In the memory of the dead...

The 26th of January, Friday
Again I have slept for 3 school, just sleep and no bad dreams either...well no dreams at all...that is kind of boring. I’m feeling very good today, my body is completely healed up, no tiredness lies in it anymore...I could sleep longer, but no, I had to wake up...because today is a very special day for me.
No school today. Today I’ll visit an old friend, I’m doing this for 10 years now and I’m gonna do it until the end of time. Every year at this date I visit the ruins of the church where you died, it’s always full of flowers everywhere you look, all kinds of flowers, from across the’s the least I could do for you...Mello. Rest in Peace my dear Mihael Keehl...

The night of the 27th of January, Saturday, 23:40
In Shinjuku it was raining with thunders and lightnings...the lights gone out...and they got back again...I was on the sofa playing absent with Asahi...and thinking of...
So this is how your day is going to start...with a heavy rain...or this is just to wash all the evil away, although you are not in this world anymore, you still do a great job in caring...
Minami and Nishi were in the living room with me, he was smocking like always and she was reading a passage from the Coran. Kita and Lasuto were still on the field, doing the last round and Higashi was resting in his room. After a long silence Minami said
“So...tomorrow is the day...”
I couldn’t get a word out of my mouth.
“If in 10 minutes she doesn’t make a move we are so on...” Minami smiled very excited
It was like I wasn’t even in the room, or the room was empty...
“Mier...” I finally said a word...
“Yes J.J-sama”
“Are you watching the strings?”
“Yes miss, I always watch them...”
“Still nothing?”
“Nothing changed....yet, miss” after she said that she disappeared

23:59:57...58, 59...0:00

The big clock from the holway started to anounce that it’s midnight...and the lights went out again....this time they didn’t come back...everyone was present...around me....we all waited for the clock to stop...

“J.J-sama...the strings....are moving...and 50 of them just brock down...” Mier said.
“So it has begun...finally you made your move...” I said with an evil smile on my face.

Sorry it took me so long to post the day of the 28th, but I was busy with school ^^, soon I'll post some more, but since then enjoy my lil' post.
