So I've been thinking about this for several months now, actually. If I were to start an RP here based on The World Ends With You, would anyone be interested in joining? I'd definitely supply a lot of information and would be open to anyone with questions about how the universe of the game works and stuff for those who are unfamiliar with it. and if anyone would want to co-lead with me, that'd be cool, too.
The basic plot idea is that your character is dead and is competing in a 7 day competition known as the Reaper's Game for a chance to come back to life. In order to participate, they've given up something (person, skill, memories, etc) that was very important to them while alive, and in order to get it back, they have to win or it's lost forever.
(I haven't decided if it should be held in Shibuya or some other major city instead. Like maybe NYC or something? WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?)
BUT YEAH. I just thought it would make for an interesting type of RP. Basically how it would work is that you'd be given "mission mail" (aka a prompt) and you'd have to write a post/series of posts regarding that prompt to fulfill it. It would be things like solving puzzles, fighting enemies/bosses, wreaking havoc, etc. And THEN after everyone finishes, you'd get a new prompt (anyone who has played/knows TWEWY should understand this idea). If we follow TWEWY rules, there would be 7 prompts, but I'd be open to more if people would want it to last for a long time (NEW GAME?). ALSO THE BEST PART IS THAT IF YOU HAVE/WANT TO QUIT FOR WHATEVER REASON, IT'S PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE TO HAVE YOUR CHARACTER DIE BECAUSE TWEWY IS KIND OF LIKE A LAST MAN STANDING THING ANYWAY
It would also give a good chance for collaborating on posts, since you'd be picking a partner for the whole roleplay. (I haven't quite figured out how that's going to work/if i want to do that. In TWEWY, each character has a partner that they play the Game with. Trust/friendship are huuuuge themes of the game, so yah. But I'm afraid that if I follow that for the RP, people would just focus on their character and their partner and not interact with anyone else... BUT IT'S SUCH A HUGE THING WITH TWEWY SO I DUNNO SLKJFLKSD)
I already figure that probably no one will want to. I mean, a lot of people are already juggling several RPs (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, PEOPLE IN MCC, PGR, AND RONH which hasn't really taken off yet but is still a thing. And there are probably many others that I'm missing but shhh). And TWEWY probably wouldn't be that interesting to most when compared to other things which makes me sad because it's my favorite game evar ;w; Also I still have a whole bunch of developing NPCs and stuff that I'd have to do before I could start it up, so who knows when it'd actually open. But yeah lemme know? And spread the word? If there's enough interest, I'd LOVE to do this.
tl;dr: If you're interested, leave a comment or send me a message~
no but guys I've never gotten to use my twewy oc for anything and HER WEAPON IS A FREAKING YO-YO DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW BAMF THAT IS
Hi all, long time no post! seriously i feel like i go longer and longer between posting updates every time BUT MY LIFE IS SO BORING THAT IT DOESN'T MATTER
so yeah. Life updates.
I graduated from high school recently. o3o I won the Most Outstanding Senior award and I got the department awards for Math and Spanish at my school's awards ceremony held the week before graduation so that was cool
AND IT WAS LIKE THE MOST AWKWARD MOMENT OF MY LIFE EVER but I got a plaque so everything is okay
We had a clown as our guest speaker at graduation. BE JEALOUS.
oh yeah, and prom happened. yup. We brought back the shopping cart and sprinkler and the macarena even though they never actually played the macarena. xD Because nobody really dances at prom, right? It's either awesomely stupid stuff like my friends and I do... or grinding.
Also I've pretty much been more social in the past 3-4 weeks than I have been for like 2 years. WAT. Hanging out with people I don't normally hang out with and all that stuff and yah UR BBYGURL IS BRANCHING OUT GAIS
I start college in August. WHOO? That'll be an adventure, especially since I've ended up picking a school that doesn't even have the major I was originally planning on pursuing. Guys, if you knew how much stress picking a school was causing me... sajl;flksdjf;sjk seriously I like cried because I was so confused and I got into all these wonderful schools and I ended up finally picking like 3 days before the national deadline, I think? i also pretty much drove everyone around me nuts with my indecisiveness
BUT I really, really love the school I chose (It was my #1 up until I decided on the major I thought I wanted to do) so I'm hoping everything works out? c:
I also decided to pick a roommate instead of going random, so I'm hoping that works out too and that I don't hate her and stuff
AND ugh
I need to find a job. Like, it's only been summer vacation for 2 weeks and I'm already drowning in boredom and am going through my cash stash way too fast. :c
but finding jobs is haaaard and I've applied to a few places but haven't heard back yet and everyone else has jobs now and dl;kjdlf;kjg
If I don't find one, my mom is going to make me do work study my first semester, which I was hoping I'd be able to avoid so that I could adjust and stuff but oh well
And on the lighter side of life updates:
- I highlighted my hair which was probably the worst decision of my life. I have dark brown/auburnish hair, and these highlights are like white-blonde THE GIRL SAID SHE WAS GOING TO MAKE THEM SUBTLE BUT AHHHHHHHH
- I've been playing Twilight Princess obsessively lately and am at the City in the Sky dungeon. Ohhh yeeeah.
- KINGDOM HEARTS III!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Anime-chan is visiting wooo
- I'm going on vacation next week with a friend
in my future college town so I want to bribe her to let me go visit the bookstore to buy things maybe hopefully
- I spent my entire day today watching I Made America webisodes and I just downloaded Thomas Jefferson's EP. Yuuup. Apparently it just won the pitch contest at ATX? So it might get to become an actual show. yay.
so uh yeah
that's all I've got. xD Hope you all are doing well~
We're reading 1984 in my English class, and we had to go through and watch a powerpoint about it. You know how you've been using sheep puns lately?

I thought you would find this amusing.
My friends aren't crazy and this is the proper way to ask someone if they have a tumblr, RIGHT?
Either way, I do. I've actually had one for a while, but I didn't start using it until... yesterday. xDD
BUT IF YOU HAVE ONE, FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW ME. I'll probably be posting a mix of fandom/irl things.
Hello to my Valentine~ This is my wishlist. Feel free to choose anything you want from the list. Single characters, duos, trios, pairings, or any combination is acceptable. :D If you don't like anything on the list, you can just draw me whatever. I'm easy to please. xD
1) OCs: Here are some of my ocs, if you'd like to draw them.
2) Fandoms: Some fandoms I'm into. Take your pick as to what characters you'd like to draw and such. I don't usually hate any characters.
- Kingdom Hearts (faves: Namine, Riku, Roxas) (pairings: Sora/Namine, Terra/Aqua)
- Final Fantasy (faves: Yuna, Zack, Balthier, Hope) (pairings: Zack/Aerith, Tidus/Yuna)
- The World Ends With You (faves: Joshua, Neku) (pairings: Neku/Shiki)
- Ib (faves: Garry, Ib)
If you could draw them being sibling-like, that would be great. Add in Mary and make it look like Garry's babysitting and it would be even better. Haha!
- Legend of Zelda (pairings: Link/Zelda, obvs. I like their SS designs best.)
- The Sleepy Residents of Birdcage Manor (faves: Kizuna, Yuki) (pairings: Yuki/Kizuna)
- Katekyo Hitman Reborn (faves: Yamamoto, Gokudera, Enma)
- No.6 (faves: Sion, Nezumi)
- K (faves: Kuroh, Yashiro, Fushimi, Yata)
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Spirited Away
Live Action/Other:
- Supernatural (faves: Dean, Balthazar, Gabriel)
- Teen Wolf (faves: Stiles, Lydia, Isaac)
- Legend of Korra (faves: Korra, Asami, Bolin)
So, I hope that gives you some ideas and that you aren't totally overwhelmed by the options. xD I JUST LIKE TOO MANY THINGS.