After working and working at it, all fourteen characters of my Elements series are drawn! There's not really too much to say about it except... GO LOOK AT THEM IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! Not meaning to sound pushy or anything. =^_^= I wroked pretty hard to come up with them all. Hehe
Now that that little project is complete, I've started doing a little work on my manga again. No uploads tonight, but soon. Then I'll have a request to fill and I'll start doing more fanars with girls in them. Gotta work on that. I'd made it a point to make my specialty guys, but that doesn't mean I should neglect the girls. So... off to expand my skills further! Away! *whoosh*
Also, I post more stuff on as well. Swing by there, read my thoughts, and comment a little. I like feedback A LOT, so it's appreciated. It pumps me up to work more. I'm glad, though, because more people have been commenting on my work. Thank you all for that.
Special shout out to Tifa-chan for the very special fanart she made me. Thanks from the bottom of my manga-lovin' heart! Teehee...
Without, I'd completely lose hope. You stuck around even when others lost interest. You're one-of-a-kind, Tifa-chan! And keep up the good work with your own manga. Good luck! I hope to see it on shelves one day! 
Also, special thanks to Magnus-san and I.A.M.-san for their comments and advice over at myO. It helps me a lot to know your thoughts on my problems. You guys are a big help with that. Thank youz!
Well, that's all for this post. Bai bai! Thanks for reading!
I just got a message from my friend Ranefea (Thanks, if you hadn't told me, I wouldv'e been oblivious =^_^;=) that I've been promoted to Otaku Legend! Yay!
Funny thing is... I don't know what changed to make me a legend. The only thing I'd been doing differently is uploading fanart more frequently. Maybe somebody liked what I did... Or maybe I've just been here that long. It has been over 3 years since I started out as a wee little otakuite (Course... it was just called otaku member back then... I sound old...)
Well, this pumps me up! Whatever the reason, I'm going to try to put more Oomph into all my work! I've improved, but I can still improve. I've got a few ideas for more fanart, plus I have a request to fill out... as well as the remaining 6 in the Element series.
I'm happy! Thanks to whatever or whoever got me to being a legend today! Personal thanks to Tifa.2.The.Max, Ranefea, mrjonessoda, Resalan, Kokoii-Matoku, I Am Manga, and anyone else who has influenced me while I've been here. =^^= You guys are all great! (I should tone it down a bit... I sound like I just won an emmy... =^v^;=)
Bai bai all!