I missed yaaaa T.T I've been busy studying and crap...lol...stupid college is coming soon for me >_> (I know..I'm old...xD) But It would be an honor if I could be part of the new KHR <33333333 I miss drawing KH fanarts -.-''
Mkaayy I'll fill this appy out~ ;D <3 *getting distracted from homework* lolz~ xD
Character Name: Jeiriin (pronounced: JAY-REEN)
Nickname: Jei-chan, Jei, or JeiJei :3
Age: 17
Originating World: Traverse town (She travels around to different worlds sometimes to look for Cloud)
Brief History/ Background: Jeiriin (at the age of 5) was found by Cloud during a battle and she was pretty much abandoned by whoever her family was, so Cloud kinda just adopted her...A few years later, Cloud leaves Jei with Aerith and he disappears. Jeiriin's constantly searching for her brother or any clues where he might be. (She's basically Akari from my KH comix but with more "Me" in her XDDD)
Love Interests: Sephiroth...xD (Only if you're guna draw him in your manga. If you're not, then I don't need a love interest :P) Whenever she's around him, she stays quiet and trys to get close so she could touch his hair xD (she has a hair fetish...lol)
Fear/ Hate: Hates when her friends argue/fight, scared of Captain Hook (ROFL BAD DREAMS ABOUT HIM), hates falling in dirty water.
Love: Her friends, Sephiroth, meat (mmm steak <3) , and pastries! x3 She can't live without sweets D:
Specialties: Good at cooking, can revive people if they die (she can only do that if she sees the person die right in front of her, and it can only be done once a day), can make anything someone says sound perverted rofl, and can easily make ppl feel awkward ;D
Three words to describe personality: random. caring. loveable.
Good Traits: She will always be there for her friends and would never betray them, good at making up stories in a short amount of time, can dance, very friendly, cuddly.
Bad Traits: Obsessed with hair, talks/confesses her secrets in her sleep, gets hyper easily, can be loud, thinks pervertedly.
Height: slightly shorter than sora..like, just bareellyyy shorter xD
Hair color/ length: Dark Brown, the picture link will show u the length x3
Eye Color: her left eye is pink, her right eye is brown
Outfit color theme: Black, grey, pink, white
Character symbol/ item: She has a bunny plushy with a tophat named Chubby that she likes carrying around. She can use it to cast magic. (i'll draw it in the pic along with her symbol)
Weapon: A big knife that's similar to Cloud's sword. When Jei-chan doesn't need it, it transforms into her bunny plushy. It is very light-weight to her, but it deals alot of damage. It can only do magic in bunny-form...(will draw in the pic)
Major hair fetish...she'll try to touch anyone's hair...even the enemy's...
If it's too quiet, she'll say "Boobies" to break the silence xD
Laughs at almost anything, even if it's stupid
Likes hugging everyone she meets
Scared of Sora's hair cuz she thinkgs it'll stab her
If anyone tries to take her bunny away, she'll cling to the persons body and start shaking the person while yelling "EARTHQUAKE!!!"
Gets cold very easily...even when it's sunny.
Whenever she sees cloud again, she climbs on his back and starts pulling his hair saying "STUPID CLOUD!!"
Doesn't cuss, but she doesn't care if others cuss. She usually uses words like "OH DANG IT!" or "Aww crapperz..."
Constantly wants to hug Sakurie-chan and Sayoko-chan cuz they're adorable! x3 heehee~
gets along well with guys and shy girls.
If she knows someone has a crush on someone, she tries to hook them up ;D
Even though she's perverted, she can be very naive at times...
Likes to jump out at ppl and scare them xD
Even though she's pretty crazy all the time, she can still have her serious moments, like if one of her friends is having a problem, she'll try her best to help them.
When she see's something wrong with someone (ex. like if someone's hair is messed up, or they have a food stain on their face) she'll try to fix it..like a mom would...lol xD
Yay it's done!! I can't wait for the remake of KHR! x3 *glompy* hopefully i'll get to see it when you post it up T.T...
See ya!~ *huggggggg*
--JJ ;]
Last edited by XxAerithXx at 4:18:02 PM EDT on May 5, 2009.
Came across this and thought 'hey, because of Cherry I made a completely useless Kingdom Hearts oc might as well throw him out there!'. Yeah, you probably don't even know who I am.
Application Forms
Character Name: Neil Carmen
Nickname: Stalker, fanboy, creep, pervert
Age (in KH I): 18
Originating World: Uh, Traverse Town
Brief History/ Background: Neil is just your typical background character. Average life, lives with his father...nothing too exciting. However he has an obsession with writing and journalism. Having a writing slump, he hears about all the activity going on with the other characters and decides to make that his next story. Thus he stalks around and gathers information where and when he can. Ironically, he appears bishie like but behaves like your stereotypical nerd, more interested in telling you about his writings than he is actually interacting.
Love Interests: He loves his writing, certain books, and authors. When he sees them he goes into typical fanboy worship. If a girl were to get close to him though by say, taking an interest in his writing, he would probably be very quiet about his crush on them and try to play it off as nothing...although doing something stupid like scribbling their name all over his stuff and acting adorkable. Otherwise he pretty much is stoic towards everyone
Fear/ Hate: He hates it when there's nothing to write about or if things get boring. In such a case if he's annoyed enough he'll purposely do something to cause action to happen.
Love: writing, authors, food, boats, goggles
Specialties: He's a very good writer and can really capture a moment. he can also be very stealthy when he wants to be.
Three words to describe personality: fanboy, stalker, mostly stoic until a story comes along (then it's back to the fanboy excitement)
Good Traits: He can write and manages to gather really important information.
Bad Traits: He also gathers gossip, rumors, and stalks people. Oh, and he won't help out unless it involves the information he gathered or his writing.
Height: (Taller than Sora? a head shorter than Riku? This would be more helpful than an actual feet/inch/cm ^^ ) ._. uh...pretty tall so however tall you want him to be XD
Hair color/ length: Short in back, but the bangs are shoulder length/brown
Eye Color: brown
Outfit color theme: Dark colors like black, blue, brown..maybe tiny bits of red
Character symbol/ item: I don't think he has one. He's just a minor character
Weapon: Not motivated enough to fight. He'd rather write about it. Although I guess if push came to shove he'd use his fists
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): uhhhhh...will draw before May 9th
Anything Extra: He stalllllllks XD
If you couldn't already tell, I've never played the game. D: friends hog the system. But I wanted to be different and thus I made a quirky character. Doubt I'll see him used, but it'd be amusing to see him in the background doing what he does best...stalking
Character Name: Summer (sorry I'm terrible with last names. If you want you can think of one for her)
Nickname: Summer-chan
Age (in KH I): 15
Originating World: Destiny Islands (later moves to Hollow Bastion after Sora defetes Ansem)
Brief History/ Background: Born on Destiny Islands. Close friends with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. When the Islands were destroyed she ended up in Travers Town with Sora. But instead of going with him to the other worlds she stayed with Leon and everyone. Sora made a promise to come back for Summer when he found Riku and Kairi. But he never came back and so Summer traveled with the others to Hollow Bastion.
Love Interests: She crushed on Riku while they were at the islands. But their way of flirting was like best friends. (later goes on to love Axel kh2)
Fear/ Hate: Biggest fear is big storms. hates anything that stands in her way or hurts others
Love: being outdoors, and laughing.
Specialties: smart, making people smile, plays the violin
Three words to describe personality: crazy, sweet, lovable
Good Traits: she is very caring, one of those people who try to make everyone happy
Bad Traits: procrstinator, not the best fighter
Height: tall as sora
Hair color/ length: a golden brow (wavy/curly) half down her back
Eye Color: blue
Outfit color theme: blue and black
Character symbol/ item: cresent moon
Weapon: Midnight Moon keyblade
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/279021/summer_ref
Anything Extra: her pesonality is one of those fun loving ones. Loves to laugh and do crazy things, loves being around her friends. She is very caring. That type of thing.
I dunno if Noah and Eve would adapt well into the storyline here. OTL
But i'll try~
Later. :I
But i'm working on the apps! Really i am!
I need to make new refs too...
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Character Name: Kawazoe Riiya Nickname: Riiya Age (in KH I): 14, almost 15
Originating World: Hundred Acre Wood Brief History/ Background: Born into Traverse Town, she came upon Merlin's little book and found her way inside. She has grown up in the Hundred Acre Wood ever since, and considers Pooh and friends to be the family that raised her.
However, all of her story isn't necessarily true(and I'm sure you know where it isn't =P). She is actually the former wielder of light before Sora, though she can't wield a keyblade(only a weapon similar to it.) After she sees Sora arrive in the Hundred Acre Wood, she wonders if there maybe is another world outside, and she follows Sora outside the book to see the other worlds. Love Interests: (And the way they act toward them could work too)Upon getting to know Sora and discovering his love for Kairi, Riiya lets him go but soon meets Cloud, and she falls for him. They do become good friends, but like Tifa, Cloud doesn't really love her back. Fear/ Hate: Being alone, she hopes that she'll meet someone that will protect her. Love: Pooh and friends, nature and staring at the sky, being with her friends Specialties: She doesn't really have any xD She is able to wield the Zodiac, if that helps xD She can use some magic, but mostly only defensive magic(Cure/Aero/Stop and such) Three words to describe personality: Somewhat Shy, Caring/Sweet, Determined/Optimistic Good Traits: Riiya cares a lot about her friends, often to the point where she'll put them before herself. She's pretty polite to people she meets at first, and she's really persistent and doesn't like to give up. Bad Traits: She's really sweet, almost too sweet. The fact that she's really sweet allows some people to easily take advantage of her and have her heart broken easily. She has a difficult time getting over things, and sometimes worries a bit too much.
Height: A little shorter than Riku...a bit taller than Sora? xD Hair color/ length: Brown, a little past her shoulders Eye Color:Brown(like chocolate brown) Outfit color theme:Reds, Cream and Orange(some yellow, very bright colors in KH1) Character symbol/ item: Special necklace given to her(Link to a piccy with her colors better(ish) and her necklace symbol) Weapon: Zodiac(I will have to draw a piccy and give a link to you soon)
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I):KH1 outfit
I made some slight changes to her KH1 outfit...and it's finally in color!
Anything Extra: Hm...well you know Riiya pretty well xD From our stories and everything...but no, not really xD Everything is pretty much explained above ^^ Any questions, let me know!
I hope this helps you out Sakurie-chan! ^^ If you need anything, I'm here!~(and if it's too much trouble to add her, by all means, don't)
Last edited by aragorn1014 at 12:02:34 PM EDT on June 27, 2009.
Character Name:Kameyo
Age (in KH I):14
Originating World:Twilight Town
Brief History/ Background:Kameyo was a very close friend to a girl named Mia since they were six. However, after Kameyo and Mia had a big fight when they were 8, they went their seperate ways. A few years later, Kameyo was passing by a building at night, when she saw the well-known theif known as "Hakumei"(actually Mia in disguise). She struck Mia through the heart, but realized she struck her ex-friend. After the incident, Kameyo moved to Destiny Island to forget all about what happened.
Love Interests:None(However, she does have a bit of an interest in jocks for some odd reason, she gets a bit nervous and her face looks really red when she's around a guy she likes)
Fear/ Hate:Mia,spiders,feeling pathetic/stupid
Love:Music,chocolate,fighting,video games,the moon,beaches
Three words to describe personality:Calm,regretful,sweet
Good Traits:Good fighter,knows when to be quiet, good-hearted
Bad Traits: Blames a lot of bad things on herself, feels like she's doing something wrong sometimes,regrets a lot of things she did
Height: Slightly taller than Kairi(KH2)
Hair color/ length: Brown, a little lower than shoulders
Eye Color: Dark blue
Outfit color theme:Mostly lavender/purple, but also a little bit light blue and black. And a smidge grey
Character symbol/ item:None
Weapon:Fire keyblade, known as 'Devil's Kiss'
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/287273/kameyo_ref
Anything Extra:Nothing
Last edited by icefoxchan at 5:08:07 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
Adding in last minute oc's and stuff is hard, I know what u mean. XD the plot goes a little wacky when u improvise with different characters, it gets confusing after a while, I was amazed at how many oc's I put into my manga. XD That's one of the reasons I redid L&D :P It's a good idea to get things in order and try sorting it out^^
Ooooh May 9 is Sayoko's B-day~ (my fake b-day on theo too XD lol. What a coincidence)
Can Sayoko still be in it again if it's ok...? XD *hides*
I'll just give u some extra info that I might've not shared already. ^^;
(btw, as long as Sayoko is younger than Riku you can make Sayoko whichever age is convinient for you ^^)
Personality: Very shy and timid, but opens up the more she gets to know you. She acts kinda nervous around Riku (like in L&D) but doesn't realize she has a crush on him since they've been friends since they were little. She is always afraid that she's a nuisance to others and thinks she's useless and truly hopes for a way to please others and be useful to the world. Hair color/ length: cinamon brown/ long. Eye Color: ice blue
Fear/ Hates: clowns, soda, candy (except chocolate, she LOVES dark chocolate :3), make-up, war, overly girly stuff, cockroaches, politics, raw carrots, sports, being useless, etc. XD Loves: friends, crosses, stars, roses, art, dolphins, music, apple pie, black pepper, spicy foods, chocolate, gem stones, snow/ ice, winter, oceans, Riku, etc. Height: Slightly shorter than Riku (as long as the height difference isn't as big like Kaname/ Zero with Yuuki, they're giants compared to her, it's kinda scary XD) you can use the Chocolate kiss pic as a reference if you need to. Outfit color theme: blue and white for 1st outfit, blue and black for 2nd and up. Character symbol: star with wings Specializes: magic/ spell casting Weapon: Star of Light (Keyblade)
I can't wait to read ur manga again, it's just so cute, it's better than real proffesional mangas XDD I get super excited everytime u update a page :3
Keep up the great work~ ^^ *hugs*
Last edited by RSRKingdomStars at 3:09:21 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
yay! i can't wait for KHR! x333
I really look forward to the remake of it~ here's my app!
Character Name: Rei Uruhara
Nickname: none
Age (in KH I): She's not in KHI but in KH:CoM she's 14 so i guess 14 xD
Originating World: Earth(doesn't know it though. found in Disney Castle)
Brief History/ Background: Was raised in Disney Castle but ran away when 12.
Love Interests: Roxas. More best friend relationship rather than Love though.
Fear/ Hate: Death, blood, perverts, brats, not being able to protect her friends, ppl that hurt her friends
Love: Friends, a good fun fight, ramen, pocky, sea-salt ice cream, training, Gummi ships, exploring, learning
Specialties: Taijutsu, sword handleing(her blades only appear when there is darkness nearby)
Three words to describe personality: Tomboy, stubborn,angsty
Good Traits: very protective and knows when she should toughen ppl up. (like for an example, if Sakurie was being shy towards Riku or something, she might tell her to just go on and talk to him or something. xD)
Bad Traits: short tempered sometimes and bad mouth.
Height: A little taller than Kairi but not as tall as Sora(his hair sorta adds to his height LOL)
Hair color/ length: Black and to her shoulder blades
Eye Color: Red(but brown in KH1 lol)
Outfit color theme: Dark colors such as Black, gray, and navy blue
Character symbol/ item: http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/6840/lolswirl.jpg (digimon protection crest. ^^")
Weapon: Heart Blades(still working on the name for the blade type right now it sounds lame OTL): Nightmare and Fantasia
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): uhmmmm coming soon. xDDD again, she's not in KH1, but you can use her KH2 outfit once I have it up
Anything Extra:
Story starts when she's 4 years old
her story sorta not really ends when she is about to turn 16
Brown eyes until her eyes get slit open by Keirx in KH:CoM, then they turn red.
Hair is down to her hips until the end of KH:CoM. The she cuts it to about shoulder length
Goes into a depression from ages 13 - part of 15
Meets Roxas before KH:CoM
Made a promise to Roxas before he disappeared that she wouldn't go into another depression but will act like her true self(the way she acted in the fake twilight town)
Cusses a lot(lol)
Was part of the ANBU Roots during her depression as a stealth ninja to gather information
She's a tomboy that hates dresses, skirts, pink, and other girly things
She's not all crazy about her hair, so sometimes it gets messy.(hence why I usually draw different hairstyles on her. xD)
When insanity or Keirx takes over her, her iris goes yellow and cornea turns black.
Can talk to animals
Can play the violin and is good at soccer
^^" gomen, Rei is such a confusing character. If I can get some more RH pages up it'll make a lot more sense, but alas that will take some time. OTL
well, I hope this info is enough~ if you need anything else, go ahead and PM me! ^^
*hugs* take care!
Last edited by FUNimation at 12:22:12 AM EDT on March 15, 2009.
-Name: Mimi
-Nickname: N/A
-Age: 15
-Originating World: Hollow Bastion
-Brief History: A puppet for Malificent, she is bound against her will to Hollow Bastion, or where Malificent allows her to be. She uses Magic as a form of fighting style, and focuses on Ice magicks, and Thunder magicks. When Riku vanishes from Destiny Island and into Hollow Bastion, she meets him there. She's tried numerous times to escape, but can't. She was expiermented on by "Ansem" as a child, thus creating her powers. (Most of her character is revealed in KH2, if that's needed, I can't type that too)
-Love Interests: Riku (She's known to tease him alot, particularly concerning his friendship with Sora, because she knows it's his soft spot.)
-Fear/Hate: Malificent/Hades
-Love: Music
-Specialties: Perception
-Three words to describe personality: Reasonable, submissive, and quirky.
-Good traits: She's generally optimistic
-Bad traits: She blames herself for everything.
-Height: She's about the same height as Sora, her head reaches his eyes.
-Hair color/length: black, and really long, it reaches her knees.
-Eye color: a bright blue, very similar to Sora's.
-Originally a black satin dress with a blue tie ribbon, soon after it's a green and white outfit (I'll draw that since it's new)
-Character symbol/item: N/A
-Weapon: N/A (uses magicks)
-Link:...UM...I'll get back to you! lol
-Anything Extra: Cloud is very anxious around her, for reasons not explained until KH2, but whenever he's around her, he's very jittery.
AND that's it, hopefully it's not TOO long, yah, I came up with another outfit (which I'll post) so I'll get that up ASAP. ^^
Last edited by haseo luver92 at 2:28:52 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
lol No no, don't worry! I'd love to have summer featured in there. ^^ You're too sweet, don't worry about! lol Plus, it's sorta my fault for not being as active as before.. ;A;
Character Name: Aikiko
Nickname: Aki-chan
Age (in KH I): 13
Originating World: Halloween Town
Brief History/ Background: Aikiko was raised in Halloween Town by Sally, then she heard of other worlds and decided to find a way to travel to them, starting with Christmas Town and such. After she had caused trouble there, she had heard of the Gummi Ship and decided to build a special one of a kind, and thus, brings us to now, when she visits the worlds, some longer than others.
Love Interests: Sora (Whenever she gets embarased around him, she'll start hitting him for some odd reason... xD)
Fear/ Hate: Bugs/Spiders, Perverts, the dark (Not the darkness, just the dark, because shes a looser like that xD), and fish
Love: Pocky, Video Games, Sora's keyblade, Water, flowers.
Specialties: Cooking, Fighting, Pushing Riku's Buttons, smart vocabluary
Three words to describe personality: Crazy, Funny, Happy
Good Traits: Loves to try new things, Kind and sweet, knows when to help somebody out/shut up, Shes a pretty good fighter.
Bad Traits: She can be voilent when shes embarased,
Height: About the same height as Riku
Hair color/ length: Black/A little longer then her ears.
Eye Color: Green
Outfit color theme: Purple colors, streching from darkdark purple to lavender.
Character symbol/ item: Box of Pocky
Weapon: A Fake Kingdom Key thats JUST like Sora's
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): (Uhm.... none at the moment, I'll go do that nao :3)
Anything Extra:
Not much :C
Hope that works! ^^
Last edited by UltimateNejiFanG at 3:05:21 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
Hey Sakurie-chan, its been a while. ^^
I was wondering if you would like to use Summer in your story. Because I know we don't know each other that well, and I feel kinda weird just posting her stuff up if you don't want to use her. I tottaly understand if you don't though. ^^
Any who I'm excited for the new remake. Can't wait to see it ;D
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
I missed yaaaa T.T I've been busy studying and crap...lol...stupid college is coming soon for me >_> (I know..I'm old...xD) But It would be an honor if I could be part of the new KHR <33333333 I miss drawing KH fanarts -.-''
Mkaayy I'll fill this appy out~ ;D <3 *getting distracted from homework* lolz~ xD
Character Name: Jeiriin (pronounced: JAY-REEN)
Nickname: Jei-chan, Jei, or JeiJei :3
Age: 17
Originating World: Traverse town (She travels around to different worlds sometimes to look for Cloud)
Brief History/ Background: Jeiriin (at the age of 5) was found by Cloud during a battle and she was pretty much abandoned by whoever her family was, so Cloud kinda just adopted her...A few years later, Cloud leaves Jei with Aerith and he disappears. Jeiriin's constantly searching for her brother or any clues where he might be. (She's basically Akari from my KH comix but with more "Me" in her XDDD)
Love Interests: Sephiroth...xD (Only if you're guna draw him in your manga. If you're not, then I don't need a love interest :P) Whenever she's around him, she stays quiet and trys to get close so she could touch his hair xD (she has a hair fetish...lol)
Fear/ Hate: Hates when her friends argue/fight, scared of Captain Hook (ROFL BAD DREAMS ABOUT HIM), hates falling in dirty water.
Love: Her friends, Sephiroth, meat (mmm steak <3) , and pastries! x3 She can't live without sweets D:
Specialties: Good at cooking, can revive people if they die (she can only do that if she sees the person die right in front of her, and it can only be done once a day), can make anything someone says sound perverted rofl, and can easily make ppl feel awkward ;D
Three words to describe personality: random. caring. loveable.
Good Traits: She will always be there for her friends and would never betray them, good at making up stories in a short amount of time, can dance, very friendly, cuddly.
Bad Traits: Obsessed with hair, talks/confesses her secrets in her sleep, gets hyper easily, can be loud, thinks pervertedly.
Height: slightly shorter than sora..like, just bareellyyy shorter xD
Hair color/ length: Dark Brown, the picture link will show u the length x3
Eye Color: her left eye is pink, her right eye is brown
Outfit color theme: Black, grey, pink, white
Character symbol/ item: She has a bunny plushy with a tophat named Chubby that she likes carrying around. She can use it to cast magic. (i'll draw it in the pic along with her symbol)
Weapon: A big knife that's similar to Cloud's sword. When Jei-chan doesn't need it, it transforms into her bunny plushy. It is very light-weight to her, but it deals alot of damage. It can only do magic in bunny-form...(will draw in the pic)
Link to Outfit Reference: Linkylinky<3
Anything Extra:
Yay it's done!! I can't wait for the remake of KHR! x3 *glompy* hopefully i'll get to see it when you post it up T.T...
See ya!~ *huggggggg*
--JJ ;]
Last edited by XxAerithXx at 4:18:02 PM EDT on May 5, 2009.
Sage of Magic
Moe Foxgirl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/18/09 | Reply
Came across this and thought 'hey, because of Cherry I made a completely useless Kingdom Hearts oc might as well throw him out there!'. Yeah, you probably don't even know who I am.
Application Forms
Character Name: Neil Carmen
Nickname: Stalker, fanboy, creep, pervert
Age (in KH I): 18
Originating World: Uh, Traverse Town
Brief History/ Background: Neil is just your typical background character. Average life, lives with his father...nothing too exciting. However he has an obsession with writing and journalism. Having a writing slump, he hears about all the activity going on with the other characters and decides to make that his next story. Thus he stalks around and gathers information where and when he can. Ironically, he appears bishie like but behaves like your stereotypical nerd, more interested in telling you about his writings than he is actually interacting.
Love Interests: He loves his writing, certain books, and authors. When he sees them he goes into typical fanboy worship. If a girl were to get close to him though by say, taking an interest in his writing, he would probably be very quiet about his crush on them and try to play it off as nothing...although doing something stupid like scribbling their name all over his stuff and acting adorkable. Otherwise he pretty much is stoic towards everyone
Fear/ Hate: He hates it when there's nothing to write about or if things get boring. In such a case if he's annoyed enough he'll purposely do something to cause action to happen.
Love: writing, authors, food, boats, goggles
Specialties: He's a very good writer and can really capture a moment. he can also be very stealthy when he wants to be.
Three words to describe personality: fanboy, stalker, mostly stoic until a story comes along (then it's back to the fanboy excitement)
Good Traits: He can write and manages to gather really important information.
Bad Traits: He also gathers gossip, rumors, and stalks people. Oh, and he won't help out unless it involves the information he gathered or his writing.
Height: (Taller than Sora? a head shorter than Riku? This would be more helpful than an actual feet/inch/cm ^^ ) ._. uh...pretty tall so however tall you want him to be XD
Hair color/ length: Short in back, but the bangs are shoulder length/brown
Eye Color: brown
Outfit color theme: Dark colors like black, blue, brown..maybe tiny bits of red
Character symbol/ item: I don't think he has one. He's just a minor character
Weapon: Not motivated enough to fight. He'd rather write about it. Although I guess if push came to shove he'd use his fists
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): uhhhhh...will draw before May 9th
Anything Extra: He stalllllllks XD
If you couldn't already tell, I've never played the game. D: friends hog the system. But I wanted to be different and thus I made a quirky character. Doubt I'll see him used, but it'd be amusing to see him in the background doing what he does best...stalking![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/ninja.gif)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/15/09 | Reply
i sent mine in a note. ;3 haha. Good luck with everything!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Character Name: Summer (sorry I'm terrible with last names. If you want you can think of one for her)
Nickname: Summer-chan
Age (in KH I): 15
Originating World: Destiny Islands (later moves to Hollow Bastion after Sora defetes Ansem)
Brief History/ Background: Born on Destiny Islands. Close friends with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. When the Islands were destroyed she ended up in Travers Town with Sora. But instead of going with him to the other worlds she stayed with Leon and everyone. Sora made a promise to come back for Summer when he found Riku and Kairi. But he never came back and so Summer traveled with the others to Hollow Bastion.
Love Interests: She crushed on Riku while they were at the islands. But their way of flirting was like best friends. (later goes on to love Axel kh2)
Fear/ Hate: Biggest fear is big storms. hates anything that stands in her way or hurts others
Love: being outdoors, and laughing.
Specialties: smart, making people smile, plays the violin
Three words to describe personality: crazy, sweet, lovable
Good Traits: she is very caring, one of those people who try to make everyone happy
Bad Traits: procrstinator, not the best fighter
Height: tall as sora
Hair color/ length: a golden brow (wavy/curly) half down her back
Eye Color: blue
Outfit color theme: blue and black
Character symbol/ item: cresent moon
Weapon: Midnight Moon keyblade
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/279021/summer_ref
Anything Extra: her pesonality is one of those fun loving ones. Loves to laugh and do crazy things, loves being around her friends. She is very caring. That type of thing.
SuperBum (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
I dunno if Noah and Eve would adapt well into the storyline here. OTL
But i'll try~
Later. :I
But i'm working on the apps! Really i am!
I need to make new refs too...
Little Sayu (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Character Name: Kawazoe Riiya
Nickname: Riiya
Age (in KH I): 14, almost 15
Originating World: Hundred Acre Wood
Brief History/ Background: Born into Traverse Town, she came upon Merlin's little book and found her way inside. She has grown up in the Hundred Acre Wood ever since, and considers Pooh and friends to be the family that raised her.
However, all of her story isn't necessarily true(and I'm sure you know where it isn't =P). She is actually the former wielder of light before Sora, though she can't wield a keyblade(only a weapon similar to it.) After she sees Sora arrive in the Hundred Acre Wood, she wonders if there maybe is another world outside, and she follows Sora outside the book to see the other worlds.
Love Interests: (And the way they act toward them could work too)Upon getting to know Sora and discovering his love for Kairi, Riiya lets him go but soon meets Cloud, and she falls for him. They do become good friends, but like Tifa, Cloud doesn't really love her back.
Fear/ Hate: Being alone, she hopes that she'll meet someone that will protect her.
Love: Pooh and friends, nature and staring at the sky, being with her friends
Specialties: She doesn't really have any xD She is able to wield the Zodiac, if that helps xD She can use some magic, but mostly only defensive magic(Cure/Aero/Stop and such)
Three words to describe personality: Somewhat Shy, Caring/Sweet, Determined/Optimistic
Good Traits: Riiya cares a lot about her friends, often to the point where she'll put them before herself. She's pretty polite to people she meets at first, and she's really persistent and doesn't like to give up.
Bad Traits: She's really sweet, almost too sweet. The fact that she's really sweet allows some people to easily take advantage of her and have her heart broken easily. She has a difficult time getting over things, and sometimes worries a bit too much.
Height: A little shorter than Riku...a bit taller than Sora? xD
Hair color/ length: Brown, a little past her shoulders
Eye Color:Brown(like chocolate brown)
Outfit color theme:Reds, Cream and Orange(some yellow, very bright colors in KH1)
Character symbol/ item: Special necklace given to her(Link to a piccy with her colors better(ish) and her necklace symbol)
Weapon: Zodiac(I will have to draw a piccy and give a link to you soon)
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): KH1 outfit
I made some slight changes to her KH1 outfit...and it's finally in color!
Anything Extra: Hm...well you know Riiya pretty well xD From our stories and everything...but no, not really xD Everything is pretty much explained above ^^ Any questions, let me know!
I hope this helps you out Sakurie-chan! ^^ If you need anything, I'm here!~(and if it's too much trouble to add her, by all means, don't)
Last edited by aragorn1014 at 12:02:34 PM EDT on June 27, 2009.
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Ooh! You're going to remake it?![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/female-shocked.gif)
Can I ask if you put Roxine and Zeke? ^^
Those two are somewhat inseparable now. ^^" (lol, I need to draw them again)
I don't want to fill up a lot in your comment box here, so is it okay if I send it to you through mailbox?
Can't wait to see the remake. ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Character Name:Kameyo
Age (in KH I):14
Originating World:Twilight Town
Brief History/ Background:Kameyo was a very close friend to a girl named Mia since they were six. However, after Kameyo and Mia had a big fight when they were 8, they went their seperate ways. A few years later, Kameyo was passing by a building at night, when she saw the well-known theif known as "Hakumei"(actually Mia in disguise). She struck Mia through the heart, but realized she struck her ex-friend. After the incident, Kameyo moved to Destiny Island to forget all about what happened.
Love Interests:None(However, she does have a bit of an interest in jocks for some odd reason, she gets a bit nervous and her face looks really red when she's around a guy she likes)
Fear/ Hate:Mia,spiders,feeling pathetic/stupid
Love:Music,chocolate,fighting,video games,the moon,beaches
Three words to describe personality:Calm,regretful,sweet
Good Traits:Good fighter,knows when to be quiet, good-hearted
Bad Traits: Blames a lot of bad things on herself, feels like she's doing something wrong sometimes,regrets a lot of things she did
Height: Slightly taller than Kairi(KH2)
Hair color/ length: Brown, a little lower than shoulders
Eye Color: Dark blue
Outfit color theme:Mostly lavender/purple, but also a little bit light blue and black. And a smidge grey
Character symbol/ item:None
Weapon:Fire keyblade, known as 'Devil's Kiss'
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): http://www.theotaku.com/fanart/view/287273/kameyo_ref
Anything Extra:Nothing
Last edited by icefoxchan at 5:08:07 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Adding in last minute oc's and stuff is hard, I know what u mean. XD the plot goes a little wacky when u improvise with different characters, it gets confusing after a while, I was amazed at how many oc's I put into my manga. XD That's one of the reasons I redid L&D :P It's a good idea to get things in order and try sorting it out^^
Ooooh May 9 is Sayoko's B-day~ (my fake b-day on theo too XD lol. What a coincidence)
Can Sayoko still be in it again if it's ok...? XD *hides*
I'll just give u some extra info that I might've not shared already. ^^;
(btw, as long as Sayoko is younger than Riku you can make Sayoko whichever age is convinient for you ^^)
Personality: Very shy and timid, but opens up the more she gets to know you. She acts kinda nervous around Riku (like in L&D) but doesn't realize she has a crush on him since they've been friends since they were little. She is always afraid that she's a nuisance to others and thinks she's useless and truly hopes for a way to please others and be useful to the world.
Hair color/ length: cinamon brown/ long.
Eye Color: ice blue
Fear/ Hates: clowns, soda, candy (except chocolate, she LOVES dark chocolate :3), make-up, war, overly girly stuff, cockroaches, politics, raw carrots, sports, being useless, etc. XD
Loves: friends, crosses, stars, roses, art, dolphins, music, apple pie, black pepper, spicy foods, chocolate, gem stones, snow/ ice, winter, oceans, Riku, etc.
Height: Slightly shorter than Riku (as long as the height difference isn't as big like Kaname/ Zero with Yuuki, they're giants compared to her, it's kinda scary XD) you can use the Chocolate kiss pic as a reference if you need to.
Outfit color theme: blue and white for 1st outfit, blue and black for 2nd and up.
Character symbol: star with wings
Specializes: magic/ spell casting
Weapon: Star of Light (Keyblade)
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I):
1st battle outfit
If u need anything else, let me know ^^;
I can't wait to read ur manga again, it's just so cute, it's better than real proffesional mangas XDD I get super excited everytime u update a page :3
Keep up the great work~ ^^ *hugs*
Last edited by RSRKingdomStars at 3:09:21 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
yay! i can't wait for KHR! x333
I really look forward to the remake of it~ here's my app!
Character Name: Rei Uruhara
Nickname: none
Age (in KH I): She's not in KHI but in KH:CoM she's 14 so i guess 14 xD
Originating World: Earth(doesn't know it though. found in Disney Castle)
Brief History/ Background: Was raised in Disney Castle but ran away when 12.
Love Interests: Roxas. More best friend relationship rather than Love though.
Fear/ Hate: Death, blood, perverts, brats, not being able to protect her friends, ppl that hurt her friends
Love: Friends, a good fun fight, ramen, pocky, sea-salt ice cream, training, Gummi ships, exploring, learning
Specialties: Taijutsu, sword handleing(her blades only appear when there is darkness nearby)
Three words to describe personality: Tomboy, stubborn,angsty
Good Traits: very protective and knows when she should toughen ppl up. (like for an example, if Sakurie was being shy towards Riku or something, she might tell her to just go on and talk to him or something. xD)
Bad Traits: short tempered sometimes and bad mouth.
Height: A little taller than Kairi but not as tall as Sora(his hair sorta adds to his height LOL)
Hair color/ length: Black and to her shoulder blades
Eye Color: Red(but brown in KH1 lol)
Outfit color theme: Dark colors such as Black, gray, and navy blue
Character symbol/ item: http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/6840/lolswirl.jpg (digimon protection crest. ^^")
Weapon: Heart Blades(still working on the name for the blade type right now it sounds lame OTL): Nightmare and Fantasia
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): uhmmmm coming soon. xDDD again, she's not in KH1, but you can use her KH2 outfit once I have it up
Anything Extra:
^^" gomen, Rei is such a confusing character. If I can get some more RH pages up it'll make a lot more sense, but alas that will take some time. OTL
well, I hope this info is enough~ if you need anything else, go ahead and PM me! ^^
*hugs* take care!
Last edited by FUNimation at 12:22:12 AM EDT on March 15, 2009.
haseo luver92
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
-Name: Mimi
-Nickname: N/A
-Age: 15
-Originating World: Hollow Bastion
-Brief History: A puppet for Malificent, she is bound against her will to Hollow Bastion, or where Malificent allows her to be. She uses Magic as a form of fighting style, and focuses on Ice magicks, and Thunder magicks. When Riku vanishes from Destiny Island and into Hollow Bastion, she meets him there. She's tried numerous times to escape, but can't. She was expiermented on by "Ansem" as a child, thus creating her powers. (Most of her character is revealed in KH2, if that's needed, I can't type that too)
-Love Interests: Riku (She's known to tease him alot, particularly concerning his friendship with Sora, because she knows it's his soft spot.)
-Fear/Hate: Malificent/Hades
-Love: Music
-Specialties: Perception
-Three words to describe personality: Reasonable, submissive, and quirky.
-Good traits: She's generally optimistic
-Bad traits: She blames herself for everything.
-Height: She's about the same height as Sora, her head reaches his eyes.
-Hair color/length: black, and really long, it reaches her knees.
-Eye color: a bright blue, very similar to Sora's.
-Originally a black satin dress with a blue tie ribbon, soon after it's a green and white outfit (I'll draw that since it's new)
-Character symbol/item: N/A
-Weapon: N/A (uses magicks)
-Link:...UM...I'll get back to you! lol
-Anything Extra: Cloud is very anxious around her, for reasons not explained until KH2, but whenever he's around her, he's very jittery.
AND that's it, hopefully it's not TOO long, yah, I came up with another outfit (which I'll post) so I'll get that up ASAP. ^^
Last edited by haseo luver92 at 2:28:52 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
Fire Fox Sakurie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
lol No no, don't worry! I'd love to have summer featured in there. ^^ You're too sweet, don't worry about! lol Plus, it's sorta my fault for not being as active as before.. ;A;
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Character Name: Aikiko
Nickname: Aki-chan
Age (in KH I): 13
Originating World: Halloween Town
Brief History/ Background: Aikiko was raised in Halloween Town by Sally, then she heard of other worlds and decided to find a way to travel to them, starting with Christmas Town and such. After she had caused trouble there, she had heard of the Gummi Ship and decided to build a special one of a kind, and thus, brings us to now, when she visits the worlds, some longer than others.
Love Interests: Sora (Whenever she gets embarased around him, she'll start hitting him for some odd reason... xD)
Fear/ Hate: Bugs/Spiders, Perverts, the dark (Not the darkness, just the dark, because shes a looser like that xD), and fish
Love: Pocky, Video Games, Sora's keyblade, Water, flowers.
Specialties: Cooking, Fighting, Pushing Riku's Buttons, smart vocabluary
Three words to describe personality: Crazy, Funny, Happy
Good Traits: Loves to try new things, Kind and sweet, knows when to help somebody out/shut up, Shes a pretty good fighter.
Bad Traits: She can be voilent when shes embarased,
Height: About the same height as Riku
Hair color/ length: Black/A little longer then her ears.
Eye Color: Green
Outfit color theme: Purple colors, streching from darkdark purple to lavender.
Character symbol/ item: Box of Pocky
Weapon: A Fake Kingdom Key thats JUST like Sora's
Link to Outfit Reference (KH I): (Uhm.... none at the moment, I'll go do that nao :3)
Anything Extra:
Not much :C
Hope that works! ^^
Last edited by UltimateNejiFanG at 3:05:21 PM EDT on March 14, 2009.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
Hey Sakurie-chan, its been a while. ^^
I was wondering if you would like to use Summer in your story. Because I know we don't know each other that well, and I feel kinda weird just posting her stuff up if you don't want to use her. I tottaly understand if you don't though. ^^
Any who I'm excited for the new remake. Can't wait to see it ;D