That looks really neat! They never let us do anything like this in color and design. D: They just made us shade different squares and make us draw and paint that thing that looks like an snail....I forgot the name but it is a big rectangle overall but it had a snail shell shape, with various triangle and such with the main, blue, yellow, etc. Anyways I can't wait to see the finished product!
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/02/11 | Reply
Your art is so luscious :D~
Bagel Gurl | Posted 04/02/11 | Reply
That looks really neat! They never let us do anything like this in color and design. D: They just made us shade different squares and make us draw and paint that thing that looks like an snail....I forgot the name but it is a big rectangle overall but it had a snail shell shape, with various triangle and such with the main, blue, yellow, etc. Anyways I can't wait to see the finished product!
Six-year-olds and nuclear weapons: a combination that just can't be beat.