This is a world dedicated to my manga, Konstantine. By the way, it has nothing to do with the Kyon Oreeves movie... Its about a girl and her quest to find her best friend who ran away. Read below for more details ~~

How should it end....??

it will end in Egypt, that i know.... but i think there will be a war after Konnie and Angus meet with Sarasa...OOH I KNOW!!!

Konnie will gather as many refuges as she can and then they will get all the kids from the Academy (somehow) to fight against the army that is trying to kill the Shadow Animals. And then of course the Shadow Animals will win, and they shall all have cake.

But what about Konnie's love interests? I have made a couple comics of her life in the Renaissance period (when she meets Leonardo Di Vinci) but what will happen to Justinian and Michaelangelo when the war is over? Will she go back to their dimensions? which one will she choose? Who will Angus choose?!Guienevere is dead, so who will love him?! Will it be Konnie?! I DON'T KNOW!!!!! GYAAAHHHH i will consult Kyra!!! too bad i don't have her number or address so i'll have to wait another 2 months for school to start back up...

Plot Happenings! (really important!!!)

After the Renaissance (I have it all planned out how it's going to work) they will go to Egypt, where they will finally find Sarasa!!! She has become a rougue, free from all burdens!!! I made a timeline of actions and how things will go from the Renaissance on:
Middle Ages

-Jump through Portal
-Land in Forest
-gets information about location from a peasant
-Konstantine gets to know Angus
-Meet Justinian
-Meet Augustine (a shadow-human)
-Konnie has to leave Justinian to continue quest to find Sarasa
-Genny dies from plague
-they leave just as Augustine kills Justinian


-Talk to maids and little girl to find out where they are
-meets the artists (except for Leonardo)
-Runs away to find Sarasa again
-Sees Justinian's children with one of his mistresses (Irelynd) and Irelynd tries to kill her.
-Leonardo finds the disheveled Konnie and he returns her to Michaelangelo (her new love interest)
-Angus and Konnie remain in Italy for a few more months
-they get seen fighting a shadow animal sent by the Academy in an attempt to get them back and they must flee.
-They take a portal to Egypt


-They both start out stranded in the desert
-they approach a pyramid
-finds Kyrapatra (OC) trying to sneak out.
-they meet Sean Caesar (OC) and help him find her.
-they are all companions until Mark Dawson (OC) tries to court Kyrapatra and kills Sean Caesar.
-Konnie and Angus flee I side one of the older pyramids during the time when Kyrapatra and Sean Caesar are killed. (I might have my History wrong. It could be Caesar who's trying to kill her) and then that's where they find Sarasa.
-she got adopted by a tribe of Shadow-Cats and she refuses to go back to the Academy because there's going to be a big war between the students, teachers, and shadow-animals. It turns out the teachers were training the students A's their own little soldiers to fight in a war against the Shadow-Animals, who are just trying to defend themselves. you find out that the teachers at the Academy they struck out against the Shadow-Animals just because they were scared of them, not because they were trying to hurt them.

So, what do you guys think??

The Renaissance!

I have decided where Konstantine and Angus should travel next!!! They shall go to the Renaissance in Italy!! They're going to meet Leonardo Di Vinci, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. (yes, I know they're the ninja turtles). And not to mention.... WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE!!!!!! Also maybe Galileo. I'll get into more detail later. Just thought I'd let you know! And they're all going to be around the same age, like they're not going to be really old men (except for Galileo) they're all gonna be around 19. Young Renaissance men are SEXY!!! (I will use that word a lot) ciao!!!

Weird Switcheroo

When i first started drawing Justinian, i thought "I want a boy with long arms". And after drawing him i decided he would be Konnie's brother, who was just entering the Academy.

But then, as i was drawing the comic for the Medeival Throne Room in KonstnatineI decided to make him her love interest!

I know, weird, right???????

Any ideas?

I am having a hard time deciding where Konstantine and Angus should look for Sarasa next. So I would like some ideas, and you can just leave em in the comments below.

They can go anywhere interesting, preferably a certain time period and/or country. For example, right now I have them in medeival Europe. They could go to present day America, or during the Renaissance in Italy, or something like that. Anything that'll create a good plot and subject matter to work off of.

So go crazy! (this is starting to bizarrely sound like a challenge, but actually I just want some ideas. And maybe I'll even choose more than one.)