So that's happening tomorrow! Me, Japan, and SomeGuy will be recording for the OtakuBoards Podcast tomorrow, me during my lunch break between History and EPFE. We're apparently going to be talking about cosplay, something I know very little about but pretend to do. If you've got any questions, feel free to drop a comment or something.
Classes have been going. My Mondays and Wednesdays are exhausting affairs, since they begin at 7:10am and continue straight through until 9pm (Monday) or 6pm (Wednesday). Huzzah classes and working!
I'm actually quite liking my gen eds this semester, which is as much of a shock to me as it is to you. The theater appreciation class I have Monday nights is a rather good time. History 111 is about Europe from the 1300s to 1800s or something, and that's also surprisingly interesting. I haven't had a proper history class since 8th grade, come to think of it. (And I mean one that I actually like, you know, learned stuff in. AP US History? hahahhahahaa) EPFE 201 is something like "Education as an Agent for Change". The professor is a spaz and it is wonderful.
English is chugging along as I knew it would. I found out that a book I bought in August but haven't had a chance to read, The Great Typo Hunt, is a memoir, and I tore through half of it today. That's good by me.
This past weekend, I introduced the freshmen to Doctor Who. Three of them total noobs, one of them who's seen them so she's like my second-in-command who doesn't do anything but make comments back and forth with me. Got through three Saturday night, four on Sunday, and we just went through another three tonight. Tomorrow is the final three, and then the Christmas special when I have the DVD in February. :V It has been awesome. Between making starwhale noises and doing lizard fistbumps, I get the feeling they're well on their way.