...There are several for the PS2...But the old ones I mean like the early 2003-ish around that year...I wonder if it'll even be released on the wii...XD Umm...For me anything after 2003 is new...XD
He is very fun to play as, I really like how he stands in the game! But I can't find any good sprites of it...TT^TT I really want to get a KoF game with him in it...I mean...my brother has it on his computer, but I want it on the Wii...TT^TT
I showed my friend who is obsessed with L (almost shredded up my arm just to get an L card that I had...O.o) the evidence that he was in his 30's and she was disappointed...XD
Well, yeah, Near and Mello were made to be based off of L. Mello liked chocolate like how l liked sweets and he also had black eyes and no eyebrows like L, while Near had no eyebrows and black eyes, but he sat just like L...O.o They both have the same eyes and no eyebrows...Were they related?...I can't remember...O.o
I like some selfish characters or...*looks at favourite characters list* Yeah, according to this Mello's the only one...except maybe Ash....Yeah, Ash is very selfish! XD Nope, nop, Miki Noda is also selfish...but still, that's not that much.
Oh gosh, L was an older man? <3<3 I'm not usually for older men, I actually prefer younger men, but L was chockful of win, so it doesn't matter much to me... Jade from Tales of the Abyss is also 35, but I'll let it slide because Jade's da smex =eue= Ahaha
I get very angry at the smokers on campus =ene9= *shakes fish* XD
Well, yeah, I loved Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate factory and all his strangeness, too... (running into the glass elevator ftw!) But Mello didn't do it for me like that XD Selfish characters are only so good up to a point. Then they start to get annoying, for me. =ono;= I usually like younger characters, but not all of them... Although I liked Mello's chocolate fetish =eue= Reminded me of L XDD
Light's craziness scared me and made me laugh and frown sometimes. I'll always love the part where he said "Then I'll take a chip... and EAT it!" XD LMAO!!! *rofl* He's such a drama queen XD
Oh OH! Matsuda! 8D Matsuda was awesome! Because he was so adorable as the "useless" character! I'd marry Matsuda if he asked X3 I'm so glad he made it to the end X3~<3
Last edited by Kitty K.O. at 11:07:05 PM CDT on July 18, 2010.
I don't think the first volume was at the mall I went to...It just had a few volumes here and there and none of it was in order so I just bought one that was closest to where I was in the anime...Only to be spoiled...XD I'm trying to get the new series that I like in order...
Near was 15...and L was...35...? Near was my age...LE GASP!! TT^TT NUUUU!! NOT AGAIN!! Well, time to go find that thar Kira....XD
Yes...smoking kills me...Every time I see somebody smoking...>.> TT^TT
I don't like testosterone...give me more estrogen, mon! XD I like childish characters/people they're soooo cute and interesting! I LOVE Willy Wonka, he was my favourite character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! TT^TT Yeahh...Mello's 'hotness'...I didn't particularly like it...I liked his childish/selfishness better, dunno why...'tis attractive to me...XD His rage...scared me a bit...
I liked Light better than Mello because of that reason. Because Light was always awesome and then he goes nuts and that's even more interesting! <333 X3 I'm weird...XD
Not saying Shirley or you, specifically, just a general thought I had.
Ah, see, I don't believe in buying/reading manga out of its given order. Even if I were to buy a later volume, I wouldn't read it until I'd gotten all the previous volumes and read them. I'm so orderly XD Not! XDD Ah, it's fine if Light dies of a heart attack. He'd look sexier writhing in pain, anyway =eue= Ahahaha *may be slightly sadistic to L's murderer* XD;;
Near's not really my favorite, but the fact that he kept twirling his hair made me keep looking like... I dunno, it just made me curious. He was somewhat similar to L (and I'm such a pedobear XDD lmao Even though he's really 17, which should be the legal age... =ene= Oops, I'm ranting XD) Oh gosh, a lot of people like Matt because despite the fact he's moreso a minor character, he's just looks so darn cooll anytime he pops up. I was like "Dude, Why isn't there more os this Matt guy?!" XD (which is also funny, because the guy who was letting me borrow the manga to read had the same name XD) He had mystery about him and was cute =eue= Though I could do without the smoking DX
Omigosh, but he got pumped full testosterone after he got the scar! D= Before that, he looked like a snotty-nosed brat that might be related to Willy Wonka! XD Maybe it's also because he was older by then. Well, at first I was like "Omigosh, that scar? *recoils*" But then almost every panel, he looked hot, despite his slight disfigurement... It might be because the hot, passionate flames of rage burned behind his eyes then =eue= Ohohoho *fans self* XD I would so buy a carton of chocolate and lure him in =eUe= *ebil laughter*
No...I don't think I'm at all like Shirley. I don't like her because she's so justice-y and clingy and...just plain annoying...I don't have any of her bad qualities, I don't think...O.o
I know, the first Death Note manga I bought was the one where L died and I was reading it on a school trip (because I bought it on the school trip) and I cried on the bus...TT^TT So depressing...I was really upset about Mello dying because Mello is one of my favourite characters in Death Note, but I was in denial for a really long time that Light died because he's also one of my favourites...Actually I was more in denial like 'No, he's to pretty to have a heart attack!' XD I wish he could've been murdered or something cooler than a heart attack...>.> That's the only part that really killed me...XD
I've never really liked Near...but all these personality quizzes keep telling me I'm like him...TT^TT It kills me! No I'm not, don't tell me that! TT^TT And then L, I kinda like him, not that much. Matt...Matt's death was depressing, but I was really surprised because I thought he'd last longer when I saw it I was like 'Hold on...I thought he was supposed to last 'till the end with Mello...What the heck, wow, yaoi fan girls really have to pick out random pairings....O.o' Because all of those pairings and Matt lovers and stuff...how can you love such a minor-ish character...He was only in there for a few chapters and then he died...>.> And only like one episode...O.o
And I liked Mello the most before his scar! X3 But I'm okay with him with the scar, but he kinda looks scarier...O.o
Maybe the reason people hate characters like that is because it reminds them of the qualities about themselves they don't like?
Well, yeah, it adds a twist, but I mean, jeez... =o~o= Lulu'd never get a girl if you keep killing off his prospects XD
I guess that's true... I was really upset when Haku died, but it wasn't like I hated Kakashi or anything...
OMIGOSH, no! XD I was extremely depressed that L died when I read it in the manga... it was like "The best character's gone, so why bother reading the rest of the story?" That was a risky move on Ohba-sama's part. I'm trying to remember what kept me going in the story after that... *thinks* I remember thinking that Near might be a little interesting, so I placed my bets on him after that. Then Mello got sexier after he got the scar and it was like "*ears perk up* Hello... =ouo=~<3" And things were cool until they killed Matt. =;A;= Gosh, that had to've been the most bogus death ever in an anime. D= He went out thinking he wasn't going to get shot... and he did. =oAo;= Then Mello went... I'm all like "C'mon! You're killing off all the bishies! =;A;=" Then the only one left was Near XD I don't even count Mikami cuz he was all "Delete Delete" crazy XDD
Some twists I could do without... =ono= But I loved that manga for it's genius plot =eue= It broke my heart and I still crawled back to it and it continued to abuse me XDDDD Gosh, that souns so masochistic XDDD lmao
Last edited by Kitty K.O. at 7:08:22 PM CDT on July 18, 2010.
Well, for me, I create some characters I love and some I hate to balance things off. I mean, I understand not everyone is going to like my character just the same as not everyone is going to like me. I hate her...for...reasons I don't even know...I didn't like her the first time I saw her and then over the many episodes she was in I hated her even more and more...>.> I would just say it's a problem with the creation of the character. They made her too stereotypical and tried to appeal to the female audience too much and just ruined it.
Yeahhh...but the more you point it out the more I think about how interesting that was. It was to put in a different twist. I like the selfish side of Rolo, it's very interesting. I like interesting things like that happening even if it was a character I loved to death in Shirley's place.
Almost all of my favourite characters have died...TT^TT So I don't feel really bad when most characters die...XD Like Haku, I was sad that he died, but I'm not mad that they killed him or anything...
I don't think I was every mad when somebody killed a character...hrmmm...*thinks about it*.....Well...maybe with L....that was needed, but it just hit me so hard...O.o I was depressed for a while after that, Obata-sama said he was also when he heard that Ohba-san wanted to do that! XD
Why does everybody hate those characters...? =o~o= I feel bad for them as someone went through the trouble to create them and they weren't well received... =;~;=
Rolo only killed her for petty reasons because he didn't want to share Lelouch. It was somewhat immature and disappointing to me =o_o= I could really identify with Lelouch's pain and anger over it. It's like if your little brother killed your favorite pet because "it bit me..." I'm surprised that Lelouch didn't just kill him right there. I would've at least hauled off and punched him. =o~o= It's not like I didn't like Rolo, but I was really disappointed in him for that. =O_/O*= Gosh, now I'm getting all worked up again remembering it... orz
Ahaha, don't do it, everyone will be after your head XD
Hey, now... I know Shirley was a little ditzy, but what Rolo did to her wasn't necessary. =O^O= I thought that really sucked and I was like "WHY ROLO WHY?!?!?!" *sobs* And then Rolo went off to be a hero, too. orz *sobs more*
That reminds me, I need to watch R2 in Japanese since I have it stocked away XD
Aha, my friend wanted me for quietest and most dressed, so she couldn't decide...XD But I wanted most likely to rule the world! >:D
Pssshhha...Yeah...But I'm not going to make his same mistakes, I'm not gonna fall in love with some stupid person like Shirley...>:D I say she lead him to even further defeat...>.>
*laughs* My friend was doing a meme from DA some school meme where you put the best dressed, worst dressed, and stuff, and there was one for 'Most likely to take over the world' and I fought with my friend to be in that place...XD We both wanted to take over the world...XD
I'll take it over Lelouch style...>:D 'cept I just need a geass and...some other stuff...>.> XD
Oh, well then, we should cremate everyone if they're a fertilizer...>:D
No, I know that it's bad and hurts the wildlife, it's just an evil idea...XD There were a lot of terrible things that happened because of it, and I don't want that to happen again, I was just using an evil idea as a joke! XD
Ahaha XD;; People want to be buried so that the ones who are still alive can come back and remember them. Yes, there are many beliefs about what to do with our dead and a lot of it is out of respect for the person as they were while they were alive.
Oh I know. Ashes are actually an excellent fertilizer. That's why Grandma wanted her ashes spread in her garden, so they'd be a bit healthier. I hope my uncle takes good care of the plants since he'll still be living there... =o.o= I'd hate to see the garden (forgive the pun... XD;;) go to seed because no one cared for it.
Lmao XD You know that cloud of ash is somewhat hazardous, right? XD You want more wildlife to be wiped off the face of the Earth? =^.^;=
I know...I don't understand why people want to be buried. I ask people why they'd rather be buried than cremated and my friend said 'Because I don't want to be burn alive!'...........Umm...you're dead....that's the whole point of it...O.o But she wouldn't listen to me. I'm afraid of graveyards, not because of zombies or anything, but because I know that there are dead, rotting bodies under my feet.....TT^TT
But if everyone was cremated...then we might get a ton of ash everywhere....Ahhh...what to do with dead people? Put them in the compost pile! XD Even somebody actually did that do you think people would think they're insane, because that's actually pretty useful....just a bit creepy to have a dead person in your compost pile...O.o Feed them to the birds! >:D Seriously, dead people are useful...give them to hungry animals...There's too many restrictions and beliefs about dead bodies and them being sacred or that you have to take care of them and stuff when they can be used for greater purposes....>.>
Well, I want to go to different countries...But I want my ashes thrown in random places of the world even if I've never been to them. I've only been to Mexico, though...TT^TT But Mexico is cool, but now I want to go to Canada, or even a place overseas...If I go overseas I'll try everything to accidentally have to stay there...:D Come one Iceland! Can you puff out one more cloud of ash for me? :D
We were having a discussion today about how eventually, they're going to run out of room to bury everyone... =o.o;=
Ahaha XD;; Yeah, that is less gruesome X3;; I see where you're going with that. Maybe it's because you move a lot that you'd want to be a part of many places? X3
Ohhh...that's kinda...strange...My friend buried his dogs (many, many dogs) in his backyard...O.o I spread my cat's ashes over the Franklin mountain in El Paso because we could see it from our house and we were supposed to be able to see it and remember him, but then we moved...>.>
Haha, that's sweet. I think that's what they did to my great grandma. My grandma was buried in Arlington National Cemetery...so she wasn't cremated...O.o
I want to be cremated when I die...but I want my ashes to be spread a bit on each country...XD Haha! So then I'm everywhere! Or something like that....I was going for the less gruesome approach of having my limbs chopped off and buried in random places on each continent...O.o But I don't think that'd be possible, but that's my dream...after death scenario...O.o
No I understand, Our dog was cremated and she's in a bone shaped tin box. X3;; She was a great dog, and it makes me feel weird to think she's on a shelf in our living room. =o.o=
Grandma wanted her ashes spread in her garden which she put a lot of work into, which is pretty cool =3 I think maybe I might be cremated, because there's a tree I'm trying to raise in a pot and when I find the house I'm going to live in, I'm going to plant it in my backyard and let it grow over the years. Then I'd probably spread my ashes around Maggie (what I named it X3) The seeds came from the Magnolia flower that my friend (the one I like) climbed up and picked for me... ~<3<3<3 X3 *flails*
Ah, at least you're starting to feel better or at peace maybe? A nap is good just don't end up staying up the entire night or something like that because of it .3. Take care~!
My cat was cremated also...I know that sounds kinda rude to compare, but I love animals very dearly so it felt terrible when he died...But seeing the vase he was in...confused me....O.o It's kinda of hard to believe that a person can be in a vase, but they are.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Lol X3 Okie dokie.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
...There are several for the PS2...But the old ones I mean like the early 2003-ish around that year...I wonder if it'll even be released on the wii...XD Umm...For me anything after 2003 is new...XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Is the PS2 one relatively new...? =o.o= Because the one I played must hav been out for at least 3 years already... =o.o=
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Yeah...but that's expensive...I'd rather buy an old one for only like $10...XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
There's one for the PS2, cuz that's what I played it on... I want to get that game. =3
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
He is very fun to play as, I really like how he stands in the game! But I can't find any good sprites of it...TT^TT I really want to get a KoF game with him in it...I mean...my brother has it on his computer, but I want it on the Wii...TT^TT
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
No it wasn't rhetorical. XD Oh that's right I remember him from the one time I ever played a KoF game with my ex X3 I think I liked him XDD
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
King of Fighters...wait...was that a rhetorical question? O.o
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Er... where have I seen him before...? =^~^;=
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
I'm talking about this Ash.
Most of the time if I refer to Ash I'm talking about that Ash...XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Ahaha, oh geez, well I guess it's less devastating for me, since I'm in my 20s XD I would rip Jade to shreds if I had a chance =eue= Ahaha~
Well that much I knew XD They were both basically half of the real L. That's how awesome L was, he was made up of two little boys! XD lmao
Ash...? =oAo= As in Ash Ketchum, or a different Ash XD Cuz if you're talking Asch, that'd make more sense XD
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
I know, I LOVETH Jade...
I showed my friend who is obsessed with L (almost shredded up my arm just to get an L card that I had...O.o) the evidence that he was in his 30's and she was disappointed...XD
Well, yeah, Near and Mello were made to be based off of L. Mello liked chocolate like how l liked sweets and he also had black eyes and no eyebrows like L, while Near had no eyebrows and black eyes, but he sat just like L...O.o They both have the same eyes and no eyebrows...Were they related?...I can't remember...O.o
I like some selfish characters or...*looks at favourite characters list* Yeah, according to this Mello's the only one...except maybe Ash....Yeah, Ash is very selfish! XD Nope, nop, Miki Noda is also selfish...but still, that's not that much.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Ah, yesh, you must be spoiled... XD Ahaha j/k
Oh gosh, L was an older man? <3<3 I'm not usually for older men, I actually prefer younger men, but L was chockful of win, so it doesn't matter much to me... Jade from Tales of the Abyss is also 35, but I'll let it slide because Jade's da smex =eue= Ahaha
I get very angry at the smokers on campus =ene9= *shakes fish* XD
Well, yeah, I loved Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate factory and all his strangeness, too... (running into the glass elevator ftw!) But Mello didn't do it for me like that XD Selfish characters are only so good up to a point. Then they start to get annoying, for me. =ono;= I usually like younger characters, but not all of them... Although I liked Mello's chocolate fetish =eue= Reminded me of L XDD
Light's craziness scared me and made me laugh and frown sometimes. I'll always love the part where he said "Then I'll take a chip... and EAT it!" XD LMAO!!! *rofl* He's such a drama queen XD
Oh OH! Matsuda! 8D Matsuda was awesome! Because he was so adorable as the "useless" character! I'd marry Matsuda if he asked X3 I'm so glad he made it to the end X3~<3
Last edited by Kitty K.O. at 11:07:05 PM CDT on July 18, 2010.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
I don't think the first volume was at the mall I went to...It just had a few volumes here and there and none of it was in order so I just bought one that was closest to where I was in the anime...Only to be spoiled...XD I'm trying to get the new series that I like in order...
Near was 15...and L was...35...? Near was my age...LE GASP!! TT^TT NUUUU!! NOT AGAIN!! Well, time to go find that thar Kira....XD
Yes...smoking kills me...Every time I see somebody smoking...>.> TT^TT
I don't like testosterone...give me more estrogen, mon! XD I like childish characters/people they're soooo cute and interesting! I LOVE Willy Wonka, he was my favourite character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! TT^TT Yeahh...Mello's 'hotness'...I didn't particularly like it...I liked his childish/selfishness better, dunno why...'tis attractive to me...XD His rage...scared me a bit...
I liked Light better than Mello because of that reason. Because Light was always awesome and then he goes nuts and that's even more interesting! <333 X3 I'm weird...XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Not saying Shirley or you, specifically, just a general thought I had.
Ah, see, I don't believe in buying/reading manga out of its given order. Even if I were to buy a later volume, I wouldn't read it until I'd gotten all the previous volumes and read them. I'm so orderly XD Not! XDD Ah, it's fine if Light dies of a heart attack. He'd look sexier writhing in pain, anyway =eue= Ahahaha *may be slightly sadistic to L's murderer* XD;;
Near's not really my favorite, but the fact that he kept twirling his hair made me keep looking like... I dunno, it just made me curious. He was somewhat similar to L (and I'm such a pedobear XDD lmao Even though he's really 17, which should be the legal age... =ene= Oops, I'm ranting XD) Oh gosh, a lot of people like Matt because despite the fact he's moreso a minor character, he's just looks so darn cooll anytime he pops up. I was like "Dude, Why isn't there more os this Matt guy?!" XD (which is also funny, because the guy who was letting me borrow the manga to read had the same name XD) He had mystery about him and was cute =eue= Though I could do without the smoking DX
Omigosh, but he got pumped full testosterone after he got the scar! D= Before that, he looked like a snotty-nosed brat that might be related to Willy Wonka! XD Maybe it's also because he was older by then. Well, at first I was like "Omigosh, that scar? *recoils*" But then almost every panel, he looked hot, despite his slight disfigurement... It might be because the hot, passionate flames of rage burned behind his eyes then =eue= Ohohoho *fans self* XD I would so buy a carton of chocolate and lure him in =eUe= *ebil laughter*
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
No...I don't think I'm at all like Shirley. I don't like her because she's so justice-y and clingy and...just plain annoying...I don't have any of her bad qualities, I don't think...O.o
I know, the first Death Note manga I bought was the one where L died and I was reading it on a school trip (because I bought it on the school trip) and I cried on the bus...TT^TT So depressing...I was really upset about Mello dying because Mello is one of my favourite characters in Death Note, but I was in denial for a really long time that Light died because he's also one of my favourites...Actually I was more in denial like 'No, he's to pretty to have a heart attack!' XD I wish he could've been murdered or something cooler than a heart attack...>.> That's the only part that really killed me...XD
I've never really liked Near...but all these personality quizzes keep telling me I'm like him...TT^TT It kills me! No I'm not, don't tell me that! TT^TT And then L, I kinda like him, not that much. Matt...Matt's death was depressing, but I was really surprised because I thought he'd last longer when I saw it I was like 'Hold on...I thought he was supposed to last 'till the end with Mello...What the heck, wow, yaoi fan girls really have to pick out random pairings....O.o' Because all of those pairings and Matt lovers and stuff...how can you love such a minor-ish character...He was only in there for a few chapters and then he died...>.> And only like one episode...O.o
And I liked Mello the most before his scar! X3 But I'm okay with him with the scar, but he kinda looks scarier...O.o
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Maybe the reason people hate characters like that is because it reminds them of the qualities about themselves they don't like?
Well, yeah, it adds a twist, but I mean, jeez... =o~o= Lulu'd never get a girl if you keep killing off his prospects XD
I guess that's true... I was really upset when Haku died, but it wasn't like I hated Kakashi or anything...
OMIGOSH, no! XD I was extremely depressed that L died when I read it in the manga... it was like "The best character's gone, so why bother reading the rest of the story?" That was a risky move on Ohba-sama's part. I'm trying to remember what kept me going in the story after that... *thinks* I remember thinking that Near might be a little interesting, so I placed my bets on him after that. Then Mello got sexier after he got the scar and it was like "*ears perk up* Hello... =ouo=~<3" And things were cool until they killed Matt. =;A;= Gosh, that had to've been the most bogus death ever in an anime. D= He went out thinking he wasn't going to get shot... and he did. =oAo;= Then Mello went... I'm all like "C'mon! You're killing off all the bishies! =;A;=" Then the only one left was Near XD I don't even count Mikami cuz he was all "Delete Delete" crazy XDD
Some twists I could do without... =ono= But I loved that manga for it's genius plot =eue= It broke my heart and I still crawled back to it and it continued to abuse me XDDDD Gosh, that souns so masochistic XDDD lmao
Last edited by Kitty K.O. at 7:08:22 PM CDT on July 18, 2010.
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Well, for me, I create some characters I love and some I hate to balance things off. I mean, I understand not everyone is going to like my character just the same as not everyone is going to like me. I hate her...for...reasons I don't even know...I didn't like her the first time I saw her and then over the many episodes she was in I hated her even more and more...>.> I would just say it's a problem with the creation of the character. They made her too stereotypical and tried to appeal to the female audience too much and just ruined it.
Yeahhh...but the more you point it out the more I think about how interesting that was. It was to put in a different twist. I like the selfish side of Rolo, it's very interesting. I like interesting things like that happening even if it was a character I loved to death in Shirley's place.
Almost all of my favourite characters have died...TT^TT So I don't feel really bad when most characters die...XD Like Haku, I was sad that he died, but I'm not mad that they killed him or anything...
I don't think I was every mad when somebody killed a character...hrmmm...*thinks about it*.....Well...maybe with L....that was needed, but it just hit me so hard...O.o I was depressed for a while after that, Obata-sama said he was also when he heard that Ohba-san wanted to do that! XD
But I like those twists! ^ ^
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Why does everybody hate those characters...? =o~o= I feel bad for them as someone went through the trouble to create them and they weren't well received... =;~;=
Rolo only killed her for petty reasons because he didn't want to share Lelouch. It was somewhat immature and disappointing to me =o_o= I could really identify with Lelouch's pain and anger over it. It's like if your little brother killed your favorite pet because "it bit me..." I'm surprised that Lelouch didn't just kill him right there. I would've at least hauled off and punched him. =o~o= It's not like I didn't like Rolo, but I was really disappointed in him for that. =O_/O*= Gosh, now I'm getting all worked up again remembering it... orz
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
WHAT!? I LOVED Rolo for doing that! ^ ^ So now he's one of my favourite characters! ^ ^
I really hate Shirley...>.>
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Ahaha, don't do it, everyone will be after your head XD
Hey, now... I know Shirley was a little ditzy, but what Rolo did to her wasn't necessary. =O^O= I thought that really sucked and I was like "WHY ROLO WHY?!?!?!" *sobs* And then Rolo went off to be a hero, too. orz *sobs more*
That reminds me, I need to watch R2 in Japanese since I have it stocked away XD
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Aha, my friend wanted me for quietest and most dressed, so she couldn't decide...XD But I wanted most likely to rule the world! >:D
Pssshhha...Yeah...But I'm not going to make his same mistakes, I'm not gonna fall in love with some stupid person like Shirley...>:D I say she lead him to even further defeat...>.>
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
I was voted quietest girl... =vuv;=
Do you even know what happened to Lelouch at the end...? XD;;
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
*laughs* My friend was doing a meme from DA some school meme where you put the best dressed, worst dressed, and stuff, and there was one for 'Most likely to take over the world' and I fought with my friend to be in that place...XD We both wanted to take over the world...XD
I'll take it over Lelouch style...>:D 'cept I just need a geass and...some other stuff...>.> XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Ahahaha XD
Oh noes! D= Waku-nya has finally shown her true colors! XD
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Oh, well then, we should cremate everyone if they're a fertilizer...>:D
No, I know that it's bad and hurts the wildlife, it's just an evil idea...XD There were a lot of terrible things that happened because of it, and I don't want that to happen again, I was just using an evil idea as a joke! XD
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
Ahaha XD;; People want to be buried so that the ones who are still alive can come back and remember them. Yes, there are many beliefs about what to do with our dead and a lot of it is out of respect for the person as they were while they were alive.
Oh I know. Ashes are actually an excellent fertilizer. That's why Grandma wanted her ashes spread in her garden, so they'd be a bit healthier. I hope my uncle takes good care of the plants since he'll still be living there... =o.o= I'd hate to see the garden (forgive the pun... XD;;) go to seed because no one cared for it.
Lmao XD You know that cloud of ash is somewhat hazardous, right? XD You want more wildlife to be wiped off the face of the Earth? =^.^;=
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
I know...I don't understand why people want to be buried. I ask people why they'd rather be buried than cremated and my friend said 'Because I don't want to be burn alive!'...........Umm...you're dead....that's the whole point of it...O.o But she wouldn't listen to me. I'm afraid of graveyards, not because of zombies or anything, but because I know that there are dead, rotting bodies under my feet.....TT^TT
But if everyone was cremated...then we might get a ton of ash everywhere....Ahhh...what to do with dead people? Put them in the compost pile! XD Even somebody actually did that do you think people would think they're insane, because that's actually pretty useful....just a bit creepy to have a dead person in your compost pile...O.o Feed them to the birds! >:D Seriously, dead people are useful...give them to hungry animals...There's too many restrictions and beliefs about dead bodies and them being sacred or that you have to take care of them and stuff when they can be used for greater purposes....>.>
Well, I want to go to different countries...But I want my ashes thrown in random places of the world even if I've never been to them. I've only been to Mexico, though...TT^TT But Mexico is cool, but now I want to go to Canada, or even a place overseas...If I go overseas I'll try everything to accidentally have to stay there...:D Come one Iceland! Can you puff out one more cloud of ash for me? :D
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
That sounds cool, though. =3
We were having a discussion today about how eventually, they're going to run out of room to bury everyone... =o.o;=
Ahaha XD;; Yeah, that is less gruesome X3;; I see where you're going with that. Maybe it's because you move a lot that you'd want to be a part of many places? X3
Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
Ohhh...that's kinda...strange...My friend buried his dogs (many, many dogs) in his backyard...O.o I spread my cat's ashes over the Franklin mountain in El Paso because we could see it from our house and we were supposed to be able to see it and remember him, but then we moved...>.>
Haha, that's sweet. I think that's what they did to my great grandma. My grandma was buried in Arlington National Cemetery...so she wasn't cremated...O.o
I want to be cremated when I die...but I want my ashes to be spread a bit on each country...XD Haha! So then I'm everywhere! Or something like that....I was going for the less gruesome approach of having my limbs chopped off and buried in random places on each continent...O.o But I don't think that'd be possible, but that's my dream...after death scenario...O.o
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
@Kratos Cruxis:
I stay up all night, anyway. XD I rarely get to sleep before midnight, though I did go to bed around 11 for a couple of days this week.
Yep, looks like it might take a while to completely get over the tension, after all, but I won't worry about it, too much. =^_^=
Thank you =ouo=
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
@Wakusei Aoshi:
No I understand, Our dog was cremated and she's in a bone shaped tin box. X3;; She was a great dog, and it makes me feel weird to think she's on a shelf in our living room. =o.o=
Grandma wanted her ashes spread in her garden which she put a lot of work into, which is pretty cool =3 I think maybe I might be cremated, because there's a tree I'm trying to raise in a pot and when I find the house I'm going to live in, I'm going to plant it in my backyard and let it grow over the years. Then I'd probably spread my ashes around Maggie (what I named it X3) The seeds came from the Magnolia flower that my friend (the one I like) climbed up and picked for me... ~<3<3<3 X3 *flails*
Kratos Cruxis
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
Ah, at least you're starting to feel better
or at peace maybe?A nap is good just don't end up staying up the entire night or something like that because of it .3. Take care~!Wakusei Aoshi
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/17/10 | Reply
My cat was cremated also...I know that sounds kinda rude to compare, but I love animals very dearly so it felt terrible when he died...But seeing the vase he was in...confused me....O.o It's kinda of hard to believe that a person can be in a vase, but they are.
Are you going to spread her ashes anywhere?
And I'm glad you're better!
Aw! I helped you? X3 Yay! ^ ^