True, Wind Waker was pretty bad when it came to graphics, but the emotions, the family, hell, even the somewhat subtle comedy, it all blended well into a well made green smoothie of chibi link... (yes, I know it is an awkward analogy) but one of my favorite parts is the music, it truly rivals OoT's music, but I just love the celtic music of forest haven... and My two favorite extras is the figurine place that use pictures you take in the game, and the invisible green clothes (in other words he wears his blue crayfish pajamas in the beginning of the game) so you can battle bosses in his pajamas! LOL!
I love windwaker! it just Like Link's a Chibi .... and he's sister's so cute! I'll love any Zelda game! no matter how bad it may seem! i just love them!
Sometimes a balance is hard, plus to make something last then you need stuff to improve on.
Over all I liked WW. I don't care if Link is a Toon, Adult, Kid, or Wolf, the man sometimes dubbed "Grasshopper" is still cool. If any one doesn't like my opinion then...EXUUUUUUSE ME! XD
It's some time ago ww came out...and i don't know if anyone will care if i comment or not but...
WW wasn't that fun...Puzzles were non-existant and everything was just to...easy.
What happened with the serius stuff? I blazed thro the game like i was taking a walk in the park. The only really hard thing was to collect all the figurines, WW never really concentrated on the GAME, but rather on mini-games and a sea full of fun.
Sure Zelda isn't Zelda without the side-quests and the mini-games. But rather than forgetting a big part of the game and concentrating on just one half, they should concentrate on both things...delay the game for years if they friggin have to, and make both sides wonderful experiences.
Ah well, not everyone likes what i like. For people that likes what they concentrated on it must have been a great game.
That reminds me, TP was more serius. and had almost no side-quests. which also is bad, they should balance it. Like sweet-sour sauce.
Mmmm...sweet-sour sauce with chicken nuggets...
XD ah well...that's my 5 cents
(sorry for bringing a pretty old topic alive again)
I love OoT WW had gameplay but the graphics let you down you are expecting to see something next gen like with RE4 pushed the gamecube all the way to the point of breaking anywho if anyone could post a OoT rant i would gladly become your devoted fan lol
Actually, I tried Ocarina of Time, but I think I was so use to RPGs that I couldn't get used to it. When i got Wind Waker, it took me AGES to get around to playing it. When I did, I was hooked. I loved it to death. I loved Link's emotions plus the colorful array of characters.
@Ed the Great:
Of course! Tales of Symphonia is also a great example of the "kiddy" animation, but in the end, lead to a grand game.
i had a demo for this game way before this came out, and i loved it so much that i went crazy when i first got it >w< i love this game so much that i kept starting new games over and over again, playing through the hours of this long and addicting game xD
in fact, i love it so much that i am having an extremly hard time refraining myself from writing an entire story on this.
before i stop, i'm gonna talk about the length...
Tp was prettiful and all, but it just didn't really have anything extra to do. the minigames barely made up for it whereas in windwaker the sea was so gigantic and there was so much packed into it that you could spend even months trying to complete everything if you have bad memory like me.
so i'll stop right there and i'll just say: if you think Wind Waker is stupid and childish just because of the cartoon graphics, you are sadly mistaken. just look at KH: people thought it was gonna be bad because it was disney, but look at what a great success it is now.
This is a truly great essay. Thanks for writing it. I have been playing this series for years (a testiment to how old I am). The truth is the moment I saw this game, I was excited. The design is really top knot if people would give it a chance. I loved it so much that I tried (and failed) to recreate the clouds that the two wind gods were sitting on. And besides, I've played some really pretty games with really horrible gameplay. People these days are so obsessed with graphics that they blow off anything that ain't perfect. Give it a chance people! You might like it.
Actually, I really enjoyed the art in this game. The graphics are actually what drew me in. I'm a hard-core cartoon fanatic, both american and foreign (Otaku, yes?). The way they seemed so round and simple, it made me want to pick up the picture and hug it, giving it the same impact that Lilo and Stitch did. On top of that, come on, it was like you played the whole game as a chibi-sized Link! What's cuter than chibi? Yes, it's kiddish, but the storyline was amazing and made up for it.
Another thing, Toon Link appeared on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. So, the game can't have been that much of a flop. The Pirate Ship is even a featured stage with the King of Red Lions showing up behind it from time to time and a cyclone even coming in and picking up the stage, dropping it somewhere else in the sea.
I dunno, it seems that all the criticism for this game was centered in America. It must've done exceedingly well in Japan for it to be added to a famous game.
Oh well, I still love the game to pieces and I challenge all who don't like it to give it a chance- some may need to give it a second chance. But, for those who have tried it and still don't approve, well, there will always be people like that.
~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)
I had fun with Wind Waker like I do with every Zelda (I own every one on consoles), and I agree with almost everything you say, almost. The battle system and boss fights are far too overly simple and lacking for me. The puzzles are great as always though, and the characters are interesting. I was a face in the masses that were ready to riot in the streets when first seeing the screen shots and trailers to WW, but found that it wasn't so bad after getting my hands on it. But you have to admit, Nintendo DID deserve a lot of the heat that it caught because of the way that it gave us Wind Waker. Remember the earliest trailers of GameCube games, with an cool adult Link fighting Gannon before some stairs? Wouldn't you be pissed if you were frothing at the mouth for that, then all of a sudden they gave you "Cel-da"? Yeah, me too.
I've been a Zelda fan ever since I watched my mother play the original game back when I was two. Having followed the games so long, I must admit that the graphics threw me for a loop. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to my beloved little Hyrulian hero. However, once I was able to look past that, I realized that it did have a great storyline, just like you said.
That was a very insightful article, and I enjoyed it a great deal. Kudos. ^^
Queen of Skaia (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I LOVED Wind waker! And I didn't mind the graphics AT ALL, the game rly got me playing till the end. I know all Zelda games r good, and this was no diapointment
The graphics never really bothered me in the first place actually. I'm such a big LoZ fan that it didn't even matter to me, but I do agree with you. No one even gave the game a chance and those people REALLY missed out big time. The storyline was awesome as were the characters.
If you haven't played the entire game through, I highly suggest that you give it another shot. The ending battle/scene is amazing.
I agree with this completely. The first time I bought that game, I thought it wasn't going to be worth the play, due to the graphics. but, like the original legend of zelda (which, in my opinion has the worst graphics. even a link to the past!!!) I gave it a chance, NEARLY beat it (still not that far yet ^^; I'm not a good gamer) and LOVED the game to death. if anyone took it lightly, I'd say thewy were nuts, now!!!
oh wow...that's a wonderful persuasive essay ^__^
after reading i would have gone to a store and rented it or something,
i already have the game, played it, beat it,
you're right even though the game does look rather kiddy-ish
i didn't mind because the whole game was kick ass..
then again ...
i also like playing..other kiddy looking games...
for example..
tales of symphonia *cough*
but i LOVED that game too!
Otakuite | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
Great way of looking at it! ZELDA FTW!
Otakuite | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
True, Wind Waker was pretty bad when it came to graphics, but the emotions, the family, hell, even the somewhat subtle comedy, it all blended well into a well made green smoothie of chibi link... (yes, I know it is an awkward analogy) but one of my favorite parts is the music, it truly rivals OoT's music, but I just love the celtic music of forest haven... and My two favorite extras is the figurine place that use pictures you take in the game, and the invisible green clothes (in other words he wears his blue crayfish pajamas in the beginning of the game) so you can battle bosses in his pajamas! LOL!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/06/09 | Reply
I love windwaker! it just Like Link's a Chibi .... and he's sister's so cute! I'll love any Zelda game! no matter how bad it may seem! i just love them!

Senior Otaku | Posted 04/14/09 | Reply
Sometimes a balance is hard, plus to make something last then you need stuff to improve on.
Over all I liked WW. I don't care if Link is a Toon, Adult, Kid, or Wolf, the man sometimes dubbed "Grasshopper" is still cool. If any one doesn't like my opinion then...EXUUUUUUSE ME!
Otakuite | Posted 11/11/08 | Reply
i freakin' love toon link!! he is so cute!! and funny! (i even cosplayed as him!) and i loved WW, and i am loving PH too!! ^^
great essay! and so true!!
Otakuite | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
It's some time ago ww came out...and i don't know if anyone will care if i comment or not but...
WW wasn't that fun...Puzzles were non-existant and everything was just to...easy.
What happened with the serius stuff? I blazed thro the game like i was taking a walk in the park. The only really hard thing was to collect all the figurines, WW never really concentrated on the GAME, but rather on mini-games and a sea full of fun.
Sure Zelda isn't Zelda without the side-quests and the mini-games. But rather than forgetting a big part of the game and concentrating on just one half, they should concentrate on both things...delay the game for years if they friggin have to, and make both sides wonderful experiences.
Ah well, not everyone likes what i like. For people that likes what they concentrated on it must have been a great game.
That reminds me, TP was more serius. and had almost no side-quests. which also is bad, they should balance it. Like sweet-sour sauce.
Mmmm...sweet-sour sauce with chicken nuggets...
XD ah well...that's my 5 cents
(sorry for bringing a pretty old topic alive again)
Otakuite | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
I love OoT WW had gameplay but the graphics let you down you are expecting to see something next gen like with RE4 pushed the gamecube all the way to the point of breaking anywho if anyone could post a OoT rant i would gladly become your devoted fan lol
Queen of Termina (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
I thought the game was excellent! And as with any other Zelda game, easy to get addicted to. But again, i really did not care for the graphics.
Sakura Irving
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
@Ed the Great:
Of course! Tales of Symphonia is also a great example of the "kiddy" animation, but in the end, lead to a grand game.
Chat Guardian (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/08 | Reply
I think it was a great game
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/02/08 | Reply
i had a demo for this game way before this came out, and i loved it so much that i went crazy when i first got it >w< i love this game so much that i kept starting new games over and over again, playing through the hours of this long and addicting game xD
in fact, i love it so much that i am having an extremly hard time refraining myself from writing an entire story on this.
before i stop, i'm gonna talk about the length...
Tp was prettiful and all, but it just didn't really have anything extra to do. the minigames barely made up for it whereas in windwaker the sea was so gigantic and there was so much packed into it that you could spend even months trying to complete everything if you have bad memory like me.
so i'll stop right there and i'll just say: if you think Wind Waker is stupid and childish just because of the cartoon graphics, you are sadly mistaken. just look at KH: people thought it was gonna be bad because it was disney, but look at what a great success it is now.
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/01/08 | Reply
This is a truly great essay. Thanks for writing it. I have been playing this series for years (a testiment to how old I am). The truth is the moment I saw this game, I was excited. The design is really top knot if people would give it a chance. I loved it so much that I tried (and failed) to recreate the clouds that the two wind gods were sitting on. And besides, I've played some really pretty games with really horrible gameplay. People these days are so obsessed with graphics that they blow off anything that ain't perfect. Give it a chance people! You might like it.
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/26/08 | Reply
I agree! It was the first game I actually finished, too!
Pathetic Diabetic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/26/08 | Reply
Actually, I really enjoyed the art in this game. The graphics are actually what drew me in. I'm a hard-core cartoon fanatic, both american and foreign (Otaku, yes?). The way they seemed so round and simple, it made me want to pick up the picture and hug it, giving it the same impact that Lilo and Stitch did. On top of that, come on, it was like you played the whole game as a chibi-sized Link! What's cuter than chibi? Yes, it's kiddish, but the storyline was amazing and made up for it.
Another thing, Toon Link appeared on Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. So, the game can't have been that much of a flop. The Pirate Ship is even a featured stage with the King of Red Lions showing up behind it from time to time and a cyclone even coming in and picking up the stage, dropping it somewhere else in the sea.
I dunno, it seems that all the criticism for this game was centered in America. It must've done exceedingly well in Japan for it to be added to a famous game.
Oh well, I still love the game to pieces and I challenge all who don't like it to give it a chance- some may need to give it a second chance. But, for those who have tried it and still don't approve, well, there will always be people like that.
~Yosei (TheDarkAngel)
And, then... I met you.
Otakuite | Posted 03/15/08 | Reply
I love this GAME!!!!!!!!
hahaha any one who hated it, didn't give it a chance like you said !
I support u all the way !
Otakuite | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
I had fun with Wind Waker like I do with every Zelda (I own every one on consoles), and I agree with almost everything you say, almost. The battle system and boss fights are far too overly simple and lacking for me. The puzzles are great as always though, and the characters are interesting. I was a face in the masses that were ready to riot in the streets when first seeing the screen shots and trailers to WW, but found that it wasn't so bad after getting my hands on it. But you have to admit, Nintendo DID deserve a lot of the heat that it caught because of the way that it gave us Wind Waker. Remember the earliest trailers of GameCube games, with an cool adult Link fighting Gannon before some stairs? Wouldn't you be pissed if you were frothing at the mouth for that, then all of a sudden they gave you "Cel-da"? Yeah, me too.
Otakuite | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
I've been a Zelda fan ever since I watched my mother play the original game back when I was two. Having followed the games so long, I must admit that the graphics threw me for a loop. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to my beloved little Hyrulian hero. However, once I was able to look past that, I realized that it did have a great storyline, just like you said.
That was a very insightful article, and I enjoyed it a great deal. Kudos. ^^
Otakuite | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
I love zelda. The only prolbem that this site has is that it rejects all of my drawlings:(
Twin Fenrir
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
This is my second favorite Zelda game, my favorite being Majora's Mask.
And I really liked the graphics :P
I think people should stop drooling over high def games, and give things like this a chance..
Queen of Skaia (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I LOVED Wind waker! And I didn't mind the graphics AT ALL, the game rly got me playing till the end. I know all Zelda games r good, and this was no diapointment
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
@Pixelated Evil:
The ending battle/scene is amazing.
Totally agree with.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Pixelated Evil
Otakuite | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
The graphics never really bothered me in the first place actually. I'm such a big LoZ fan that it didn't even matter to me, but I do agree with you. No one even gave the game a chance and those people REALLY missed out big time. The storyline was awesome as were the characters.
If you haven't played the entire game through, I highly suggest that you give it another shot. The ending battle/scene is amazing.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I agree,I hated the graphics at first but I love the whole game! I really encourage playing it
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
Windwaker is in my top 3 favorite Zeldas
Everyone hates it, you're right, for all the wrong reasons
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I agree with this completely. The first time I bought that game, I thought it wasn't going to be worth the play, due to the graphics. but, like the original legend of zelda (which, in my opinion has the worst graphics. even a link to the past!!!) I gave it a chance, NEARLY beat it (still not that far yet ^^; I'm not a good gamer) and LOVED the game to death. if anyone took it lightly, I'd say thewy were nuts, now!!!
*Turns on Game Cube*
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
@Ed the Great:
ToS was only slightly kiddish looking in my opinion. But yeah, ToS = awesome game. In my opinion, best game ever.
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Ed the Great
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
oh wow...that's a wonderful persuasive essay ^__^
after reading i would have gone to a store and rented it or something,
i already have the game, played it, beat it,
you're right even though the game does look rather kiddy-ish
i didn't mind because the whole game was kick ass..
then again ...
i also like playing..other kiddy looking games...
for example..
tales of symphonia *cough*
but i LOVED that game too!