Nicely written. This reminds me of a time I used to play COD 4 online and was pretty good with the sniper. One night, I had the highest score and was winning everything, I've heard most guys saying: "Wow, this guys is good!" and other stuff like that, I was always silent until I finally said: "I'm a girl, not a guy", some of them cheered as I said that but most of them started to bash me saying that it wasn't true and that I shouldn't be playing. Gotta say that after awhile I got annoyed and left the game because they wouldn't shut up (even if the other guys that were okay with that tell them to shut up). I also had other occasions where I talked to some guys personally and whenever I mention I'm a female videogamer they look at me funny.
Its quite a shame, really. Guys and girls can have fun playing together, it shouldn't be only a male thing.
I do believe though, that slowly but consistently, more females are getting interested in videogames so sooner or later this type of guys will have to tolerate and respect us. One day.
While I wait for that, I keep bugging them while snipping them on COD4 or any other online game. X3
When I use to play xbox live I would always be told "ARE YOU A GIRL" Sometimes I recieved criticism and then flirts.
Those who criticise think girls shouldn't play. The flirts, just think Isounded "cute" and because I was a girl.
I try to hang around guys who are open to anything, as lobg as we have un it all works. That's why the Wii works best, there is no one talking to you, so noone knows who is playing.
But honestly, Idon't care what anyone says, iam me, and no one will or has the right to change that. I do wish that there are more female gamers, but guys arestill fun too!!
Thanks for talking about this, this was a great opic. I would talk about this forever, but I'm in a rush. Talk to you later
Female gamers are highly respected by me because there aren't enough to say the least. I really do wonder though...
If there were a majority of girl gamers as opposed to male gamers would there be less "fan service" in games today?
A lot of skimpy looking games aimed at young and older men alike have been released over the years. Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball (DOA EBV) is an excellent example of this. Would something like that have been released if females were the majority of the gaming world? Perhaps a male version of this with Johnny Depp or something??? XD *laughs*
Hmm... Yeah. This is a great article! I stomp my parents on Wii Sports and Bleach ALL the time. The only thing I specifically suck at is GH. Failed it 7 times in a row. XD I've never met a guy that said that's said that. Good advice though. When guys do annoy me, I give them WEEKS of cold shoulder. Love to watch em squirm! I appreciate your opinion! Rock on!
I love this article! It really is a tell-all on the topic.
I'm a girl gamer and I've been playing video games since like the first grade. I don't think I've had the chance to play against many of the guys who thought I was joking when I said that I play video games. There was this 11-year-old boy that my mom was watching who thought girls shouldn't play video games. He was laughing and saying all girls sucked at video games and that he could beat me in two seconds. I took it as a challenge...even if I was like three years older than him. He was devistated when I beat him and even though he was only eleven, I rubbed it in his face (gotta teach 'em when they're young). My mom started watching him everyday over summer break and everyday we played the same video game (Super Smash Bros. Melee). Everyday I beat him. Not once did he ever badmouth a girl gamer again.
Not all guys are like that though. Some guys I've talked to think it's really cool. Unfortunately, I haven't played against any guys but my cousin and a couple of elementary kids.
Interesting post.
I'm a girl gamer, and for me it's not about being not equal, many of my guy friends we play video games together whether it's Nintendo DS, Wii, Pc, PS3, and Xbox 360 they do not think of how better they are, sure they are men and going to claim they are the best, but in reality me and my friends that are girls who play against are equal to their level of play. We win some and we lose some, and they do acknowledge us when one of us wins, we also do the same for them. But as for how there are less female gamers, it is true, but the numbers are increasing, but there will always male gamers that see females can not play video games just like some of them think that girls can not play sports which is another subject.
OMG. Guys...all the same. I'm a girl and there are more female gamers out there than you think. We can play just like guys can, this is like back when we we're all young and boys played their games at the playgrounds and if a girl dared to ask if they could join the boys would yell "NO GIRLS ALLOWED!!!!" tch. Ladies, we can beat male gamers anyday. Don't ever let a man walk on you, stay strong and play video games long!!!!! lol.
I've never experienced any of this but I know there are people that still think that way. Nowadays, females are the ones playing more games now. My friend just talked about how a lot of guy gamers are still kids and teenagers while most females are adults. Heh, makes you wonder how it will be a decade later.
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
Nice one. There's actually one stereotype that's not true. 52% of people that play Wii are women, 48% are men. But that's a recent occurrence, and people say it's because Wii games are not as "hardcore" as many games on other consoles. Anyways, most guys are sorry they said anything when I beat them at Guitar Hero.
Or Bleach Wii.
Good article though, I enjoyed it, and kudos on being the first Fan Words in the Other Video Games section.
wow, awesome post...
and i read because..well i'm a girl gamer..
so...we really are rare ^_^'...
actually i've been told that it's pretty cool that i play vg's..(well mostly guys tell me that)
because i don't know any girls that are really into sucks man...
well..if smash bro. brawl is an online game, let's battle!^_^
(i heard that you could battle online...)
I am a girl, and I am a devoted Halo 3 gamer. Personally, I've never been told I'm bad at video games, but that's probably because the only guys I've ever played against are my big bro and his friend.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/18/09 | Reply
Nicely written. This reminds me of a time I used to play COD 4 online and was pretty good with the sniper. One night, I had the highest score and was winning everything, I've heard most guys saying: "Wow, this guys is good!" and other stuff like that, I was always silent until I finally said: "I'm a girl, not a guy", some of them cheered as I said that but most of them started to bash me saying that it wasn't true and that I shouldn't be playing. Gotta say that after awhile I got annoyed and left the game because they wouldn't shut up (even if the other guys that were okay with that tell them to shut up). I also had other occasions where I talked to some guys personally and whenever I mention I'm a female videogamer they look at me funny.
Its quite a shame, really. Guys and girls can have fun playing together, it shouldn't be only a male thing.
I do believe though, that slowly but consistently, more females are getting interested in videogames so sooner or later this type of guys will have to tolerate and respect us. One day.
While I wait for that, I keep bugging them while snipping them on COD4 or any other online game. X3
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otakuite | Posted 03/29/08 | Reply
Wow!! Ypou are so right.
When I use to play xbox live I would always be told "ARE YOU A GIRL" Sometimes I recieved criticism and then flirts.
Those who criticise think girls shouldn't play. The flirts, just think Isounded "cute" and because I was a girl.
I try to hang around guys who are open to anything, as lobg as we have un it all works. That's why the Wii works best, there is no one talking to you, so noone knows who is playing.
But honestly, Idon't care what anyone says, iam me, and no one will or has the right to change that. I do wish that there are more female gamers, but guys arestill fun too!!
Thanks for talking about this, this was a great opic. I would talk about this forever, but I'm in a rush. Talk to you later
The Shirt
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Female gamers are highly respected by me because there aren't enough to say the least. I really do wonder though...
A lot of skimpy looking games aimed at young and older men alike have been released over the years. Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball (DOA EBV) is an excellent example of this. Would something like that have been released if females were the majority of the gaming world? Perhaps a male version of this with Johnny Depp
or something??? XD *laughs*
Otakuite | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
OMG *huggles* Im a female gammer and I can beat my gammer brother at tons of games :) damn proud of it too.
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/08/08 | Reply
Hmm... Yeah. This is a great article! I stomp my parents on Wii Sports and Bleach ALL the time. The only thing I specifically suck at is GH. Failed it 7 times in a row. XD I've never met a guy that said that's said that. Good advice though. When guys do annoy me, I give them WEEKS of cold shoulder. Love to watch em squirm! I appreciate your opinion! Rock on!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
I love this article! It really is a tell-all on the topic.
I'm a girl gamer and I've been playing video games since like the first grade. I don't think I've had the chance to play against many of the guys who thought I was joking when I said that I play video games. There was this 11-year-old boy that my mom was watching who thought girls shouldn't play video games. He was laughing and saying all girls sucked at video games and that he could beat me in two seconds. I took it as a challenge...even if I was like three years older than him. He was devistated when I beat him and even though he was only eleven, I rubbed it in his face (gotta teach 'em when they're young). My mom started watching him everyday over summer break and everyday we played the same video game (Super Smash Bros. Melee). Everyday I beat him. Not once did he ever badmouth a girl gamer again.
Not all guys are like that though. Some guys I've talked to think it's really cool. Unfortunately, I haven't played against any guys but my cousin and a couple of elementary kids.
Anyway, awesome essay! Keep up the good work!
Otakuite | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
Interesting post.
I'm a girl gamer, and for me it's not about being not equal, many of my guy friends we play video games together whether it's Nintendo DS, Wii, Pc, PS3, and Xbox 360 they do not think of how better they are, sure they are men and going to claim they are the best, but in reality me and my friends that are girls who play against are equal to their level of play. We win some and we lose some, and they do acknowledge us when one of us wins, we also do the same for them. But as for how there are less female gamers, it is true, but the numbers are increasing, but there will always male gamers that see females can not play video games just like some of them think that girls can not play sports which is another subject.
Otaku Princess | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
Guys...all the same.
Ladies, we can beat male gamers anyday.
Did you even read the article?
I'd rather see in shades of gray.
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
OMG. Guys...all the same. I'm a girl and there are more female gamers out there than you think. We can play just like guys can, this is like back when we we're all young and boys played their games at the playgrounds and if a girl dared to ask if they could join the boys would yell "NO GIRLS ALLOWED!!!!" tch. Ladies, we can beat male gamers anyday. Don't ever let a man walk on you, stay strong and play video games long!!!!! lol.
Lunar Rukario
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I've never experienced any of this but I know there are people that still think that way. Nowadays, females are the ones playing more games now. My friend just talked about how a lot of guy gamers are still kids and teenagers while most females are adults. Heh, makes you wonder how it will be a decade later.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I've meant a few guys like that, it's really annoying. But I agree, there are also a lot of guys that will play against anyone
red tigress
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
Nice one. There's actually one stereotype that's not true. 52% of people that play Wii are women, 48% are men. But that's a recent occurrence, and people say it's because Wii games are not as "hardcore" as many games on other consoles. Anyways, most guys are sorry they said anything when I beat them at Guitar Hero.
Or Bleach Wii.
Good article though, I enjoyed it, and kudos on being the first Fan Words in the Other Video Games section.
Ed the Great
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
wow, awesome post...
and i read because..well i'm a girl gamer..
so...we really are rare ^_^'...
actually i've been told that it's pretty cool that i play vg's..(well mostly guys tell me that)
because i don't know any girls that are really into sucks man...
well..if smash bro. brawl is an online game, let's battle!^_^
(i heard that you could battle online...)
Otakuite | Posted 03/06/08 | Reply
I am a girl, and I am a devoted Halo 3 gamer. Personally, I've never been told I'm bad at video games, but that's probably because the only guys I've ever played against are my big bro and his friend.
Pickle of the Year (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/05/08 | Reply
Not specifically related to this post, but:
Naruto -- on Itachi
Death Note -- on philosophy
omg. YOU MUST WRITE THOSE. *demands!*