Hello there. =^^= Kitty here. Welcome to my site. Feel free to look around. Please read my rants and comment if you have the time. Also, keep an eye out for any manga or fanart updates. If you'd like to chat, feel free to pm me. I'd be happy to talk. Enjoy. =^^=

Other than that, if you don't mind my rants, then read on.

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Keep an eye out here for any update on the Mystery Mini-Project I'm working on. If you figure out what it is I'm going to be doing, you're welcome to speculation, I won't confirm or deny any theories until the right time =3 Thanks for your support~! =D

Other places you might see artwork from me:

DeviantArt: MangaKeri
Tumblr: mangakeri13

Testing this feature here. Since theO doesn't seem to support the default embed I was given, I've finagled it a little so it will show here. This image will take you to a button that takes you to the page XD

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Tagged on dA

So i got tagged on deviantArt and someone wanted to know 8 facts about Water from the mini-project, so I thought I'd share them here, too =3

1. Post these rules.
2. Post 8 facts about your character.
3. Tag 8 other characters.
4. Post their names along with their creators' avatars.


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1. Water is the human embodiment of the element water and is only able to be so for one night to meet one person...

2. Even though he is male, he dresses in a kimono with the obi because he finds it more appealing.

3. Depending on his mood, he can smell like different types of water. When he is happy, he smell crisp and clean. When he's upset, he smells like salt water. When he's forlorn, he smells like petrichor: the smell produced by plants when it rains.

4. He has problems with another sub-element, Lightning, constantly attaching to him. Lightning hangs off him any chance they make eye-contact.

5. Generally he's very polite and gentlemanly, but when around the object of his affection can be surprisingly forward/direct.

6. Even though water as an element has existed for millions of years, he appears to be 25.

7. Has a twin brother which is a sub-element, Ice.

8. His best friends are his brother Ice and the element, Wind. However, he'll often be seen hanging with Gravity, Thunder, Lightning, and Dark when it's time to create storms.

Not gonna tag anyone here because I don't know a whole bunch of OCs to tag and I just tagged people on DA =w= But if you wanna do this one, go right ahead =D

Going to the Bahamas

Well, I leave this Saturday for the Bahamas (well, first Orlando, then from there, Bahamas). I know I'm going to be super nervous about going on a plane for the first time.

I'm also thinking about an old classmate fom high school that I'd recently been talking to/flirting with online. We hung out on Monday, and I had a pretty good time. I think somewhere when I managed to make eye contact for the 15th time I might be falling a bit... Now I can't stop thinking about him... =TT_TT= We were supposed to hang out today (technically yesterday), but things happened to cancel the plans... I wonder if maybe I might've done something to come on too strong? Or maybe my love karma isn't straight... Who knows? I wanted to see him before I left, but I guess I'll have to go an entire week and then some suffering in paradise. lol =^_^= Too bad that it has to happen so close to the date... I'm going to feel like crap for the next day or two depending on what happens in between now and then. All I've been thinking is... it's probably too soon to tell him I like him, even though I had a small crush on him in high school... *sigh* I can only pray that things go in the right direction for once considering my love life. I get tired of tiny pieces of my heart breaking off with each disappointment.

On a lighter note, there'll be plenty of lovely water to look at and swim in. And I get my own room at the villa. I'm not going there for love, just because I may not get another chance. It's too late now to say I won't be tagging along... Non-refundable airline ticket... *shrugs* Not that I would now...

Hopefully it will be a nice fun time and we'll all make it there and back home safely and with all our stuff intact. =^_^= See you guys in over a week, as I will not be bringing my laptop =;_;= Happy trails! *puts on sunglasses* I'm goin' sunbathin'! XD

I'm putting up a quiz!

Yeah... I was going to try to put this quiz up here on theO, but it's format is not built for the type of quiz I want to make. I was planning on making a "Seven Minutes in Heaven quiz" but everything does not sync up. I can only hope they improve ...

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