lol me rest??? tell that to my slave driver of a mom who forces me to go to work with her even tho i just recovered from a fever and still coughing, and now my fever has returned =.= hope i make it thru the wknd XD
lol the life of faroe, i should make a documentary on that and put it on history channel or discovery channel XD hahaha
chibi andy
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
lol me rest??? tell that to my slave driver of a mom who forces me to go to work with her even tho i just recovered from a fever and still coughing, and now my fever has returned =.= hope i make it thru the wknd XD
lol the life of faroe, i should make a documentary on that and put it on history channel or discovery channel XD hahaha
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/10/09 | Reply
Oh goodness! I am sooo sorry your sick! You should rest and drink lots of soup and you know what... you should do lots more resting up!!!!!
Oh and I write about my life in my diary too. Stop by and read it someday