a small decision...

The night of the 16th of January 2023...

The outskirts of Tokyo, in a penthouse, an empty dark room with a Victorian chair in the middle, through the only glass window as big as a wall...someone was sitting in the chair admiring the view of the world...the Human World...
Another person approached the chair, he was standing somewhere near the back of the chair, but not too close to it.
“Ojosama...the Balance has just changed a while ago...”
“Yes, Higashi, I noticed, no big deal...”
“The person was a killer ojosama, who should have kill at least 4 people in the near future, but he is dead ojosama.”
“He’s death wasn’t of natural causes...he had a strange death, a lot of blood coming from his body although he was very healthy...”
“May, may...another one...”
“Yes ojosama.”
“When did this happen?”
“A couple of days ago, I can not tell exactly, it takes time for the Balance to change if the person is not important...”
“It’s all over the news...”
“You know I never watch the news.”
“Yes, I know, that is why I told you.”
Mendokuse na...(How troublesome...)” *sob*

From the right corner of the window someone came through the wall, a person with blue short hair covered in a beautiful blue Greek style clothes, it was Mier, the guardian.
“Miss...? It’s a Death Note, but it was not recovered...yet...” she said.
“Yes, I know.” I replied “Kita is very busy right now, with other stuff.”
“Like what, may I ask?” said Higashi not very calm.
“This and that...” I said

In that moment Kita entered the room, through a wall...they never use the doors, with a bunch of books and notebooks.
“I’ve just finished your Geography and History of Music homework, miss”
“That was the STUFF that you were doing?” yelled Higashi pissed.
“Yes...” answered Kita calmly.
“Ojosama!!” yelled again Higashi, asking for an explanation.
“What?!...you don’t have to shout, somebody’s got to do it and anyway he is very good at Geography...” I said.
“Yes, I understand, BUT that SOMEBODY has to be you ojosama, ‘cause you’re attending school not him...” said Higashi.
Hai, hai, hai...but don’t get mad on me my dear Higashi...go please and call the others, we’re gathering for a meeting.”
Chi...yes, right away, ojosama.”

The room where they were gathered looked like a normal livingroom with sofa and some chairs and a glass table, with a small library in one of the corners and a very big glass window.
Kita, Miami, Higashi, Nishi, Lasuto were all present and Mier was somewhere in the room too. J.J entered with the nanny at her side.
“Nanny, please serve them some tea or whatever they wanna drink or eat.”
“Yes, ojo-san, right away.”
“Now, that everyone is gathered here, let us talk; Mier thinks it’s a Death Note...Nishi will check out later to see if that is true.”
“Yes, madam.” She replied.
“What’s the next step?” asked Higashi still pissed.
“We wait...and watch.”
“This should be interesting, I love to watch...” said Lasuto.
“But ojosama, we can find the owner in a few moments.” said Higashi not so ok with my plan.
“Who the hell said IT is really a Death Note?” I yelled, “And for once in a while, let me do my job!!” I said, also pissed.
“Yes ojosama...” said Higashi still grumbling.
“So...if it’s a Death Note...it has an owner, my recovered was kind of busy...with my homework so we didn’t get our hands on it before it got owned, zannen desu yo...
“You think this KIRA is going to be THE ONE?” asked Minami while smoking and doing different shapes with the smoke in the air.
“I don’t know if we should call him/her KIRA yet, maybe it was a coincidence.”
“Yeah right...”
“Shut up Higashi!” I yelled again, “Or it was a test or something and the owner got scared and tossed it...Nishi will recover it if that happens...”
“This should be fun.” Said Minami excited.
“Yes...if this is a KIRA, hope it’s better then that last LAME one...” continued Higashi satisfied.

That last of his affirmation made my blood boiled...it made me mad and looked at Higashi like I was about to cut him in pieces, with one gesture I knocked him by the wall.
“Light was NOT LAME!!!”
“He was maybe too obsessed with the God thing, but that may be all...said Lasuto trying to calm things down.
I was almost calm and I said
“Now, now, look what you did Higashi, a big hole in the wall...”

Nothing said a thing and did nothing...and with no other comments I tried to got back to the main subject. Nanny was serving treats...
“Yes, that too, but who blames him, with that kind of power who wouldn’t? BUT that wasn’t it, it was the fault of that STUPID Misa and the mistake that Mikami Teru did that cost him his life and Light’s life too...”
“Do not worry mistress, we’ll keep an eye on things.” said Minami to escape the LIGHT subject while eating some dark chocolate.
“Yagami Light” the name wondered in my mind and I sobbed...
“Miss? Are you all right?” asked Nishi worried.
“Is this a beginning of a new era? Did he sent or had prepared a replacement? But why now? all of a sudden...or did someone inherited a Death Note? Or is this just a simple coincidence and it’s all in my mind, why did I think of KIRA, only because I miss those times...or do I need those old times...or I just need an excuse to do something?...I don’t know...damn...”
“Miss?” asked Nishi again...then I snapped out of my thoughts...
“I don’t believe in coincidences mistress...” said Minami.
“We’ll find out miss.” said Kita.
“Yeah...ih!!” said Higashi while still trying to get up from the fall.
“This is the perfect chance to settle some old debts.” I said that while making a sound of braking with my left hand. “Just be patient please...” I said calmly, “Nishi keep an eye on things, all of you and if you find the owner and he/she is no good...get the Death Note, make him/her toss it or something anyway...think of something to get it, because I wanna see which Shinigami it belongs to.”
“I guess tomorrow you’ll not attend school?” asked Kita kind of disappointed ‘cause he worked hard on my homework.
“That is not true, tomorrow I have a lot of practice, it’s practice day, I have to practice the drums you know and I have sport too, I won’t skip school for a simple thing like the death of an unimportant person” I said very happy, “now, if that is it...end of story!”

Everybody lived the room after they ate, but Kita and Higashi went in another direction opposite direction of their rooms.
“Kita...” whispered Higashi.
“You challenged her again with your words, you’ll never learn my friend.”
“Shut up, I know what I’m saying.”
“You can not disobey a direct order from her, she knows what she’s doing.” Kita said.
“And mostly never talk bad about LIGHT YAGAMI.”
“Damn it, she is getting too involved in this stupid world again.”
“If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t be here...we would be 3 ft underneath grounds.” said Kita “You should be grateful...you know.”
“Yes I know that, that is why I’ll never let her do something foolish that could hurt her in some way...”
“Oh dear, here we go again...” said Kita “But in the end you’ll always fallow her even in hell, like a dog follows it’s master...” ended Kita, “Good night, my friend.”
Hai hai, oyasumi...

Sorry for the delay, but I had school and kept me busy...
This is the first appearance of my character, hope you find her interesting
If you do not understand what is the plot...or what is going on...who is who, what is the Balance and other stuff...that means you didn't waste 10 minutes of your precious time to check out the long version of J.J's profile (you can find it in my world : J.J - Death Note Character - KIRA's KINGDOM, you can find directions to the long vers. profile in the profile posted on the KINGDOM too)
Hope you like J.J ^^
