Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
Bad locker! You hurt Kat!
Back to being serious, I'm sorry you had a stress overload today. I know how things can build up until the cork just pops and you can't hold it in anymore. ._.
Band can be stressful. I've been there. And then with everything else going on in your life, it just seems like things couldn't get any more complicated.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
Stress just builds and builds... It had to come out sometime, right?
Sucks that a locker had to set it off though. Definitely sounds like it hurt running into it. D:
Stay home and relax well, 'kay? You deserve it!
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
Bad locker! You hurt Kat!
Back to being serious, I'm sorry you had a stress overload today. I know how things can build up until the cork just pops and you can't hold it in anymore. ._.
*many hugs for Kat-person*
The Beautiful German | Posted 08/26/08 | Reply
Band can be stressful. I've been there. And then with everything else going on in your life, it just seems like things couldn't get any more complicated.
And then you're wrong again.
Feel better soon.
"This is Schweinsteiger fashion. ZIS IZ FASHUNN."