は じ め ま し て !
Hitomikawa TRU at your service! Welcome to CLOVER, my blog site!
だ い す き だ よ - ん や !
は じ め ま し て !
Hitomikawa TRU at your service! Welcome to CLOVER, my blog site!
だ い す き だ よ - ん や !
It's been decided.
Obviously, I don't have the capacity nor the attention span to ever be a good mangaka (not that I ever thought I would be, though). I've found my real talent: music. If you don't believe me, take a look at this:
Yes, that's me. I've chosen the name "Faithe Todd" as my stage name and I'm writing my own music.
No, I'm not leaving TheOtaku. I'm just... changing my motives.
So from now on, I'll be posting a song title at the end of everything (except my artwork, of course - I'll be putting it in the description). That way, I can share my musical taste and show you a song or two that you didn't already know about.
So, if you've got a YouTube account, message me! Make sure you include your username, so I know I'm not being stalked! >__