and just stood there silently smoking. My nephews asked me what was wrong, and i just replied: "Nothing, just REALLY needed a smoke. Go back inside, i don't want you inhaling this crap." Thats how bad it was, to the point where i remember the exact words that were exchanged that day. So yea, i feel your pain. And its worse for me since im 22 now. But as i said before, and i'll say till Ragnarok come, From the womb, to the tomb, GAMER 4 LIFE!!!
There exists gaming platforms that I do not want to even name. They are best to be passed over in silence. And, no, I'm not so antediluvian that I was trying to figure out how to play a game on EDVAC.
For a game that was mainly "about a man in overalls that could jump really high", it sure was fun, wasn't it?
lol. i just did that with a couple of my friends last week. in fact, we were doing this while playing dig dug, so i can relate to you man. it does make me feel old knowing that all this stuff came out when we were kids.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Five years ago I was already sad that a lot of people I talked to had never played a Zelda game before Ocarina of Time. (Remember those realistic vs. cartoony debates that swept the internet leading up to The Wind Waker's release and how all the OoT fanboys didn't even realize the series had been cartoony from the start?) But thankfully the download services on the current gen consoles give younger players an easy way to go back and play the classics.
Also, I still remember my first time playing Duck Hunt on my older brother's NES back when I was only four or five years old. Holding the Zapper all the way up against the screen was leet.
Ah the old days of video gaming. I remembering forgetting my book bag at home because I was too busy playing Pokemon Gold/Silver when I was in 3rd grade. I still catch myself wanting to play the old Pokemon's.
Forgot the old blue hedgehog, lol. I still play the first one every now and then. The days where you were restricted to only three lives; now you can die as much as you want with no worry. Haha, my duck hunt memories just came into my head. Hard to believe that was about 5 years ago.
The last paragraph reminds me of a story. A personal story about how it was discovered that I, as a child, needed glasses because I kept killing mario by running him off the same cliff. First thing I said when I got home? "Mommy! I can see Mario!" True story.
You know, I really miss the older games. It seems like they were so much more fun and challenging. Or maybe it was because I was so much younger... and you couldn't really save in some cases.
I saw a kid just a week ago and I commented that he had a cool Zelda shirt. He asked me if I was a Zelda fan to which I replied "yes". He then says how he's a fan because he has Phantom Hourglass and I just reply
"Well, I have the original"
"I do too. Doesn't everyone?"
"You have it...on the nintendo?"
"Wha-? No, on the wii."
...At least the kid is playing it. Still doesn't beat the original gold cartridge with the old fashion controls. Man I love their choppy English. I think I can fully appreciate games now thanks to those older ones because you can see how far they've come from simple sprites to powerful 3D graphics and amazing storylines. And honestly, some of the older ones beat games today. I will never forget how many hours I spent just exploring one level in Diddy's Kong Quest.
And how did my simple comment get so complex?
Very good writing. Especially that last paragraph there.
I know how you feel though and believe from now you'll have many more moments like that, they may not have the same impact as this one because you'll eventually get used to it and I'm not THAT much older than you. XD
But isn't it fun to remember such moments? For me it is because those very moments was glorious times for me, many feelings are attached to them so you should put aside the time that has passed and cherish the moment itself.
Nah, I wouldn't say you're a kid ^^ You seem pretty mature, so I respect that. I have a friend who's a couple years older than you (almost 22) and until recently he hasn't been very mature or responsible. So it's all subjective really, age doesn't have anything to do with it.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Before I ever owned my own game systems (a Gameboy, then an SNES, then an NES/controllers/guns/games that I bought at a friend's family's yard sale, then a Gameboy Color) I used to play NES and the occaisional Atari at a friend's house.
Trust me, you aren't old yet, you've got a ways to go =P
I quite enjoyed that last paragraph. Contact me in fifty years, mmk?
But no, I totally understand. I'm not THAT much younger than you - sixteen - and it's so weird to think back ten years and be like "ho' snap, I was in the midst of all that!" Being in the fandom of anime and video games has caused me to do that a lot lately.
I noticed that ever since I found Digimon to watch again, I've been reminiscing more. It's like, wow, I was raised on this show! And now, here I am, a decade later, watching the fifth season and still being entertained. Man...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/18/09 | Reply
Kastom, you are not alone at feeling old. Just the other day while listening to very old videogames songs made me feel truly old.
Thing is, while you feel kids should play the games we played when we were kids to truly appreciate the new ones they have now, other people who are much older than you will tell you the same exact thing when you were a kid and the kids from today will have the same feeling when they watch their kids play the whatever games and consoles that will exist at the time.
Its like a cycle. So long you keep your old consoles and games you played years back and share those moments with the youngest, I'm sure you will be fine. And think it this way, you may feel old and you will get old someday but you have experienced something completely different and unique that kids nowadays haven't. We (and I mean you, me and everyone even older than us) belong to the generation of consoles who only had a few bits unto the consoles and had this very unique songs, we are old but COOLER! =P
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/22/08 | Reply
Wow, I'm 17 and I've never felt older until now. I remember playing my N64 constantly and how it was always very useful. I loved playing games and I will always love them, even though I can't play as often. The NES and N64 are still my favorite systems and I've always been throughly entertained by them and their simple yet wonderful games. If I have children, I know for a fact that I will raise them on three things:noble morals, decent respectable music(I feel reeeal old now), and the games of an Italian plumber.
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
I love most of the old games (even tough Im only 12) My first gamming system was a nintando64 and I still rather play my Super Smash Bros on there than the Wii or Game Cube :)
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Ah, the good days.... I was never a hard core gammer, alas my hand to controller reflexs are of the most pathetic, but I remember quite a few good times with gammer freinds who would kick my a$$. Not to mention having to blow dust out of cartriges...and pokemon cards...OH Pokemon cards. I had holligraphic. I was COOL.
I'm sixteen now and can remember the first episode from pokemon,( I have a weird memory for movies and such). U.U.
Once I talked to my six year old little brother( Now HE is a gammer, six and he can beat my twelve year old little brother and a few of my freinds in games..) and I was saying something about something from the ninties, and he says " That was your generation"
-> old
Miss Anonymous
Vagrant AI (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
I'm at about the same age as you: 18 going on 19. It's really weird when you think back 10 years ago and it doesn't even feel that long ago. Or if the year 1997 comes up and you remember that that was over a decade ago.
It's part of growing up. Best to get used to it now. XP
There's one thing about video games, though. The good ones - the "classics" - shall always be remembered. Even if the majority of new gamers never ends up playing them, there will be groups out there that like the older stuff. At least, that's what I believe.
And gashsplurnit, everyone HAS to play Super Mario World at one point. Such a good game...
Otakuite | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
Ahh, nostalgia. Am I supposed to be getting nostalgic at seventeen?
While I never owned a Nintendo system before Game Boy Color and 64, I did play the classic Mario games on my old friend's NES. Ah, the days where I totally failed at gaming. Honestly, I was horrible at it, although that could be attributed to the fact that I was five years old when I played it last. Games seem so much harder when you're younger (although there are still some that are just plain hard, no matter how old you are ^-^). My household was more Sega-oriented, as we had a Genesis and a Game Gear (we only had one game for it: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers!). We even bought Sega TV (sometimes, I feel like I was the only one). Then, of course, there was Pokemon. Boy, did I run head-long into that one. As soon as Yellow came out, I got the special edition version, with the yellow and blue Pokemon Game Boy Color with Pikachu, Togepi, and Jigglypuff on the screen. I didn't even know what Togepi was yet! That thing has a bunch of sentimental value to me, as it was the first system I'd gotten that wasn't a hand-me-down from my brother.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. Your writing was very nice, definitely liking the nostalgic, sentimental feel.
Silver Garou
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
I came to this same realization thanks to my nephews, the oldest one being 15. I was talking to them about Zelda while i was playing twilight princess. I asked if they had ever played the original, they replied with "Yea, we used to have a 64 and we remember you bringing the Zelda that came out on it and playing it." I was at a loss for words when they said that. To the point where I paused the game, placed the controller down as gently as slowly and gently as a newborn kitten, went outside lit up a cigarette (yes i smoke, and i know what most people think of it, im trying to quit, *bleh*), and just stood there silently smoking. My nephews asked me what was wrong, and i just replied: "Nothing, just REALLY needed a smoke. Go back inside, i don't want you inhaling this crap." Thats how bad it was, to the point where i remember the exact words that were exchanged that day. So yea, i feel your pain. And its worse for me since im 22 now. But as i said before, and i'll say till Ragnarok come, From the womb, to the tomb, GAMER 4 LIFE!!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
I started with the N64... Ocarina of time i love you... My sister bought a SNES of EBAY ^_^
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
There exists gaming platforms that I do not want to even name. They are best to be passed over in silence. And, no, I'm not so antediluvian that I was trying to figure out how to play a game on EDVAC.
For a game that was mainly "about a man in overalls that could jump really high", it sure was fun, wasn't it?
Otakuite | Posted 03/24/08 | Reply
lol. i just did that with a couple of my friends last week. in fact, we were doing this while playing dig dug, so i can relate to you man. it does make me feel old knowing that all this stuff came out when we were kids.
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Five years ago I was already sad that a lot of people I talked to had never played a Zelda game before Ocarina of Time. (Remember those realistic vs. cartoony debates that swept the internet leading up to The Wind Waker's release and how all the OoT fanboys didn't even realize the series had been cartoony from the start?) But thankfully the download services on the current gen consoles give younger players an easy way to go back and play the classics.
Also, I still remember my first time playing Duck Hunt on my older brother's NES back when I was only four or five years old. Holding the Zapper all the way up against the screen was leet.
wolf of sorrow
JMusicGuru (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Ah the old days of video gaming. I remembering forgetting my book bag at home because I was too busy playing Pokemon Gold/Silver when I was in 3rd grade. I still catch myself wanting to play the old Pokemon's.
Forgot the old blue hedgehog, lol. I still play the first one every now and then. The days where you were restricted to only three lives; now you can die as much as you want with no worry. Haha, my duck hunt memories just came into my head. Hard to believe that was about 5 years ago.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
The last paragraph reminds me of a story. A personal story about how it was discovered that I, as a child, needed glasses because I kept killing mario by running him off the same cliff. First thing I said when I got home? "Mommy! I can see Mario!" True story.
You know, I really miss the older games. It seems like they were so much more fun and challenging. Or maybe it was because I was so much younger... and you couldn't really save in some cases.
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Exactly the reaction I was hoping for! lol.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
@Sage of Magic:
Man I love their choppy English.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Oh geeze...now you got me reminiscing.
I saw a kid just a week ago and I commented that he had a cool Zelda shirt. He asked me if I was a Zelda fan to which I replied "yes". He then says how he's a fan because he has Phantom Hourglass and I just reply
"Well, I have the original"
"I do too. Doesn't everyone?"
"You have it...on the nintendo?"
"Wha-? No, on the wii."
...At least the kid is playing it. Still doesn't beat the original gold cartridge with the old fashion controls. Man I love their choppy English. I think I can fully appreciate games now thanks to those older ones because you can see how far they've come from simple sprites to powerful 3D graphics and amazing storylines. And honestly, some of the older ones beat games today. I will never forget how many hours I spent just exploring one level in Diddy's Kong Quest.
And how did my simple comment get so complex?
Very good writing. Especially that last paragraph there.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Welcome to the club =P
I know how you feel though and believe from now you'll have many more moments like that, they may not have the same impact as this one because you'll eventually get used to it and I'm not THAT much older than you. XD
But isn't it fun to remember such moments? For me it is because those very moments was glorious times for me, many feelings are attached to them so you should put aside the time that has passed and cherish the moment itself.
The crazy bubbly shadow
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Nah, I wouldn't say you're a kid ^^ You seem pretty mature, so I respect that. I have a friend who's a couple years older than you (almost 22) and until recently he hasn't been very mature or responsible. So it's all subjective really, age doesn't have anything to do with it.
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Trust me, you aren't old yet, you've got a ways to go
Yeah, I know. Considering I'm probably still like a kid to you, I believe you, lol.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Gah you made me reminisce
Mwhahahaha...I'm so evil!
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
Before I ever owned my own game systems (a Gameboy, then an SNES, then an NES/controllers/guns/games that I bought at a friend's family's yard sale, then a Gameboy Color) I used to play NES and the occaisional Atari at a friend's house.
Trust me, you aren't old yet, you've got a ways to go =P
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/08 | Reply
I quite enjoyed that last paragraph. Contact me in fifty years, mmk?
But no, I totally understand. I'm not THAT much younger than you - sixteen - and it's so weird to think back ten years and be like "ho' snap, I was in the midst of all that!" Being in the fandom of anime and video games has caused me to do that a lot lately.
I noticed that ever since I found Digimon to watch again, I've been reminiscing more. It's like, wow, I was raised on this show! And now, here I am, a decade later, watching the fifth season and still being entertained. Man...
Gah you made me reminisce. Dx
"In Kat's wor we trust."