I'm sooooo happy! I'm finally able to relax! No more school for a whole week! *dances the most embarrassing dance possible* Haha I'm embarrassing you all, but I DON'T CARE!!! I'm just so HAPPY!
I am definately gettign used to things around here. It's all so new... *looks around in circles until she's dizzy* Uwah =@.@= *passes out* I am figuring thins out though... little by little. I just need to find out how I can see my own world for myself. *muses* Well, I get it one way or another.
I'm also happy because I'll be able to do some manga this week! Even if it's not a WHOLE volume, it's more than I've been able to do lately. I'm going to do a little work on all of my manga series I've actually finished pencil drawing the next page for Kitty Days in my spare time. And I drew a chapter cover for Full Curse a while ago (also in my spare time). I've almost finished that one Liam fanart (that means computer editing as well), so that one may be up before the manga is.
I'm ALSO super happy because I managed to get through my latest Physics quiz without any anxiety! Well, I did panic before I left the house, but my mom prayed for me, so I felt better. Plus this time, I made sure to put some notes on a note card to help me out. I think my problem was that I knew how to solve the formulas, I just didn't remember what each formula related to. So, I'll be wondering all SB what score I got.
But enough about me... What about all of you?! How are you all? What do you think of Vibrant? And you don't have to restrain your comments to my questions or topics... type anything you want! Tell me how your day was, talk about your favorite food, that sort of thing. No comment is too long. I'd like to kick my first post in V.V. off with a bang, so let the comments rip! =^^=
Have a spectacular day!