Kaori: *is smacked* Well...ya see....I kinda got lost...*laughs nervously* and then...there was the whole scene out front...and I couldn't get through becuz of the cops...yeah....that's what it was....but I told the officer I lived here and he let me through....*sighs* I'm sorry Remu.....T.T
Remu: -_- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzz *waking up slowly* Sis? Oh you're back.....wait...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? I was so worried! Sis! Do you have any idea what I went through??? I called your office like twenty times, and I even called the grave-yard keeper. And I called your phone like twenty times, but you left it home! *smacks* DUNSE! Don't you ever do that to me again! I was so afraid you would end up dead like mom and then I would be all alone.....*breaks down and sobs*
Soji: ._. Kaori you've managed to drive Remu into a panic.....*pats Remu*
Yeah, I wanted to add Ryuk so bad...I was glad I did! I almost forgot! lol. But his comment on the book was like he KNEW it wasn't just a normal dropped one. lol. I'm glad you liked it and yeah! UBER fun Collaborating!!! hehe, we have MANY more from now on!
Kaori: He looks really peaceful when he sleeps. o.o....
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
WOW >:3 HAHA Well Now I Guess SK Has Finally Found What He Was Looking For -laughs- xD I'm Glad You Put Ryuk In There I Was Always Wondering How You Would Have Him React To SK ;3 Great Job KIRA! Soon We We'll Have To Collaborate Again >w< Lookin Very Much Forward To It All! -chuckles- Hehehe SK You Passed Out You Idiot
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
Remu: *sobbing uncontrollably*

Soji: ._.; wow she's really attached....but then again you can't blame her especially on the day their parents died........
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
Kaori: *is smacked* Well...ya see....I kinda got lost...*laughs nervously* and then...there was the whole scene out front...and I couldn't get through becuz of the cops...yeah....that's what it was....but I told the officer I lived here and he let me through....*sighs* I'm sorry Remu.....T.T
Kira: Oh...THAT'LL help...>.>'
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
Remu: -_- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZzzz *waking up slowly* Sis? Oh you're back.....wait...WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???? I was so worried! Sis! Do you have any idea what I went through??? I called your office like twenty times, and I even called the grave-yard keeper. And I called your phone like twenty times, but you left it home! *smacks* DUNSE! Don't you ever do that to me again!

I was so afraid you would end up dead like mom and then I would be all alone.....*breaks down and sobs*
Soji: ._. Kaori you've managed to drive Remu into a panic.....*pats Remu*
Lunar Oblivion
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
yeah...that's definitely the LEAST of your problems right now...haha
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
Well we'll have to! *dances* After all, they'll be meeting for lunch!!!
Kaori: Now I just have to get Remu to fix up the Bento. o_o' She's gonna lecture me to death....
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
@Support KIRA:
SK: -.- -passed out on couch-
-chuckles- x3 Hehehe Sucka... Doesn't Even Relize What He's Missing
:D But Yeah I Think The Way This All Panned Out Is AWSOME!! >w< -uber excited now- I Can't Wait Till We Do This Again >:3
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
@The Bone Snatcher:
eh, it's understandable. Must be exhausted.
Yeah, I wanted to add Ryuk so bad...I was glad I did! I almost forgot! lol. But his comment on the book was like he KNEW it wasn't just a normal dropped one. lol. I'm glad you liked it and yeah! UBER fun Collaborating!!! hehe, we have MANY more from now on!
Kaori: He looks really peaceful when he sleeps. o.o....
Support KIRA
Sleeping Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
@Kill Sasuke:
The Bone Snatcher
the Elder God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
WOW >:3 HAHA Well Now I Guess SK Has Finally Found What He Was Looking For -laughs- xD I'm Glad You Put Ryuk In There I Was Always Wondering How You Would Have Him React To SK ;3 Great Job KIRA! Soon We We'll Have To Collaborate Again >w< Lookin Very Much Forward To It All! -chuckles- Hehehe SK You Passed Out You Idiot
SK: >x< Oh Shut Up...
Kill Sasuke
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/31/09 | Reply
Kira and RAMBO sitting in a tree