Here's alittle about me:

Name: Mrs Meghan Burgan

Nickname: Keya Kurasa

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Birthday: May 2nd

Relationship status: Married <3

Sexual Orientation: Proudly bisexual

Favorite colors: Gold, Blood Red, Black,

Style: Goth

Favorite music: I like almost all types…just not rap or new country

Favorite Animal: Cheetah

Favorite flower: Black/Deep Red rose

Likes: singing, drawing, writing, my best friend in the whole world, alone time, Hot Topic, girls, Yuri <3, vampires, death, rain, lightening, darkness, nighttime

Dislikes: stupidity, jerks, preps, self-centered people, people who take me for granted, poor hygiene, emo wanna-bes, bees, spiders, roachs (eww >.<), pretty much any bug who decides to come after me

Pay It Forward

Hey guys! I'm currently in the booming challenge Pay It Forward and looking for anyone who would like me to draw them something. ^^ This is probably the coolest challenge that TheO has ever had, and I'd love for everyone to join if possible!

If you don't know what it is, then click the link. You will agree it's definitely awesome! :) Please remember the rules, if you accept you have to draw something for 3 different people, and it cannot be me.

